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Everything posted by yark14

  1. I've been tempted to start a "Your mom vs. everyone else" thread for quite some time.
  2. Humans playing baseball. "Keep your gratitude higher than your expectations" - Ray Wylie Hubbard
  3. My only fear is injuries.
  4. That was great of him to be there. Felix truly is a class act. So, I speak *some* Spanish - mostly just basic conversations. I usually listen closely to interpreted interviews like this as a learning exercise. Of the native-Spanish speaking Orioles of recent years, I've always found Felix to be the easiest to comprehend - very smooth, relaxed way of speaking without a sharp accent.
  5. I think if he looks good in spring training, he stays with the team until close to the trade deadline. His bat plays well in Camden (or whatever our stadium will be called) and Elias/Hyde value lefties. With that said, I wouldn't mind trading him if we got an interesting young lottery ticket or two. Kjerstad needs AB's.
  6. It would be cool if they did some sort of bonus system for low draft picks that rise up to the higher levels of the minors. Like if you're a 18th round draft pick, you get like a $25k bonus for being promoted to AA, then a $40k bonus if you make it to AAA. That way those kids that get almost no signing bonus get rewarded for working hard and playing well (and don't have to live off ramen noodles).
  7. Seems like Hays is the fisherman of the team.
  8. He'd wake up one morning, look out the window to his river, and see Gunnar and Grayson in a deer stand.
  9. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2023/12/braves-release-matt-carpenter.html Could Elias go after Carpenter to be the past-prime cheap veteran signing a la Odor, Frazier?
  10. Thanks for sharing. I was 9 at the time. Grew up in very rural Iowa, but I had a great uncle that lived in Baltimore that would mail me game programs, copies of the Sun after big games, memorabilia, and baseball cards. I remember having a Calvin Pickering "rated rookie" type baseball card...perhaps Ryan Minor as well. Really interesting to look at guys like Chris Kirgan that I was never aware of at the time, but put up massive numbers...yet flamed out in the high minors.
  11. Agreed. Boras has one job: to get his clients as much money as possible. We all know he isn't above exaggerating or even lying in order to prop up his clients value.
  12. Now we just need a 2B that is past his prime to clog up the infield.
  13. Not happening. He signed with the Cardinals. Wonder what the dollar figure on the deal is. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2023/11/cardinals-kyle-gibson-agree-to-deal.html Kind of surprised he signed so early in FA.
  14. yark14


    Is this Trevor Bauer's burner account???
  15. yark14


    I don't want him anywhere near our young players. We clearly have an excellent clubhouse chemistry that is more valuable than anything he can bring on the field.
  16. If/when he makes the majors, Enrique Bradfield will take the crown as fastest Oriole ever. He's faster than Mateo, IMO.
  17. That is awesome! On a side note: Chris Rose probably makes a fraction of what he did with Fox Sports and MLB Network, but I bet he is a lot happier doing the YouTube gig.
  18. Just offer Grayson Strider's deal and put the ball in his court. I'd be perfectly happy with that deal.
  19. Dang, tough loss. Rangers are leaving Scherzer off their roster, so maybe they cancel each other out
  20. I'm looking for people to start spelling Hays correctly.
  21. Same surgeon that did John Means' TJ. With how good Means is looking right now, seems like a good choice. Wonder if Bautista will stick around the Dallas area and do his rehab at the same training center that Means did?
  22. He made a snarky comment or two about his time with the Orioles....but that is understandable considering he came up during the era where top O's pitching prospects failed every time. Our pitching development was pure dog crap for most of the 2010's. I give him kudos for surviving that era and signing a big FA contract.
  23. I agree with this and the reasoning. I like the lefty Means at home game 2 and Grayson on the road game 3. Don't forget that Grayson made his debut on the road against the Rangers (I was there), so it's not an unfamiliar stadium. Plus, as a Texan he'll surely have lots of family and friends there for support (plus me shouting as loud as I can from section 108).
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