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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Not sure, Im in agreement with bona fide deals on the table. Is he kicking the tires, so he can report back that he tried? There is money to be spent, and they are not spending it.
  2. small bottles, as we are in covid times, we cant share drinks lol
  3. Is this we sit around the campfire and sign Kumbaya my Lord, and pretend everything is peachy?
  4. Get a grip? They broke .500, in spite of their GM refusing to admit they were making a try for the WC and the deals he did at the deadline that weakened the team and didnt really do anything to help the help even long term. Yes, lots of solid young pieces, this is the time to add to those young pieces. Playing money ball, is hard to justified, especially with the extra disney money every MLB got this year.
  5. The warning flags are out there, for sure. We all hoped to never relive the 14 years of hell when the team sucked badly. We thought we were heading that way to repeating history, when they finally turned things around last year, and played better than we had hoped for. Now we have this, which leaves this fan, in disbelief. They want to make lots and lots of money off the team, and thats their main goal. Im too old for this crap. Sorry for the rantings.
  6. In this market with crazy monopoly money, he is liable to get it to. It helps that he is a lefty.
  7. I would have gone after Verlander, just to have his wife in attendance at games. In memory of Scotty, here you go ole buddy.
  8. I saw something over the weekend that the proposed Judge deal, would have been rejected by MLB as too much deferred money, trying to sneak around the cap.
  9. A bit depressing to think all the studs they drafted after Mussina didnt pan out as planned.
  10. Didnt the Dodgers win a WS, with a less than stellar SP staff one year? They had so many injuries, they lost their entire 5 and their in system depth. They ended up grabbing people like Bud Norris, who actually pitched well for them.
  11. I thought the Padre's inked 1.2 Billion for their Cable TV deal, Granted that is spread out over the course of the contract, but still has to factor in, not to mention the Disney money this season, that everybody got.
  12. The Padres sport pages would lead one to believe they want to keep Manny, and not see him use his opt out.
  13. thats my problem. Gibson was a bit better career wise, but this past season, the younger Lyles out pitched Gibson. We need 5 solid arms to pitch on their scheduled turn, I dont care if they are middle or back end. Ideally, every rotation needs a TOR Ace to set the tone for the staff.
  14. Your right, its more about whom they get and not when they sign them. Lots of time for Elias to act. Just not having warm fuzzies on what his targets are.
  15. Cal hit his peak at 30, and nailed an 11.5 WAR / 9.2 oWAR. He was solid offensively until hitting a .9 oWAR at 39, thats 8 seasons.
  16. Easy to hide and say you are having zoom meetings, when you dont have to wine and dine them.
  17. somebody check the spiked eggnog, think somebody has had too much.
  18. Yes, at the condiment table next to the tables, beside the concession stands out in left field. They were at the table with the mustard and ketchup dispensers and forks, too.
  19. They had them out, in August when I was there to see Mancini.
  20. I wish they would turn those left field sites back towards the field. The ones down at the end of the foul line..
  21. Coming in with a new handle after being banned, is against the rules, isn't it? Now its all coming clear.
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