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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. Let me try and find it again. I saw the tweet while at work and it wouldn’t let me paste it on here. I don’t remember who it was and it was about 5 hours ago. Knowing my luck, it was a typo and got deleted.
  2. Just saw that players on the 60 man roster do NOT need to be put in the 40 to play in games (regular ones, not inter squad.)
  3. Probably waiting on word about the Fall League and when it starts/the roster stuff for it.
  4. Depending on where they play/practice and how tight they close the place down, it would still be possible to observe at certain places.
  5. Once rosters come out, I’ll try it on MLB The Show.
  6. Hopefully in 10 minutes we get an update on the roster.
  7. I think it really depends on what they decide to do for the Fall Leagues. If they cancel it, then no problem with doing that. But if they have the “expanded” league like they were talking about, I could see them just having them workout and then go to that league instead.
  8. You also get to hear more about players that are new to the team. Didn’t hear much about Severino or Sisco either.
  9. I think they might keep both of them and not have Holoday on the 40 right away. I suspect they probably take a longer look at Sisco but use Severino if/when one of the younger guys comes up to pitch. Plus, keeping both around incase of an injury (or virus scare) would be smart. They will probably also add Adley, unless they get a heads up about a Fall League and roster construction for that.
  10. So, if the Orioles open at home, I’ll be watching the game in person at the stadium... From the balcony of the hotel across the street. Either way, live baseball!
  11. Before the increase in Florida and Arizona, there had been talks about increasing the “Fall League” to both Arizona and Florida, along with making it longer. It seemed like a modified “Arizona/Gulf Coast League” type thing, but teams could send a lot more players/have their own team.
  12. I wonder how “options” and being “sent down” will work...
  13. Until I see Gunnar play, I’m leaning towards Adam Hall.
  14. Yes. They are known as the “Down East Wood Ducks” in the A+ (Frederick) league.
  15. I’m going. I have had to work the entire time and come in contact with potentially thousands of people a day, in close proximity, at my job. Might as well do something I really enjoy while being less exposed. ?
  16. We really won’t know how his drafts went for another 4ish years.
  17. There are going to be a lot of really good JUCO teams...
  18. If he turns into Mike Trout 2.0, I could see a bunch of “what if” anger boiling up in people. But, to be fair, I’ll re ask this: Cito Gaston or Mike Elias?
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