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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Funny thing, as his bat has emerged, he's fallen back to an average thrower. Still a good defensive catcher, but not a plus-plus arm like advertised. Either way, I hope he doesn't get buried as the platoon catcher. I'd rather Sisco get DH time and bench Davis while Severino gets regular at bats against righties and lefties.
  2. They had him listed as a CF/RF but to me that means RF.
  3. 4 College 2 High School 1 Catcher 3 SS 1 CF 1 RF thru first 6 picks.
  4. Yes, please remember to make your comments and the information you dig up on each player in their OWN threads.
  5. Tony-OH

    Alex Wells 2019

    I think if Wells used his changeup more he'd have more strike outs. He has to have a high spin rate fastball because he gets a lot of swings and misses up on the pitch. Wells has such good command that he's able to stay out of the middle of the plate and he's very good at working all four quadrants of the zone. The more I see him have success against AA hitters the more I start thinking he might just quiet his naysayers. Maybe it's just when I watch him but I just don't see enough changeups from him. He has the perfect fastball curveball combination that would make a good changeup really tough to hit.
  6. No, my first impression would be that he would not have quick enough feet to play 2B. Saying that, I'd be willing to see how he looks at 3B and 2B to see if there is any chance.
  7. True, it does seem unlikely, however, he's always been a guy with tools with the bat who wasn't able to put it together (according to a scout I know who has watch him most of his career). His statcast numbers are not bad overall offensively and solid average defensively. I'm ok with splitting the time with Sisco to see how Sisco plays, but I'm hoping Severino is not Bucked (relegated to playing one a week until the other catcher feels apart from overuse). I will say this, if Sisco struggles defensively again, I'd consider sending him back and converting him 3B or 2B and see how he does. Saying all that, I think Sisco earned another chance so now it will be up to him to perform at the big league level. BTW, I'd also like to see if Nunez's arm is better and give him another chance at 3B allowing Sisco to DH some.
  8. I'm interested in this signing period, but I'm really interested in next year's class.
  9. Nope, I think they are probably the #2 and #3 best hitters in the system behind Mountcastle. I just didn't think they were close to helping right now with their injuries and lack of success so far this season.
  10. Just be clear, I meant not much else close to helping or becoming everyday starters. I would have included Hays but he's been scuffling since coming back from his injury. I still think Diaz has a shot despite his struggles and injury, but Mountcastle is honestly the only impact bat in the system, with Hays probably second when it come to upside.
  11. Haha, yes, Patrick does a great job of paraphrasing a live interview and I appreciate him doing so, but don't think these are my actual words.
  12. Tony-OH

    Dean Kremer 2019

    I watched his 2nd and 3rd innings and his command really left him like I hadn't seen before. Hopefully it was just an off night or maybe even a dead arm period since he missed most of spring training. I did hear that he hit 96 MPH on the stadium gun in the 1st inning, so maybe just some fatigued afterwards or just a night when he didn't have command.
  13. But you say everyone will be replacement level so that's not going out on a limb. Now if you want to add to the board, then provide some statistical background to your proclamations and maybe people will take you more seriously instead of using as white noise.
  14. Boy, you sure do wait for a guy goes into a slump before making your proclamations don't you? Saying that, I've said all along that Smith was outperforming his minor league numbers and statcast info. He was not supposed to be an .800 OPS guy but had been for an extended period of time to start off his major league career. He's been below average runner and defender in left field. So while your proclamation may end up being true when it's all said and done, he's an interesting case to watch.
  15. Nice to see the velocity bump back up a bit.
  16. Tony-OH

    Dean Kremer 2019

    Yeah, I'd imagine if his arm strength is where it was last year that he'll get moved up. It's pretty clear he's having the success expected at that level.
  17. Sure, they both have solid average major league SS arms.
  18. That is major league SS throw there. Never set his feet but was able to get it there. Not a plus arm but looks major league average on that throw. I've been paying more attention to him and I'm starting to see a little Mike Bordick in him. He's definitely moved himself onto the prospect scene.
  19. His EV is 6th on the team at 87.8 MPH which is slightly below MLB average this year (89mph). He would be 12th on the team for the Yankees. His hard hit% is 36.7% which is below average and 7th on the team if you add in Steve Wilkerson. His xBA though is .277 which is second only to Manicini's .290 which suggests he has hit the ball often in angles and velocities that are successful. It will be interesting to see if he keeps outperforming his statcast information like he has his minor league stats. He's really an interesting case to watch.
  20. He's been a well-below average LFer. He'd be pretty bad in Cf.
  21. I watched some of his start yesterday. Batters weren't barreling up his fastball very often and he seemed to work it up much more in the strikezone. I could get velocity off the video, but batters weren't very comfortable.
  22. Someone told me his fastball was up to 95 last night! Can;t verify that though. Is using his four-seamer more up in the zone and his slider and changeup was getting swings and misses last night.
  23. Personally, I don't think his breaking pitches ever came around and he made too many mistakes in the middle of the plate. He such a good raw fastball that he gets away with some of those mistakes, but in the end, I think he'll always be a guy who will flash brilliance on occasion but will settle in as a #3-#4 guy. Saying that, there's value in a cheap controllable pitcher like this which is why it was disappointing that the return came back with no high level impact players.
  24. I just answer the questions they ask me buddy . I've clearly moved on, as have the new regime, but if I'm asked, I'll give my opinion and the Gausman deal was definitely about salary relief and not about the return, which is sad because Gausman was one of the guys that should have gotten a decent return.
  25. You will not get any arguments from me on anything you wrote here.
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