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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 4 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    He only allowed one hit and two walks today, so he was fine. It's more about command for him. Give him some time.

    Yeah he’s farther off to me on the command front but we can bring him up to close for the playoff run later in the season:)

  2. 3 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Kremer is still rehabbing. I think we shouldn’t bring him up and mess up his progression. Reyes and Lowther have ERAs above 7 and 9. GR has to pitch in Fenway eventually. The Red Sox are not the typical Red Sox. 4th place. 

    Man, spot on. I’d give Kremer more time, agreed. It is time. Dude’s filthy, sends a message to players and overall org top imo. I would really like to see Elias add a piece at the deadline, nothing costly but again, sends a message. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Jammer7 said:

    I think this is a very interesting claim. Four pitches that can be swing and miss…? Yes, please, take a look and see if you can work through some things. And he has all three options, cool.

    You do understand that a waiver claim is picking through that which is cast aside by other teams, right? No team was willing to trade anything for them. So, it doesn’t generally lead to a high success rate. The Orioles have actually done a better job than most, and certainly being among the first teams with a crack at taking guys for three years helps. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, but we do have one. lol

    That said, with Lopez, for instance, they spotted something they liked. Yes, as a starter, it was not good the second or third time through a lineup. They made some changes to try to unlock his potential. He needed the innings to be evaluated. (The guy went through a lot personally as well last season.) When they had given him ample opportunity to become a starter, they judged they had to make him a reliever. They went through a developmental process with him at the big league level as they have done with multiple guys they have claimed. They had to do this to keep him and get to where he is. He is still learning, but at least he is effective now. It doesn’t happen overnight. There is a process. Winning teams do not have the opportunity to bring a guy along like this. 

    You cannot often claim a guy and just plug him in, maybe relievers can most often. These guys had failed to some degree elsewhere, but they were valued prospects to get that far to start with. The Orioles have poured a ton of time at the major league level the past few years into guys they claimed. They have released some after seeing that they cannot get where they want with a guy at the MLB level. They took chances and lost some because they needed the space or thought they were better served playing every day in the minors. They have given opportunities to players that had earned them.

    If you want to complain about the lack of free agents signed, or trades made, to add veteran pieces to a bad team, I’ll agree it could have been done. I will say that these were not done to let the unproven players, prospects, rule 5 picks and waiver claims to play to be evaluated and see if we can turn some into valuable pieces or trade them. It has been rough to watch, unless you are into player development at all levels. That stuff is valuable, and there are no shortcuts if you do it correctly. Getting players from other organizations is a mixed bag. Each team has their own ways of doing things. Not all are as effective. The Orioles obviously believe they are very good at developing talent. But it takes time. These players are not machines. 

    And now we are beginning to see things turn. If you don’t have an agenda, it sure has seemed like it. I mean, your posts are sometimes solid, but often come off whiny and immature about Elias. That is why many here believe you have an agenda. Maybe you don’t care at all what some of us think. That’s also fine, I guess. But if you do, maybe tone it down some. There are certainly things Elias has done that can be second guessed or complained about. But in nearly every post you take some kind of shot at Elias. That droning noise becomes annoying. And it undermines you here, in my opinion. 

    Thanks for the thoughtful post. I’ll try to complain about Elias less but strongly believe he has lots of areas to improve in including taking the bpa in the first round. We all want to see the org return to glory!

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    Melanie Newman said on the radio the other day that the Os want to see GRod dominating AAA.  Now, I don’t know if she was talking out of her ass or if she was told that but if we go on the assumption that she was told that, how much better does he need to do than he already is?

    He IS dominating. I think Rodriguez might be more ready than AR!  The time is now. 

    • Upvote 2
  5. 12 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    I can't say that he can't pick up a notch or two, but he's got a pretty mature body from what I saw.  It's a pretty easy delivery though so there could be more when he needs it.

    Thank you Sir!

  6. 3 hours ago, interloper said:

    Then you aren't paying attention and your agenda is showing. A large number of Elias' waiver claims and project guys have worked out. Perez, Krehbiel, Urias, Alberto, Sulser, Lopez, Wells, etc. It's a pretty lengthy list and I'm forgetting guys I'm sure.

    It's fine to be critical but at least get your facts right.

    Lopez has struggled until this year

    urias huge step back

    Wells agreed.

    Sulser seemed better at first but agreed a piece, not super noteworthy, Pedro better grab imo

    I love me some Alberto so agree there, still miss him! 

    No home runs. 

    I don’t have an agenda, just think Elias is overrated and people aren’t as critical as they should be.

    plus he slept with my wife. 


  7. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    5/25 (raw notes)

    Smoth repeatable delivery. Mature body.

    93 MPH on 3rd pitch

    3-2 curveball for K looking (80 mph)

    Strikeout swinging on FB (302)

    2nd inning

    Starting most players off with offspeed, getting ahead

    Curve best pitch (plus pitch at times)

    Leaving changeup up (some horizontal movement)

    Slider well below average

    Two K's looking on fastballs

    3rd inning

    Impressive fastball-curveball combo (fastball 93 MPH)

    Changup and slider need work.

    Has some Chris Tillman in him.

    Thanks for posting all this!!! Is his velocity supposedly to increase a bit more from TJ or no?

  8. 7 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Well that was a dirty trick!

    And no, I don’t think this team reminds me of 2012 when it comes to close games.  That team went 29-9 in one-run games.   This team is 6-7.   

    But, I’m enjoying this team. 

    The bar is really, really





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