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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Distributed Denial of Service attack. Basically it's when a someone or several someone's send out commands that instruct many computer to attempt to ping critical nodes (IP addresses) in order to overwhelm them and take them offline. I don't know who my current server host also hosts, but for someone reason they were attacked taking all of their sites offline. I doubt they were targeting an Orioles fans site. lol
  2. Been awhile since that happened!! lol
  3. No, I'm looking for a new solution as we speak. Think I found a home for the message board but need to find something for the WordPress site.
  4. I did nothing but bother my hosting company asking them WTF? I think I have a new solution for the site soon though.
  5. So apparently the entire server farm we're part of was DDOS'd which is why we were down. They just suck.
  6. Diaz's biggest issue has always been staying on the field due to injury, but he also never really had much of a plan at the plate. While he had some tools to work from, it appears the injuries have sapped some of them and he just came off an awful year. While I wouldn't say he's a total lost cause, not appearing in our top 30 prospects for the first time since being acquired in the Machado trade pretty much shows what I think of him now. As for comparison to McKenna, McKenna is a better defender overall and has a better plan to defend himself with at the plate. McKenna's main issue has been the ability to hit upper velocity. I don't see Diaz having the upside any longer to be considered anything more than a 4th outfielder, and I'm not sure he can hit without consistent playing time and health. I will be surprised if he's still in the organization midway through next season. He seems like the perfect player you throw into a deal as a warm body.
  7. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/leaderboard/statcast-venue?venueId=2 Camden Yards ran hot in 2021 but that may have been because the visiting team got to hit against the Orioles AAA pitchers they were throwing out there on a nightly basis.
  8. Really excellent article that put into words what I was seeing in the numbers that make me think it is sustainable. I do think he will come down a bit since his expected stats were a bit lower than his actual stats for AVG, SLG, and wOBA, but I don't think they come crashing down. A bet he ends up in between his 60% and 70% ZIP projections.
  9. Trying to watch a game on MLBtv after the game is finished is an utter nightmare. Try skipping around to the inning you want to watch and you have to watch 3-5 commercials then if it's not right, you skip to something else, another 3-5 commercials. It's awful! It's literally an embarrassment that a major sports leagues would force 3-5 commercials down your throat every half inning or every time you jump around to a game you PAID for. It typically get it for spring training games but absolutely hate it.
  10. The second I saw Turgeon dancing around like a school girl when they got the 5th seed i knew his standards were not very high. He had a much longer run then he should have had as a Maryland coach considering his lack of success in the Tourney or really, late in the year when his teams tended to fold up. He should have been gone years ago, but alas, this MD regime is not exactly known for making the right decisions on coaching with their Football and Basketball teams. All I know is that I've gone from a "don't miss a game" watcher to "not even sure when they ae playing and don't know 90% of the team" fan.
  11. He once tried to convince me a 23-year old undrafted catcher in the GCL who was hitting well was a legitimate prospect.
  12. Pretty much... December is usually fun to discuss all the things the Orioles AREN'T doing. Oh, and the merits of the Rule 5 selection(s). lol
  13. Tony-OH

    MiLB Rule 5

    No, that information has never been released as long as I've been covering the team.
  14. Definitely sounds like a guy who will be in the mix for the back up catcher position behind Adley. Right now I'd say he's front runner.
  15. Maybe they can figure out how to get 100 innings out of him.
  16. Really interesting video. Certainly shows that Machado has matured a bit.
  17. This might explain why he was so terrible at Delmarva. Wonder when it started hurting him? Wonder if it was something down in Fall camp? It's his non throwing arm so it shouldn't effect his throwing but we'll have to see how it effects his hitting when he returns.
  18. Agreed. I think the rule should be you have to do two years at your initial choice before going pro or being able to transfer. The thing I always enjoyed about college basketball is when you had a great Freshman class and could wish upon them as seniors. Now, half will go pro and the other half will transfer.
  19. I try to watch the games when I can but I don't go out of the way anymore. The Terps have just been so blah under Turgeon that it sucked any joy of watching them play. The large turnover as well just makes it like a brand new team, and one that can't shoot. I'll see who they hire before becoming invested into them again. Turgeon leaving was a long time coming and about four seasons too late, but at least it happened.
  20. This. I was always a MD Basketball fan first football fan second even though I like football more. Mostly because I grew up with Len Bias during the glory years of Lefty and then Gary Williams cam in and let them very relevent winning it all with an underdog squad. I could not be happier that Turgeon is gone as I've been off his bandwagon for a long time. He's an awful in game coach and his offense is stale, boring and basically resides around throwing up threes or letting his star be stars. Losing Wiggens and Morsell should have told Evans he needed to finally push him out the door, but now we have another lost year. They need a splashy signing that will invigorate the recruiting and the program. I'll be honest, I tried watching a game or two but found myself disinterested and worse, I really cared less about the VT game where they just looked awful down the stretch. All I kept thinking to myself is more boring Turgeon ball. Either way, I wish there was some way to go back to the ACC but I doubt that will ever happen. MD football will always be irrelevant in the Big-10 because they will never be able to compete with Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State and Penn State because they have huge packed stadiums every year and compete in major bowls while the Terps end up in Summers Eve Douche Bowl. And yes, I had to look up a brand of douche! MD basketball should be good because of the local talent and facilities, but as was mentioned already, the college sports scene has changed with social media, one and done possibilities and the transfer pool. And that's doesn't even take into consideration the "likeness pay" is going to have. Both programs need big time coaches to ever have a chance but sadly, Evans is not concerned with making money rather than having success in the field/court.
  21. Well I already have basically up to 49 with the players to watch next year. I didn't put them in order after 30 because honestly, I could switch them around in almost any order and make some sense. Might be fun to try and do a top 75.
  22. :D.. I didn't even notice that. Saying that, I don't think it's pettiness. If they have no CBA in place, maybe they think the players could sue them for using their likeness/pictures?
  23. Well let's look at the expected stats and other pertinent stats from last year. xBA xSLG xOBA XWOBA XWOBACON Hard Hit% K% B% xERA Lyles .275 .482 .354 .351 .405 41.6 19 7.3 5.41 Harvey .289 .475 .355 .351 .395 40.9 16.3 6.4 5.41 This is while Lyles pitched in the weaker AL West while Harvey pitched in Camden Yards in the hardest Division in baseball. I say again, Elias just spent $7 million on Matt Harvey.
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