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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. I saw that as well. I was less impressed with his stuff and don't think he's an absolute lock, but considering the guys you could easily take off to protect him just in case, it probably makes sense.
  2. Now, there are easily ten players I could take off the current roster to make room for players but I don't think Sedlock and McKenna are no-brainers. Akin, Kremer and Mountcastle are the no brainers... Mckenna, Fenter, Klimek (who you don't have) and Sedlock are the next level to consider. Alvarado, Cumberland and Muickenhirm are the only others I'd give any consideration to.
  3. It's not that i think next year matters all that much, but I don't see a reason to keep a player on the team that is not part of the future or can be turned into part of the future with a trade. Cobb, Villar and maybe Givens are players I would consider keeping around because they may be able to be traded. Plus, by mid-late April, Santander, Hays, Mountcastle, Nunez and Mancini all need to have places to play and perhaps Stewart. Do we really want to keep Davis on the bench like he is now? Is it the end of the world if he is, no, but it will be disappointing not to be able to finally turn the page.
  4. This is why you are not an NFL scout. Stick to baseball.
  5. This is future Tony. You are being fooled! Don't be fooled. It's the same 'ol same 'ol. Don't buy those tickets! Penn State will destroy them and the only fun you will have is the tailgate. Oh, and by the way, don't get to the gate 20 minutes before the game because it will take the incompetent Terp Stadium people 45 minutes to get you through and you'll miss Penn State whooping the Terps in the 1st qtr.
  6. This program is going nowhere. How does a coach with a 5-37 record and can't compete with Penn State in their own sold out stadium going to recruit the best DMV players? Face it, this program is going nowhere as long as it's in the Big Ten. I spent my last dollar on Maryland football last Friday. Between taking 45 minutes to get into the gate and the embarrassing performance that shows the talent is nowhere even close to being competitive, and I'm done until I see some meaningful change.
  7. That is certainly what he's going to say publicly. If Elias really thinks he has some secret sauce that is going to make Davis good again, then he is a wizard, or he's pulling a Brian Billick and thinks he can improve anyone. He had all last season off season to reach out to Davis. Davis is not exactly known for his adjustments or for trying new things. Davis is done and any effort that takes away from players that may be part of a winning Orioles team is effort wasted.
  8. I don't know how much I buy into the Pythagorean W-L thing, but I do know that this team did not play very good fundamental baseball this season. Whether that was because of coaching or the players' baseball IQ is hard to tell at this point, but I'd probably be more apt to blame it on the players. Honestly, with the amount of baseball that these players have played over their lives before they get to the big leagues, if they still don't know how to hit a cutoff man, cover a base, or run the bases properly, I'm not sure we can blame that on the major league coaches.
  9. Brady was basically this guy this year:
  10. Again, this has nothing to do with whether or not Davis is blocking someone or whether the team is going to win next year or not (they aren't). This has to do with turning the page and being completely focused on the future. Keeping an awful decision around is meaningless. Keeping a AA First baseman around because of a mistake contract is ridiculous. He needs to be cut an the team needs to move on. Anything less and it shows me that the sons are just as stubborn as their Dad and that will be very, very disappointing.
  11. I get that take, but I just want the page totally turned. That can only be done when Davis is gone.
  12. I disagree. Davis has no role on this team in the future. He's a reminder of everything that was wrong with this franchise. The sooner they can turn the page, the better it is for everyone.
  13. You don't think it's goofy because it's your take and you are sticking to it regardless of all the evidence that is contrary.
  14. There is no way to determine by the amount they spend right now because I don't know the talent available or if the Orioles were on them. I will say this, if the Orioles aren't in or signing some major guys by the 2021 signing period then I'll start to have concerns. I expect next year they will have a couple of bigger signings. By 2021 they should have been there long enough to be in on some top guys.
  15. Haha. I found it ironic that he makes a great catch after making playing right field look real hard earlier in the game. Baseball is funny game!
  16. This remains your goofiest take ever on the Hangout. It has been explained multiple times that it takes at least two years to get into that market because the best players have had deals for one or two years before the signing period. What do want Elias to do, just spend money to spend money? He has full control (outside of releasing Davis) and has the ability to spend the allotment when he can get in on the top level talent. The Latin American scouting and signing process is the most corrupt and ridiculous thing that any major league sport allows. It's not just something you turn on in the first year, even with a respected lead in Koby Perez.
  17. It ended up that Duquette, Buck and Brady all lost in the end. Who knew Elias was Bran all along?
  18. John Madden has more of a chance of marrying Gal Gadot then Joe Maddon has of becoming the Orioles manager next year.
  19. I'm not big on a manager that can't tuck his shirt in.. Saying that, this is a moot point. Hyde is going nowhere for now and Maddon doesn't take on complete rebuilds in year 2.
  20. Please stay on the subject of Orioles attendance in 2019.
  21. I'm not sure I agree 100%. Bundy's fastball velocity trended down as soon as he became a professional. Each year he came back and the velocity fell, partially because he found he commanded his fastball better without full effort, and partially because he just throw slower. Now, could it be partially because of the surgeries? Perhaps, but he never really had the body of a pitcher who would throw in the upper 90s consistently.
  22. I always like when you throw in one of your baseball reference derived posts!
  23. Unless Mark Fidrych is starting!
  24. Baseball savant does not take the difficulty of the wall into their evaluations for the stars levels. That ball at that distance and hang time is typically caught without much of a problem because in most stadiums that ball is on the warning track or grass.
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