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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Dad was Air Force and he always used a red pen on his maps, so he could ID it quickly. I suspect he picked it up from the Service, never asked him, but a lot of what he did, was based on his military experience.
  2. I think they did both, pretty well, in those early years of Buck, they didnt win the most games in the AL for 5 years by the HR and stellar SP. They had a crack defense, and shutdown pen to help out the SP staff, of course, scoring runs does win games, but you have to score more than the other guy.
  3. Yes, I know you want to argue every single thing. You forgot they year they had the best defense in the AL. Buck ran out there what he had available. Sometimes, bench COF wasnt a plus defender, but they were not starters, and played there on a regular basis. Manny, Hardy, Schoop and Davis made for a darn solid infield, and you are not stupid, and you are fully aware of that.
  4. It was just last year, that some of the OH posters were pissed, that they knew this team was rebuilding, but they wanted to see any improvement over the previous years junk that. Some of us said, be patient, rebuilds take some time. Now, we forget we are rebuild, and lets win now? Cant and shouldnt have it both ways. More entertaining ball is good to watch, and nice to see them win games, but lets not forget the master plan for longterm success. IMO
  5. They did pretty dang well, when they had above defenders around the diamond for Buck, and half of those games was at OPACY.
  6. ROTFLMBO This is just too funny, you cant make this crap up.
  7. I think the 83 team is my favorite all-time team. I was really into the 96 team, and managed to be at game 3 at OPACY and was a let down and bad memory that was.
  8. Some posters just stir the pot, and need to be placed in time out and ignored. Wish I would follow my own advice.
  9. I do not believe you are correct. I thought they used a different ball, stitches and internals were different, you would think they would use the same ball.
  10. Sorry, forgot to include my sarcasm alert icon. Im totally on board, with development first, that will provide long term winning teams, hopefully. Sorry just being a bit flippant and its obvious some other posters dont understand.
  11. No fans in the stands. Maybe we should just revert to cutouts for the players?
  12. this is an outlier year, and hopefully, baseball will never see another.
  13. I wasnt much in favor of them, until I heard the money was going to charities.
  14. Always add a Roy Firestone as a celebrity.
  15. We can do a horror section, and put Freddy, Jason, and Michael in there, with some other guys, like the dude from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
  16. I thought Jake had some bad outings in the Cubs minor league system, until somebody said something to him, and he had his lightblub moment. I think he got back to the bigs, because of injuries, not because he earned up. Of course, the rest is history.
  17. ERA in the 5 range, a pretty bad WHIP tool. His BB was about as high as his KOs, as a starter. Sure he was won as many games as he lost, so he wasnt a total clown on the mound. So toss all the metrics out the window. He didnt even have a SP slot, he had lost that, so he was going to be a mop up arm in the pen, unless he did something. Can we agree there?
  18. ok, relied on a new pitch, or reverted back to an old pitch, with new grip, same outcome. Bottom line, he went from a mediocre struggling starter that was worth less than a replacement player, to a donafid dominant closer that for a few years could be considered one of the best at that position.
  19. First 3 years on the big club as a starter. -1.1 / -.05 / -.4 WAR and a very struggling starter, and Zach himself, said he knew if he was going to stick around, he had to figure it out, and then come ST At age 26 and a new role as a Closer, his WAR blossoms and he saves 37 games. mlb quote:
  20. Other teams have huge failures too, its just Oriole fans are in tune with the blue chip prospects, and it stings when they fail. There are positives in this org over the years. Look at Zach, he pretty much had one foot off the roster and clinging on for life support. Came up with a new pitch for him, that turned him into a dominant reliever from a washup bullpen guy. I dont really blame the org for Jake. I think Jake was stubborn and like Ed Rod, it took getting traded away to shake them up, to the point, they decided maybe they should listen to somebody else help them.
  21. how long before cutout fans with brown bags over their heads are put in a stadium where the team is doing poorly?
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