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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Dude, didn't you play professionally, or do I have you mixed up with someone else? Nobody I've ever met calls runs anything other than runs in baseball. I can't believe you double downed on that statement.
  2. Well when you use like every reliever in almost every game, you are going to wear guys down. It's what Hyde does.
  3. Yeah, you have to know Pillar is coming in that situation. You really want the Coulombe-Pallar match up. Has Pillar ever made an out against the Orioles?
  4. I think the Danny Coulombe bubble has burst. It was nice while it lasted.
  5. Good Lord, can't let Stowers hit a lefty. Not wit the masher McKenna on the bench. I don't care if he got a hit. Dumb.
  6. From a baseball perspective, Chirinos was pretty clearly done as a productive MLB player, but it's obvious that in this case, he's one those special "mentors" that was brought for Adley. Nice to hear of the solid affect it had on him. I'm sure Chirinos should have no issues catching a coaching or managing job at some point.
  7. Tony-OH

    Drew Rom 2023

    I honestly didn't think that you did, but I just thought it was kind of funny. I'm going to get to the other pitches soon. Honestly, I'm doing this as much for me to understand him as anything.
  8. Lol. You have more than 500 posts. If you would like to continue to be full member please consider becoming a plus member. All the cool kids are doing so!
  9. He was very good today for sure.
  10. Pretty crazy game, but it's time to for Bautista to get his S--t together.
  11. I think it was just the kind of night where Gibson didn't have much stuff, but battled through 6 to keep the team in the game. While I know Hyde wanted him to continue to do the same through the 7th to save his bullpen, I do think he should have been on a short leash due to the lack of whiff and the amount of hard hit balls going into the 7th. I don't want to get on Hyde too hard because that inning really snowballed on him really quickly, but I do think Akin should have been on loosen up mode when the 7th starter and warm up mode after the 2nd hit made it 1st and 3rd and no outs. But as Hyde said after the game, they didn't score any runs so none of that mattered. Gibson is who he is and why he was available to $10/ 1yr contract. He's going to keep you in games more times than not (which is his value), but he's a guy when the stuff isn't there, they have to very careful with the 3rd and 4th time through a lineup. He's a solid 4th-5th starter option on a good team.
  12. Joe Posnanski is a guy trying to keep himself relevant by trying to be cool to a younger set of fans. Play the damn game right, have fun, but this look at me stuff is just not for me. What's next, Franco going to pull two balls out of his back pocket and juggle before he makes a throw? Is that where we're going as a sport? I feel like too many of these guys are like Stuart from Mad TV, "look what I can do!" Now does Franco flipping a ball up in the air before he makes a throw late in a blow out make me upset, no, not really. But i don't think it makes him look cool nor do I think it's going to make some kid suddenly think baseball is cool if he didn't already. Now, a lot of kids are brainwashed by social media and Tik Tok and do things like set themselves on fire and eat Tidepods, so I do admit there is probably an audience that will enjoy this stuff. Do I think we need to see more of this stuff in baseball to make it "relevant" or gain a new audience, I sure as hell hope not. I get it, this probably sounds like "get off my lawn stuff" but I don't have a problem with players having fun. It just should not happen until the play is concluded.
  13. Krehbiel is fine as a depth up/down reliever guy, but there are several guys in Norfolk I could say the same thing about. I would not be surprised to see him claimed or traded for a low end DSL lottery ticket pitcher. BTW, Krehbiel has become a changeup, cutter guy now and that's part of his command problems. He must've been told to work on those pitches because he throw more fastballs last year.
  14. I think this is also a good time to say that over the last 4 years, his split numbers have been all over the place but the Orioles have concluded, using their head scratching splits logic, that McCann can't hit righties and must be PH for late in games at all costs. Now, should he be probably lifted in a high leverage situation from the 7th inning on, probably, but how many times when he's catching or DHing is this going to happen in a season? And if he's such a liability against right-handers, should he be DHing anyways? You know the starter is going to be out of the game most likely in high leverage innings so you are basically saying you are always going to need a handicap for your DH. Wouldn't it make sense and bring up Westburg or Ortiz to play 3B or 2B against lefties (Urias plays the other), putting Henderson and Frazier on the bench against lefties thus allowing them to be PHs for McCann in high leverage moments against righties? Even if Rutschman is DHing and you lose the DH, you still have one of Frazier or Henderson able to take that PA for the "pitcher" or McKenna if it's a left-hander. So I guess overall, I don't really see a need for a 3rd catcher unless this is a situation where you want to make sure you start giving Rutschman full days off.
  15. And Tampa definitely rarely wins the World Series.
  16. Perhaps, but if flipping a ball in the air before you throw it gets eyeballs and that's what going to keep the sport viable for the next generation, this game is in more trouble than I thought. If kids need players to act like clowns for their attention then yuck!
  17. Tony-OH

