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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Sounds like this season is becoming more and more like the movie major leagues.
  2. its called scattered. It has rained at my work, and 12 miles away, my house is dry, and I am sure, there are times its been reverse. Going off path. Ive been traveling in the hills of Ky, and have actually driven out and into rain showers. Bizarre, to see the pavement wet or dry and change as you drive.
  3. Typical hot and humid summer day in our area. Pretty much count on the threat of a heat related thunderstorm.
  4. Go back in time, and I remember the Orioles manager, moving his guys around, so heat, didnt throw back to back with heat and vice versa. I also remember, Oriole throwing soft tossers like Moyer at somebody and then bringing heat from the pen, and watching them wave at air. But you are right, if its only six hitters and then pitcher change, really doesnt matter.
  5. Heat to a slow throwing, is a good way to disrupt the batter's timing.
  6. I dont consider Sisco a good option behind the plate. Only 1 DH, and too many options.
  7. There are some nice AAA stadiums not in use, and its not like fans will be in attendance.
  8. Reminds me of Charlie Sheen pitching and knocking the head right off the stand in wooden batter.
  9. I was so glad he passed on being manager here. I know Buck was far from perfect, but Girardi is an irritating please of work. IMO
  10. I dont seen them being able to add anybody, some teams have a bigger need, with those testing postive and those opting out.
  11. He does get worked up about things.
  12. Eddie was one of those games, who could excelled in clutch situations, or what is now known as high leverage situation. I prefer the would clutch, but thats just me.
  13. I love the scene from major leagues, where the guy in the both is slapping 2 sticks together to simulate the bat hitting the ball for the radio audience.
  14. Sounds like a learning tool for young outfielders.
  15. did somebody say empty stands. lol
  16. In 2014 and against Kansas City, he batted .333 and a OPS of 1.050, which was a pretty decent increase from when he played irregularly. No, he didnt bat that great against Detroit in 2014. He batted better, as an everyday player than as a Super Bench dude. That doesnt mean he should have been a daily player. It just means, he was better than some other AAAA dude in the system.
  17. Saw this article online: https://mlb.nbcsports.com/2020/06/24/teams-can-take-advantage-of-players-service-time-during-the-pandemic/
  18. Some cases, and not the norm, but Ryan Flaherty played much better, when he had to step in and play full time when Manny went down x2.
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