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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Is Broxton on contract beyond this season?
  2. Son of Tom, Named after Churchill.
  3. Chris Lee was released the other day, so I don't think we have to worry about him. Dietz can't find the strike zone to save his life in Frederick.
  4. Akin strikes out the side in order, all swinging, to start the first.
  5. So he will be back with the Orioles? Got it.
  6. They didn't want to have to use Wilkerson for another shutdown inning.
  7. RHP Matt De La Rosa was placed on the 7 day IL in the corresponding move.
  8. It just so happens they needed him in his hometown.
  9. Even "rentals" that have been having good seasons like his usually go for ATLEAST a "potential fringe 40 guy from AA."
  10. "Average arm and smooth swing," is how they classify the higher paid of the two. Please, someone attach that "oh..." gif...
  11. At immediate first glance, this seems like a super low sell.
  12. Might need to buy stubble first.
  13. 100% serious. It was mentioned by Roch. Just don't know if he fouled it off his leg and went down, or just fouled it off and stumbled.
  14. Does it count if you're crying while laughing during games like this?
  15. Stewart went 0-2 during his rehab game tonight and was removed in the 5th for a pinch hitter. He also apparently fell to the ground after fouling a ball off and had to be helped off the field.
  16. At this point, does it really matter? Try Mason Williams. Bring back Jace Peterson, Chris Bostick, hell, just bring up Ademar Rifaela. It is just stupid seeing these plays and these players seemingly get zero repercussions for it, joking in the dugout, ect.
  17. Sisco named his 3 scariest monsters: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Buck Showalter.
  18. I know. But one can dream. I think. How Hyde isn't a raging alcoholic during some of these post games is beyond me.
  19. Well, if Shepard hadn't pitched tonight for Norfolk, could of brought him up for someone. Maybe IL Bundy if he injured something during his "stop/start" warm up earlier. Or DFA Smith Jr, Davis, Broxton, ring every GM on their phone about Villar, ect.
  20. The biggest issue is still Davis. All that money and can't be bothered to stretch for a ball hit next to him, or even look at first on a third strike that bounced well away from the catcher... Or they can send some players out that should know this was pretty much their only shot at the majors. It could resonate for a week or a little more.
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