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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. IMO I see MLB doing a 3 day shutdown of games, and going behind closed doors with the GMs and see what they can sort out.
  2. How does Philly play with their team in lockdown? How does the Yankees suit up and play, as they dont want to be in that clubhouse?
  3. The whole hotel where the Marlins was staying at, at to be impact. The Yankees are not thrilled to be using the visiting club house in Philly. The Marlins claim they were strictly following all health guidelines.
  4. I did get to watch game 2 in Boston, and Cobb was really sharp, best Ive seen him throw. Much better game to watch for sure.
  5. Just watching these past games, and some guys really do not take the mask seriously.
  6. Entire Philly team is on 14 day lockdown. Half the Marlins are positive how can you have a season?
  7. Season might be over. I dont suspect many fans had the Orioles finishing above .500
  8. That personally scares me a bit as my heart isnt perfect, but so far, just had an echo and no change from last summer. So for now, COVID did not attack my own heart, which I know is a concern that some have dealt with.
  9. The actual organization BLM is funded by some individuals, if you follow the money trail, not to mention founded by marxist, with sole intent of taking down the US Government. Which makes them a terrorist organization, trying to hide behind a social injustice to accomplish their goal.
  10. Me. LOL I love my chops, thin and shake & baked. I know, blaspheme. And back to Old Bay, if you havent tried it yet, you got to try the Old Bay liquid sauce, nectar of the gods. .
  11. I loved watching him in Bowie. To me, and my unprofessional eye, he was always in movement, hustling, trying to make something happen, he had that intagiable. @Tony-OH who knows way more about scouting than I pretend to, loved his attitude and makeup, but didnt think he had the skillset to do more than be a 4A backup COF. He was not alone in that assessment. Im glad to see him doing well.
  12. Brady gave the illusion of being a California surfing guy, and hitching rides on his skateboard didnt help his image. I remember loving eggs, and the whole world was trying to tell you eggs was bad. My dad, said he was raised on a farm and they ate eggs daily and they were all healthy. So I kept eating eggs, then they came out and said eggs was actually good for you. LOL But back to Brady, he was a very smart individual.
  13. I guess I need to say 33 wins now. Good to see you back here posting with us.
  14. Which kind of surprises me about Harvey, given his DNA and father being a pretty decent big league pitcher. I guess that lead some of us, to have a higher level of hype towards his abilities, than somebody else without that DNA.
  15. Is Sisco better behind the plate that he has shown us last season, because, if he isnt, then thats just a waste of PAs. IMO
  16. Ive been a big fan of Harvey since the day he was drafted, and had high hopes, he would join Bundy and Gausman by pitching this team to front of the pack. A trio of starters to reckon with. Sadly, that was just a failed possibility, Christmas wish list that sounded very doable at one time.
  17. I think for personally, the odds are 50-50 they get the full 60 games in.
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