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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 4 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

    I would have liked seeing Vespi stay on the team after watching him pitch last night. 

    No kidding, boo. Dude hasn’t allowed a run at any affiliate. Meanwhile Owings still here lol, but I get it, they need arms and he just pitched. 

  2. 3 hours ago, maybenxtyr said:

    There's still a chance they call him up tomorrow. I'm not counting on it but Watkins would be the SP that could be replaced.

    And logically he’s the guy to replace in the rotation so….

  3. 23 minutes ago, seak05 said:

    He holds his velocity well for at least several innings. Control will be an issue even as a closer. Probably helpful to remember that between covid and injury he's pitched very few real baseball games in the last couple years, and power pitchers tend to take longer to develop control anyways 

    Excellent point indeed!

  4. 1 minute ago, oriole said:

    Seems like a high return for someone who is not really playing like his 2021 self. 

    Yeah, completely agree. Love Mullins and need to keep him but this take seems silly. 

  5. 1 minute ago, maybenxtyr said:

    So glad for him! Hopefully this gets things moving a bit and some more call ups.

    Rodriquez please. I was hoping both would be recalled together. Rodriquez has been more dominating than AR. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    Latest update from Roch:

    * Outfielder Heston Kjerstad continues to take batting practice at extended spring training while working back from a hamstring injury sustained in an intrasquad game in Sarasota prior to spring training.

    The Orioles are hoping that Kjerstad can begin playing in games later this month, before his actual professional debut in the minor league system.


    Thx Frobby. Does he start in Delmarva? Any guesses on when?

  7. 22 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    The only two logical reasons I've heard for him not being up are some combination of Super 2 status and trying to keep him from finishing too high in the ROY voting.

    Both of those things are about money.

    I love Dan but this is accurate. Elias/Angelos always about money. If you believe otherwise, your naive. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, interloper said:

    I know you're joking, but it has to be said that Elias has yet to trade anything other than ML relievers (Fry, Scott, Sulser, Castro, Givens, Bleier), ML starting pitchers (Cashner, Milone, Bundy), ML position players (Villar, Iglesias, Galvis), and one MiL position player (Yastrzemski), who at the time was not considered a prospect. I may be missing one or two. 

    Point being, the moment he trades a prospect it will be the first time, and it won't be Adley. 

    Of course but no urgency to keep or lock up core players or promote prospects deserving, just slow rolling and cost cutting. His plan to win is with his next org or when Angelos passes I guess. No plan to win anytime soon.

  9. 7 minutes ago, LTO's said:

    I really don't think the Nationals are the team the O's want to emulate. They are in largely the same situation the Orioles were in at the end of the Buck era. Neglected farm that's pretty awful, horribly bloated contracts to majorly declining vets and an embarrassing ML product. I mean even Cavalli who is their top prospect is looking like a total bust. They had a more valuable player to trade at the deadline than the Orioles did but I don't think either of the players they got will be stars. Gray has the best shot but Ruiz just has 0 power which I just don't think is going to play going forward. 

    Not emulate but Rizzo comes from a scouting background and judging by WAR, might be one of the best ever.

  10. 7 minutes ago, NCRaven said:

    Did you read Corn's post, above.  He was second on the O's in innings pitched and first in FIP.  At the time he was signed, we had low expectations for the pitching staff.  As it is, they have been surpisingly good.  With Bradish coming up, along with Rodriguez's and Hall's expected promotions at some point this year, I don't expect to see much of Harvey, if at all.  If we suffer more season ending injuries, I suppose he could get a call later in the year, but we're doomed at that point anyway (as though we aren't already doomed 😞 ).

    No, I missed it, but good post but you can get an innings eater that doesn’t have this moral overhang. I still believe Hall is a reliever, hope I am wrong. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, waroriole said:

    From a baseball standpoint, I completely agree. He’s not a ML pitcher anymore and it didn’t make sense to bring him back. Especially when he had this hanging over him. 

    And thanks for a thoughtful response. Your post was hardly the only one critical of him as a person, but you seem to be an open minded person, so I directed it at you with the idea that you’d appreciate what I was saying. 

    I do my best Sir. Life is hard and complex. I do agree the ones that present things as black and white are either naive or up to nefarious means😂 As for Harvey, his signing this year not only makes zero sense but salt on the wound when Elias basically sat on his hands this past offseason. 

  12. On 5/18/2022 at 8:10 AM, waroriole said:

    I hope you eventually see the world isn’t so black and white. Matt Harvey can make a terrible decision and do some bad things, but it doesn’t mean he is a terrible person who shouldn’t have a chance for redemption. Nobody on here knows what’s in his heart. I imagine he’s felt a lot of grief over what happened to Skaggs, and I hope he’s able to learn from his mistakes and live a better life. 

    Thanks for the post Sir. I don’t see things like that and your point is a good one. I will reiterate my view: he was beyond awful last year and likely wouldn’t have been in the bigs if not for us. Couple that with this bad look, why sign him? It’s like he is being arrogant about how little he cares about being competitive. I do think what he did was wrong however but agree we all deserve a shot at redemption. Life is short and hard and your post is a thoughtful one. Thank you.

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