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Everything posted by yark14

  1. Looks like we'll be facing the Rangers! I'll be at game 3 (and maybe 4 too).
  2. They need to dust off the Tom Emanski VHS's...
  3. I thought about doing that too, but I think if we end up playing Tampa I'll use the refund towards potential ALCS games against Houston (and really splurge).
  4. Just bought my ticket for game 3 of the ALDS in Arlington (I live in Austin so it's an easy drive up). If there is a game 4 I'll probably stay in town and catch that one too.
  5. Texas. For the pure reason that I live in Texas and it's an easy drive up to Arlington to catch some games.
  6. He is looking healthier than he has been in recent years. When they had him in the booth last year )or the year before?), he seemed really out of breath and heavier.
  7. Boog is a national treasure. It's amazing how sharp he still is.
  8. He only adjusted his helmet 6 times rounding the bases. I've seen him do it 8 or 9 times before.
  9. He had a meeting with his AARP rep. Nothing to worry about.
  10. There needs to be some sort of profit sharing with the city and state if Little John is going to continue to keep the payroll low and pocket the revenue sharing checks from the MLB.
  11. I want to see Kjerstad break baseballs in half and Westburg to get consistent at-bats. Other than that let the big dogs rest.
  12. Great. Now win postseason games. Little Pete doesn't deserve any credit or gratitude. This whole situation shound never have happened.
  13. That was so awesome. Where else do you see so much camraderie across all levels?
  14. He just needs to bring his track spikes to the ballpark. He can leave his bat and glove at home.
  15. Hearing that comparison to Arrieta definitely had me thinking. Definitely see the similarities in stuff and how they attack hitters. As far as demeanor, both are quiet - however Arrieta was an intense quiet and Bradish is more of a focused quiet - more relaxed.
  16. Thank you so much for sharing. Incredible.
  17. Nice, and expected gesture. I was hoping they'd go with having BROOKS written across the sleeve.
  18. If I ever hear Bordick say "the crusher" one more time, I'm not going to cut my ears off....I'm going to cut my whole head off.
  19. If I hear the radio crew say "Ribeye Reese Levin" one more time I'm going to cut my ears off.
  20. That's why bullpen sessions and simulated games exist. They'll give him a chance to rest while also keep him stretched out.
  21. Keeping my eyes on the Cubs/Braves series. Could have an impact...
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