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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. As I get older, there are days, I feel like 40% of what I was in my young 20s.
  2. The Orioles have spoiled us over the years, guys with cannons and when we get less than that, its a let down, and the last couple of years has been that.
  3. I suspect @Roy Firestone could confirm this or debunk it.
  4. https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2020/07/santander-late-arrival-in-summer-training-camp-due-to-covid-19.html
  5. Hard to stunt development given the current makeup of guys in the system. lol
  6. LOL I first read that as plugged into CF. I need better glasses....lol I saw Wilkerson and Mountcastle, I was like oh hell no.
  7. Sad news. Please dont use this post as an excuse for COVID. Plenty of room for that in the proper thread.
  8. Sorry, he brings this on his shelf. Yes, he is a easy target, he gives them stuff for them to write about. My point through this all. We had a potential HOF here, and when the few times he got lazy. He was ripped apart here in OH. We expect our guys to always play at 100%, which is totally unrealistic, but still a goal. Yes, Puig is a very talented guy, and over 6 seasons of big league ball, lots of times he has played well, his WAR supports that to a degree. For me personally, there are just way too many of the lost focus, show boating and lack of hustle for me to get too worked up over. If he signs here, then I will root for him to do well, salute his good plays, and moan about his bad.
  9. http://www.snacktimefantasy.com/puig-benched-for-not-hustling/ http://twinsdaily.com/blog/1281/entry-11640-should-we-be-upset-with-yasiel-puig/ https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/15713907/yasiel-puig-los-angeles-dodgers-benched-not-running-deep-fly-ball There are many many more, But, You get the idea.
  10. If the guy loses focus and is lazy while playing for a contender, even in the playoffs. It leads me to suspect he will be worse here. We pretty much burned Manny at the stake for not running to first a few times over his career. This guy takes it to a whole new lack of effort play.
  11. Not in camp would lead me to believe that they are quarantined maybe because of family member. Or, they could both have tested positive and recovering at home. Since MLB is going at depth to allow the players to stay under the radar.
  12. If he cant keep focus in the playoffs for a contending club? Sorry, not my type of ball player.
  13. If Puig was serious about his ball career, he would have been a better clubhouse guy and team player on the field. He had to the chance to stay on a contender, that and being on playoff teams cant keep your focus, then what the heck will he do on a last place club?
  14. This is the same fan base here, that has complained bitterly the few times, Manny didnt hustle to first, right? Puig has been benched and removed from more than one game, over his career for multiple lack of hustles. Not to mention his lack of focus during the games while in the OF. Including Game 3 of a do or die playoff game. Google this topic, and you will see issues from to 2014 to 2019. So its pretty much in his makeup, and I dont see him changing now. The kid is very talented, but would rather be out on the tinsel town and making headlines in TMZ for his off the field activities. Count me out, Im have not been, nor will I be in the camp that says, lets get this troubled young man and make him a reclamation project.
  15. Christian Walker looked promising in the MIL, never did anything in the bigs for the Orioles or the Diamondbacks for 2 years and then at the age of 29, has a very nice season.
  16. I think it shows that he was a talent in high demands, and if they wanted a cheap body, that could have been easy to find, even in house.
  17. Carte Blache over front office personal decisions. I wont beat up Elias for not be able to get the authority to dump Davis, just because you feel he should be gone. I doubt there would be any other owner in MLB, willing to dump that amount of money. I understand the situation, he isnt doing anything to earn the money anyway, its a lost cause, just dump it and be done, but getting owner by in, is never easy. I think Frobby said it best back in ST, we need to get through this season, and then see what Elias does for ST 2021 about entering the FA market. If it wasnt Frobby, my apologies.
  18. Just having fun, at this point, they are all interchangeable, hopefully as Elias progresses with the rebuild, there will be some improvements.
  19. So you dont care to win why pretend and do the following? You decide to hire Elias and pretty much give him carte blache on front office decisions, and he pretty much cleans house, even "no-touch" Brady is gone. This looks like a total rebuild from ground up, minor league system, front office, scouting department, and adding coaches to scout in the DR and a facility there.
  20. I am a creepy old men, I remember Milano before she was a teenager on TV and then growing into a full grown woman. She ticked her TV daddy off, when she went topless in an R-rated movie. While there was 100 slides, it wasnt click bait, and they listed the player and what they had done to earn that reward, granted, it would have been nicer to scroll and not click through.
  21. How many international players did they sign? They did sign some, and the last I check some was more than zero, which was what they had been doing.
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