    Drew Rom 2023

    Despite my little half-serious rant, I'm going to go do the analysis on the other pitches. The sinker is interesting because he drops down to a different arm angle when he throws it and seems to have good success with the pitch. I don't think he can stop throwing the 4-seamer because he needs to match the arm angle and release point with his sweeper and change for them to have any affect. I did also see that he threw a couple of changeups at the same arm angle as the sinker giving that angle two different breaks though the change is still well below average because he can't command it.
  18. Skimming will get you every time. it happens to all of us! lol
  19. They could just add some kind proximity to the wall and the amount of speed of the player at the time of the catch to add in a degree of difficulty. But since I'm not about to tell the stat nerds how to come up with this stuff, I agree, it is probably something that we'll just have to accept as a limitation of the data.
  20. Yes, he can backup CF without being an issue. He's not coming up here until he has an everyday job though so i doubt McKenna is his competition right now.
  21. Well remember, I never saw a need for Aguilar with Stowers here, but I was trying to look at it from Elias' perspective, not mine. I do think Rutschman needs more days off overall even though he's an impact bat in the lineup. McCann should be the guy that spells him, but in the same way Hyde has distain for Stowers hitting lefties, he seems to have the same for McCann (though he has more stats to say that's right). Now, would I have three catchers on this team, probably not. If I did have a 3rd catcher I'd want him to ideally bat left-handed to offset McCann late in games, but left-handed/switch hitting catchers are rare to find which is why Bemboom seems to be valued by Elias (though he can't hit regardless of which way he bats.) I have way more of an issue on how they play Stowers then with the 26th man since the Orioles seem to want to use that 26th man for matchups for a particular series or two vs long term.
  22. It looks better if you look at McCann as the Jesus Aguilar replacement as the backup first baseman/RH DH who happens to be able to catch. I mean, O'Hearn only makes sense on this roster if you really are going to give Mountcastle less time, because other than that, he doesn't have a real role, at least while Stowers is here. Then again, Hyde apparently has little to no respect for Stowers as a player so they will probably send him back to the minors. Saying all that, it seems like the Orioles have managed just fine with just McCann and Rutschman most of the season, but maybe they want to get McCann more PAs, but don't like him late in games against a tough righty. It's not ideal, but Hyde has not used his 26th man ideally all season and makes some really weird PH decisions early in games that potentially handcuff him later. One of the things Earl Weaver was great at was understand roles for his players and putting them in the best position to maximize their skills. I don't think that's a strength of Hyde's as a manager. Besides, for the life of me I don't understand Hyde's absolute distain for using Stowers against lefties but will run Henderson out there against tough ones.
  23. Tony-OH

    Drew Rom 2023

    Ha, I spend an hour last night researching and analyzing the statcast information on Rom's stuff and researching pitchers with a similar fastball, provide the data with charts, and get one react and the follow on comments are talking about wins in the minors and Frobby's feelings on rooting for underdogs (which got as many reacts as mine.) My mistake. I must be doing this wrong! lol Let me try this then. Rom wins a lot of games and is an underdog guy! I love him and want him to do good! Sweet, just saved myself hours of research over the rest of his stuff and can move on.
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