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Everything posted by Since1984

  1. An X poster @1mlbinsider stated the Orioles were very intrigued by Trevor Bauer. Cannot post the twitter message, but the poster does have 7k followers
  2. I’m pretty sure this has been mentioned, but Cease’s bref’s top similarity score is Jack Flaherty and Flaherty’s is Cease. They are the same age, but Jack started mlb two years earlier and has durability issues.
  3. Looking forward to opening day now that it is 2024! We then know much more and have live baseball to distract our fandom.
  4. Without reading the responses, I would only do #1 Cowser and Ortiz, with the options given (believe you did a poll on this). And would be willing to add 2+ more down the road pieces, similar to Hernaiz and some lottery pics.
  5. Getting on board with this thought more and more. If the Physical is good, save some trade pieces for the farm or deadline.
  6. Agreed, although there was one SP in th early 2000’s that they passed on. He had two good seasons, maybe with Seattle? Will have to dig, but I likely read it on this board
  7. Thanks Frobby! I am watching these shows because of this thread and appreciate the insights too. Any chance we can get you on the show to ask some hot stove questions (e.g. what do you think about Cease and some of his velocity changes from 2022 to present day, please elaborate)
  8. I’m not familiar with Manea, but nothing really jumps out, unless the O’s want bullpen/ spot starter Irvin 2.0 I’m More with ScGO’s proposal, but would it be worth it to have the same result in ‘24 (as Stroman’s ‘23). Not sure if $20m+ is worth that, unless incentives can midigate some of the risk.
  9. Did some searching and Stroman has been dealing with a hip and fractured rib cartilage issue this past season. Hopefully he is healed and a prove it year may be good for The Orioles with his upside. Deadline trades are still on the table too. https://theathletic.com/4788358/2023/08/18/cubs-marcus-stroman-injury/
  10. Like the idea of Stroman , but am concerned about his health. The last 5 appearances do not indicate he’s good to go.
  11. Oh Baltimore! Hope it doesn’t Rhyme with 2024 (unless it does)
  12. 83 wins and Mateo turning into an all-star caliber shortstop
  13. Yes times three this coming year. Ortiz, Cowser, Kjerstad, Stowers would be starters, or given a chance on a good number of mlb rosters in 2024
  14. I agree, I think both have a mid rotation floor, currently. Their prospect status, historically, is what the WS are looking for, imo
  15. I was errant in stating a #2 floor when it should have been a Kyle or Grayson SP prospect. That said, it will take a SP prospect to move Cease. Kjerstad has the potential to be the best power/impact hitter on the ML team (and that is saying a lot). His first year playing justifies this perspective. Heston is just getting started
  16. Good point! Grayson and Kyle are the examples off the top
  17. Shall I say crab dipping teams only? Any team willing to add a MLB bat for a SP prospect like Bradish during that good trade!
  18. Heston is just getting started! I would not trade him unless it was a SP with 5* years of control who projects better than a #3 floor. This is how good HK is and 2024+ will prove it!
  19. Smells like teen spirit. Unless another team Is involved, I do not see Cease wearing orange and black in spring training .
  20. I would like to have both, for depth at a minimum. Chances are all current Oriole SP options will be used at some point in ‘24. Kremer is a good #4 or #5 on every team, except maybe Seattle and Miami?
  21. 2024 prediction? Impact MLB players are added via any avenue throughout the whole year to balance the team , a WS contender!
  22. I thought it was a sign too, a potential frequent all-star. Wonder how much the competition messed with confidence, or how quickly he can adjust to pitchers and stand tall defensively (with variable playing time) Gunnar slumped, Mateo was on fire in ‘23. Mateo had the reigns in ‘22 and had a good little run before Gunnar arrived. Could be coincidence, but Mateo can be one of the most exciting players to cheer for with his speed, defense and an occasional plus streaky bat! Brooks hailed Mateo with his first FT mlb playing time in’22. Impressed a defensive guru!
  23. It’s an extremely lucrative pension, downplays any greed perspective, and enables the team to fill the roster for World Series runs. As other posters have mentioned, he likely makes tons of money through endorsements.
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