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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I agree, very hardline. I feel, that the players are stubborn enough, and call the owner out on this. But sides wanting the other to cave.
  2. That 1970 Reds lineup was pretty solid and had some legitimate talent.
  3. That was a special team, when they won the championship in 78.
  4. Is any MLB club picking up options on their healthy players?????
  5. Not wanting to be a debbie downer, but I have no warm fuzzies that they find a compromise.
  6. The year the world stop turning and baseball was forever a thing of our past.
  7. My bad, his formal first name, was Westley. I accidentally omitted the t.
  8. LOL I forgot about that, the asterisk that was never there. https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/yankees/roger-maris-still-61-after-all-these-years-1.12358581#:~:text=In July 1961%2C Frick ruled,a scarlet letter for Maris. I remember my daddy and granddaddy arguing about this, as late as the early 70s, they both knew how to poke the other's button.
  9. I believe the asterisk was first used in 1961 for Maris's HR record.
  10. Elias doesnt strike me as a guy that doesnt exam all the information available from his scouts and his own eyes. I am curious to see which one he picks, of course OH might not be in agreement with his pick.
  11. then the stats will have a nasty little asterisk beside it. ***********************************************
  12. I agree about Brady like you mentioned. I dont remember too much of the 1998 year that Davis had here, stats look good on paper. I was working 2 jobs, raising a family, getting not a lot of sleep, baseball entertainment was lost in the priorities of being an adult.
  13. Hall and Curtis are serial pedophiles with multiple victims, which makes them more ghastly.
  14. He had such an impact on Stan Love, that he used Wesley as a middle name for his son, and they were only teammates for 4 seasons.
  15. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/29255201/hall-famer-former-washington-bullets-star-wes-unseld-dies-age-74 Mods, please allow this to stay here, for a day or so, before moving it to its proper location. My favorite Bullet by far, and they had some good ones. Nobody and I mean nobody could play defensive center like he could and his inbound passes to his guards were legendary. He was built solid too, guys did not push him around while fighting for under the basket terrority. He was a gentle and kind person, and not a diva in any shape or form. RIP
  16. catching balls airborne in foul ground sidewalls and throwing a bullet to first while still airborne is super human feat.
  17. your right, lets just say they were two of the best third defenders to have play the game.
  18. Brook being the humble man he was, said that Manny was a better defender at third and could do things at third that he couldnt even dream of doing.
  19. Better Healthcare. Check this out: Average Life Expectancy 1940 = 60.8 (Male) and 65.2 (Female) 1950 = 65.5 71.1 1960 = 66.6 73.1 1970 = 67.1 74.7 1980 = 70.0 77.8 1990 = 71.8 78.9 1998 = 73.8 79.5
  20. Strong number #1 and an abundance of arms in the draft, doesnt make it a strong draft for pitchers. Who knows, may find a few arms that make it up to the big leagues as a pen guy.
  21. LOL dont worry you will ge these. It happens to us all.
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