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Everything posted by 7Mo

  1. I'd settle for "Chris has agreed to go to a batting cage once a week..."
  2. He could say "we've started Chris on an aggressive round of multivitamins to offset the substantial weight loss". I wouldn't believe it would do any good. But it would entertain me.
  3. Nice. That's a new name for me. He sure has upside if he's fixable.
  4. Agreed with the only difference being I think we likely take one in the minor league phase also. That's not what people have meant when they say take 3 but it'd be a third.
  5. I'm convinced we wind up with one pitcher and one position player. Maybe we pick both or maybe pick one and trade for one. Do you have a pitcher you would take?
  6. Right. Unless the O's set aside an instruction/development program for him as he traveled with the MLB team and watched 130 games instead of playing, I think the risk of stunting his development is pretty high. With most teams using indoor cages now rather than on field batting practice, maybe you could work up a plan to have him hit 500 balls a day and work on strength and conditioning but I've never heard of that being done.
  7. Isn't that what Detroit just did? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the deadline was to protect your own players. Nothing keeps the O's or anyone from opening another spot now.
  8. When you say "cut payroll", that sounds like something different than an overall plan to rebuild the organization. Elias and Mejdal came in with a plan and a part of that is trading MLB assets that are not long term fits. To me, that's far different than cutting payroll. But yes, payroll is far, far less than it was. But I haven't seen anything that says ownership ordered that.
  9. @Ken_Rosenthal Strasburg deal with #Nationals: $35M per season from 2020 to ‘26, including $11.428,571.43 each year deferred with 1 percent simple interest ($80M total deferred). Per @Joelsherman1 , deferrals will be paid in first three years after contract expires.
  10. Agreed. Maybe Holt and company can sprinkle some magic dust and improve the command. If so, there's plenty of ceiling compared to the cost.
  11. 2 Rule 5's would be plenty. Trying to carry 3 would really be a stretch. But if they need 3 spots, I think there are other guys on the 40 man that might go before him.
  12. Sorry if I offended you. I like the idea we might make incremental improvements. I saw your post earlier that suggests you're not interested. I shouldn't have responded to your post. My fault.
  13. Once Cole signs, Strasburg will be again. I have faith in Boras to speak it into existence.
  14. Understood. But if you spend a year asking him to get 3 outs, and then bump him back to Norfolk to develop, this guy has a chance to start if things go well, right? If the O's are looking for a long term asset, this guy seems like he's in the conversation. That seems far more like what they'll do than grab a guy who might top out as a good 7th inning guy. Yes?
  15. Cole is this years once in a decade pitcher.
  16. He'll get $15M to $25M more than that, if not another year and another $40M.
  17. Bueno seems to have the best combination of later upside plus ability to contribute (or stick for 365) at least a little bit in '20. Yes?
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