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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. Absurd decision by Mattingly. If he had a veteran with good control, that'd be a reasonable decision, but this kid clearly had no command, and the ump was consistently squeezing the strike zone. I would have intentionally walked Mancini, but then ya gotta pitch to Mountcastle in that situation, imo.
  2. Hopefully the Red Sox some day become a rival of the O's again.
  3. That's an awfully good offense/defense rental, and the Marlins are basically paying his salary. Are the O's willing to make a trade where they're effectively paying for a top prospect? I hope so.
  4. No, I don't even like being snarky even a little bit.
  5. Does anyone really move through this system quickly? I guess for the O's, being 23 years old in AA is flying through the system.
  6. As Robin would say - Holy Swiss Cheez, Batman! Heck, Atlanta picked a college pitcher - Ryan Cucick - in the 1st round who throws that hard, and he barely has a 2nd pitch - supposedly has a curveball. But he's "only" 6'6 235.
  7. Like Ridgway said, he was a ton of fun to watch yesterday, and he certainly looked like he has the stuff and intellect to be successful. I'm guessing it's just a matter of him being consistent and channeling his energy in a positive way.
  8. Hey, they told him to miss bats, and that's the only way he can do it.
  9. Feel free to brutalize me if my thinking is askew on this, but isn't this set up real well for a Padres/O's trade? We trade Trey to a very good Padres team - giving him a chance he deserves and would love - to play on a team that will likely make the playoffs. And we get a top prospect or 2 in return for taking on Hosmer's bad (but not horrific) contract and saving SD from the luxury tax. And if Hosmer returns to his top form, he becomes tradable next year - especially if the O's chip in a bit for his salary.
  10. That's where I am. Mountcastle is longer and more athletic - clearly has the edge in physical ability. Mancini has the experience edge, but Mountcastle can make plays that Mancini can't and should improve. It's a tough call now, but by next year, it should be an easy choice for the Mounty.
  11. I love the sink or swim at Bowie idea. It gives him a chance that he likely would not otherwise get. Wonder who's idea it was. Best of luck to him.
  12. If we could basically buy Abrams by taking on Hosmer - and not have to give up Hall... just give a lesser pitching prospect and an OFer - I'd be fine with that. If we trade Mancini elsewhere (or even in that trade), we can afford it. Granted, Hosmer gets paid 22 mil in 2022, but then it goes down to an affordable 13 mil a year - still a bad contract but not a killer.
  13. So with San Diego improving their already ridiculously good infield by adding Frazier, is there any chance the O's could trade for CJ Abrams? Unfortunately, I think it'd take young top-level pitching to get him - with SD pretty much loaded throughout their lineup. He's not dominating in AA, but he's 20 and OPSing .782. I'd hate to give up Hall for him. but Abrams is the 8th rated prospect in baseball, while Hall is 53rd - according to MLB.com. So, we'd have to add something to the package. Abrams could be ready for the bigs sometime next year - at either SS or 2B. In the offseason, we pay real money to get a starting pitcher.
  14. Nobody has a more picture perfect follow-through from his swing to the catcher's head than Stewart.
  15. Do they keep track of sliding stats? Well, I think we can all agree that if McKenna has another big game, we should retire his number.
  16. The good thing is - We get to see if he can make these adjustments - and I think it's best for his personal development to try it at the ML level.
  17. Fwiw, if you include minor league innings, Fry had 80 innings in 2018.
  18. So, Scott should have at least as much value as Castro - since he throws as hard as Castro - and has a very good slider. Personally, if I was a GM, I'd pay more to get Fry than I would to get Scott.
  19. He is kinda oddly shaped - and only 5'9. Hard to say if he'll age well - could end up like Sandoval. There should be better targets by next year.
  20. I think Fry should get us a little more than we got for Castro - because he's more reliable than Castro - and a lefty - and not eligible for free agency till 2025. Why do you think he wouldn't?
  21. Yeah, if there was an extra year, it would be a lot better. Also, I wish we had gotten more pitching depth in the draft - as is, I can't see including Hall in a trade. I do like the idea of trying to compete in 2023 - but we might have to wait a year to make a big trade like that. Getting a quality pitcher in free agency this offseason would certainly help.
  22. Fry is one of the few significant pieces that teams will likely bid on. Everyone can use a reliever like him. Scott may be more talented, but Fry seems to be more reliable.
  23. No matter what their record is, I hate losing and always want to win.
  24. I'd love to have Ramirez on the O's, but it just doesn't make sense for the O's to give up a gaggle of top prospects for him when he's 28 and can leave after 2 years.
  25. I know it's not the usual way trades are done in baseball, but the kind of trade I'd like to see is us trading a veteran and a prospect rated around 10 in our system for a prospect who would be rated about 5th in our system. We have plenty of solid prospects. I want a couple more top prospects or young major leaguers.
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