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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Like Frobby mentioned, this is as big as an outier as they come.
  2. I grew up in a earlier ERA. Catcher - Johnny Bench 1st - Frank Howard 2nd - Rod Carew SS - Ernie Banks 3rd - Tony Perez Rf - Al Kaline CF - Willie Mays LF - Yaz Closer - Darrel Knowles SP - Sandy Koufax / Bob Gibson / Tom Seaver / Nolan Ryan / Dick Bosman
  3. No sir, not everybody is at home working. The Braves manager, now he knew how to get himself tossed out of a game.
  4. Not trying to make light of COVID. But, I can see somebody using this to circumvent the regular DL list. There are so many regular allergy/sinuses/cold symptoms that mirror COVID symptom. A sneezing fit can be used to put somebody on the DL for say 3 days, as is any duration, and then you say, well medical personnel have reevaluated the player and it was a false alarm.
  5. Sad but time to fork him, he is done.
  6. In spite of those numbers, it didnt help the team too much.
  7. Yes, unless that player can be validated by medical personal that they are high risk.
  8. speaking about media, I just read this by Britt.
  9. I do too, but you know how the fans can be. Leake supports his paralyzed father and should be able to weather the loss of income this season, as should Zimmerman. Ross is a puzzle as its look like he was making league min for a vet of 514K, which is good money compared to what we are making.
  10. That was not my list, it was a list of what some of the fans find fault with. Personally, I was never a fan of Houston moving to the AL. But, I dont blame the commish, either. I think Drungo said it best, all of the commishs have done stuff so the fans dislike them. Now which is the worse, its basically perception on the fans part.
  11. Two games here and 1 involves the Orioles:
  12. I guess I am really lucky then, so far, month, but its only been almost 3 months since my COVID attack.
  13. Why would this be a problem? TV revenue, ticket sales, concession sales, and parking lot. Maybe, they are not making what they could in a "normal" season. But, you are making more money, then with the lights off and the gates locked with the no trespassing signs up.
  14. LOL, Well you got me there, and I suspect you are quite right. Maybe Harry Doyle for commish?
  15. I dont hate the man. I dont think he has done the job well. There are numerous articles detaining why folks think he is the worst MLB commish in the history of the game. You can dislike somebody's activity or lack of activity without hating the man.
  16. Geeze, yeah, you are right. Good point. Anybody the owners approve to be their puppet, will be their puppet, so it probably doesnt matter too much, if they keep Manfred or replace him.
  17. WTOP in Dec was calling for Manfred to be gone and that was before the covid crisis and the 2020 season problems. https://wtop.com/sports-columns/2019/12/column-its-time-to-remove-mlb-commissioner-rob-manfred-from-office/ Back in 2014, Joe Torre was open to being the commish, and has been in MLB front office for awhile now. Not sure how good a job he would do, but almost anything should be better than what is in their now. Yes, I know the cliche, change for change sake, doesnt always make things better.
  18. My own opinion. The commish, needs to forget he is the puppet of the owners, and see if he cant push through a compromised deal. The players do not appear to want to compromise and they want everything they can get. The owners do not appear to be willing to compromise. So you have 2 sides apart and neither seams to give a squat about the fans and the good of the game.
  19. Geeze You really want to argue this. There are a ton more reporters in the business. Back in Miller's ERA, you did not have YAHOO SPORTS, FOX SPORTS, ESPN, MASN, Bleacher Reports, OH, etc. Not to mention the independents, that started out in Paper or the Radio and branched out on their own. You have tweeter and facebook, to instantaneous reach out and spread your point. Back then, it took people time, to dial up the phone and one on one, talk to people. If you could find them.
  20. Miller didnt have to operate in the day and age of the internet and social media, not to mention an abundance of sport reporters.
  21. So the above gets downvoted? WTF I usually dont care too much, but geeze. COVID has impacted the MIL trying to improve their skillset to get into the Bigs. Some high dollar players are in no rush to get back on the field. Neither of the statements should be considered controversial or outlandish opinion.
  22. I really feel for the youngsters still trying to get into the bigs, they are the ones most impacted by this. I suspect some of the pampered players are enjoying the time off and no rush to get back on the field. So who is going to play SS for this team in 2023?
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