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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. Do you think they aren’t going to sign anyone else for SP? That’s crazy to me, hope they do.
  2. Excellent point and very true but still a big overpay. Maybe Jason Bateman from Ozarks brokered the deal.
  3. Agreed on that…if, but why that much money? He didn’t exactly have teams lined up for his services, right? We can’t any major league contracts but he’s spending $7m on this guy that wasn’t in high demand? Doesn’t make sense.
  4. I read a decade of excuses on Hobgood too. Most thought Tyler Maztek was best pick, he’s not a superstar but likely was the pick and helps anchor the World Champion Braves bullpen (was traded). Sometimes the composite of experts is better than 1 guy thinking he is smarter than everyone else. Elias is way better than Joe Jordan but you take the best player when you are rebuilding and haven’t won in nearly 40 years, hard stop.
  5. So you overpay by 5/7 fold for that? Appreciate the detailed info but the price tag still doesn’t add up. Maybe he sells opioids like Matt Harvey.
  6. https://twitter.com/masnsteve/status/1506685732437598222?s=21 But he got those draft savings!!!
  7. It’s disgusting. It’s negligence. Fans should be upset, a smack in the face. Wasn’t it Elias himself who said we wanted pitchers knocking down the door from AAA? Hard to do that when you don’t have enough starters…we all want to see the kids play but they will get hurt (more so this year probably with the lockout) so the depth just comes from more prospects which hurts their development…vicious irresponsible cycle that really hurts the farm overall.
  8. When I first heard about the signing on Twitter, I commented that actually thinking it was bad info/typo.
  9. What??? You clearly have no idea what’s going on with ownership. I assure you, there is plenty of interest for ANY professional sports franchise. Guaranteed money. This post is spot on. Professional leagues need to hold crap franchises like the Orioles & Dan Snyder’s accountable or force them to sell. Tired of endless excuses, these fan bases deserve better, their cities deserve better.
  10. The SP is terrifying per usual. Elias’ guarantee to tank. Problem is, some of these kids belong in AAA still so by not signing stopgaps you aren’t exactly rebuilding but just sabotaging.
  11. I love Buck. Goddamn hero. Just keep him away from Ubaldo.
  12. Not Carlos Correa or Hunter Harvey. 28 until May 1st. I gotta think most of the extra would be pitchers but who knows. I believe we need more pitching depth. Some of these kids being forced to the majors need more time in the minors to develop.
  13. I think most just like to argue I tracked the Josh Rodgers move last year. I thought it was a mistake coming off a major surgery. Should have given him more time.
  14. Ummm…he might get charged criminally: https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/33306094/free-agent-matt-harvey-suspended-mlb-admission-opioid-distribution
  15. I mean the bar was low but my goodness…does anyone see any near term adds?
  16. Elias is really only thought as a great talent by this board ( I would like to enter Frobby’s post as evidence). But having said that, like so many past GMs, do you believe he has full control? Of course not, that’s why a fair evaluation is nearly impossible. I think his dream job is either Houston or his hometown Nats, but unlikely Rizzo retires anytime soon, he’s a great GM and unlikely going anywhere in the near future. I know nothing about the current Houston GM. But agreed 110%, he hasn’t proven much other than he refuses to take bpa in the first round (with the exception of Adley).
  17. FYI: it was on mlb.tv for free yesterday
  18. Ummm…https://www.federalbaseball.com/2021/7/16/22580470/washington-nationals-starlin-castro-reportedly-being-placed-on-administrative-leave
  19. Angelos strikes again! Lots of local media covering this. https://theathletic.com/3196588/2022/03/19/connolly-orioles-and-nationals-tv-broadcasters-arent-traveling-to-start-the-season-thats-a-masn-classic/
  20. I have stated no less than probably twenty times on this board: we will likely be “rebuilding” until Peter passes for tax reasons and then the team will be sold. You can think I am making it up but heard that long ago from a reliable source and believe that’s the situation. No need to guess. My understanding is this isn’t exactly super secret info anymore. Maybe someone should just ask Elias or John Angelos to confirm.
  21. No more covid huh? You are actually dumber than I thought you were. 1307 died yesterday alone.
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