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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. When Ed Rodgers was let go, I posted a few times I thought it was bizarre. He was coming off a major injury and never had enough of a routine to evaluate. When Nationals signed him (with a very good GM with a scouting background) grabbed him, I noticed. He pitched 7 2/3 innings tonight of 1 run ball and now has an ERA of 2 and has had 4 good starts. Meanwhile we have 4A fodder & guys that won’t make the 40 man through the off-season. Why wasn’t he given more time? Moderator edit (Josh Rogers)
  2. Another great outing for Rodgers. https://twitter.com/juansotohr/status/1440481327841615880?s=21
  3. Spot on. I grew up around the corner from Angelos, good friend lives next to him in Toll Brother’s community. The son’s will sell to another local ownership group likely involving Plank and including Ripken and others.
  4. I’d gleefully love to have Wildcard as GM. They should do a collective of well versed fans to vote and bet teams would be better:), fantasy land stuff of course.
  5. Os fans are hilarious. Haven’t won a championship in nearly 40 years and haven’t had a single home grown starting pitcher since Mussina and everyone in here clamoring to trade him. A culture of losing indeed. Keep stocking those corner OFers though, that will get the championship!
  6. He isn’t Mark Reynolds at 3b bad, but when you are below the Mendoza line and not hacking it defensively at 2b, your future isn’t bright. He needs an off-season training plan.
  7. I love Means and don’t want to see him traded but let’s be honest, this team is unwatchable. Plus until Angelos passes, they aren’t ramping up spending significantly so he likely won’t be in the winning window. 2023-2024 at the earliest.
  8. He sucks. But I am sure Elias and his eye for talent can’t be wrong.
  9. Just absolutely insane. Do umpires get penalized for anything? I guess not, Joe West is still umpiring.
  10. I love the thoughtfulness behind your posts, such a great poster. Thank you and keep up the great analysis.
  11. You might get better than 30-3 soon with this unwatchable joke of a team.
  12. Do you think he will actually take the BPA Tony? I don’t, so likely doesn’t matter much really.
  13. From no-no to uh oh! Like I mentioned before, no way you turn around a losing culture like this quickly. That takes time. Showalter got it, but we have taken a huge step back since then. A highly rated farm system with only 2 convincing pieces? Long long long way to go, strap in. Check back in 2024.
  14. Puzzling they cut bait with him so quickly following a major injury while Matt Harvey still anchors the rotation: https://www.federalbaseball.com/2021/9/6/22658707/washington-nationals-keeping-josh-rogers-around-a-while But again, I am sure it’s because Elias is smarter than us.
  15. Oh my god, another error on Jones! I am sure I am missing something because Elias is always smarter than everyone else.
  16. Made a bad error there and I thought this guy could hit? Small sample size but geesh.
  17. Should be in the mvp discussion (obviously not win), top 10?
  18. Funny they use the disrespect angle like the Ravens do, but when it comes to selecting the best player available, no thang, Elias must be a genius for not taking BPA….
  19. It was all orchestrated by Keith Law & Ken Rosenthal.
  20. LOVE!!! I LOVE Cedric and thanks for the thread/recognition! HUGE fan! I watched him play so much at Bowie. Always cheering for him! Also, like how it was mentioned if Mateo improved on his bunting in the offseason (similar to Mullins) might help him even more. One thing that sets Mullins apart, his worth ethic. A great leader to have around a club.
  21. Spot on. Plus just Google the other candidates. But I am sure it’s a big conspiracy co-headed by Keith Law to disrespect the great Oriole Empire.
  22. You clearly don’t watch any Nationals games. Plus he would clog up a 40 man slot this off-season and make too much money. Zero chance he ends up here.
  23. This team just lost 18/19 to Tampa Bay. Do you really think turning this ship around is a 1/2 year thing? Please. This team will be bad for a long time further, strap in.
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