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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. Rosters expand in September and go to 26 men next season. I don't expect to see Davis go anywhere anytime soon.
  2. He reduces Mancini's trade value by keeping him from playing 1B every day. Trey might have respectable WAR if he didn't play the outfield.
  3. I'd like to see Austin Hays stay healthy, regardless of whether he's on the O's or an affiliate.
  4. It wasn't relevant at all, but thanks for trying.
  5. Sorry you weren't able to name any teams where he would be the starting 1B..
  6. Okay, let's trade him there.
  7. I'd be interested in seeing a list of teams where Trey would be the starting 1B.
  8. Is he ready, or are they now testing him in the outfield?
  9. We should only trade for players who do not have to be on the 40-man roster next season. We already have a pending roster crunch.
  10. mdbdotcom


    It's always darkest just before it gets worse.
  11. His early contributions notwithstanding, I feel like I've seen enough of Smith and not enough of Stewart.
  12. 52 games until rosters expand. Davis won't be going anywhere.
  13. 52 games until rosters expand. Davis won't be going anywhere.
  14. mdbdotcom


    Don't worry, trading Cashner and Mancini should return things to normal.
  15. If the Indians are still interested in contending, send them Mancini, Cashner and cash for one of the 10 middle infielders among their top 30 prospects (according to MLB Pipeline). We need middle infield depth throughout the system. Mancini and Cashner could help them to a wildcard spot.
  16. In the old days, players on opposing teams couldn't speak with each other without being fined, and the showing of any kind of emotion was frowned upon. My guess is that by this point in the season, they all have a pretty good collection of aches and pains.
  17. Mancini, Hays and Cobb are just three examples of players who tried to play through injuries and made themselves worse. We've seen Severino try to stay in a game even though he was lightheaded.
  18. I heard Ryan Spilborghs one day discussing how hard the 162 game schedule and all the travel are. He said that playing a day game after a night game was an almost inhuman ask, and that late in his career he was able to hang on as the guy who would play the day game in place of someone too beat up to play after the game the night before.
  19. That game you played as a kid - the one where you let the garage door come down on your head - must have really improved your physical stamina.
  20. Yeah, it's in Roch's latest blog as well. He even said he might soon have to discuss what's best with his family. Sounds like he's just going through the process until there's no process left. Mentioned that the arthritis might be a bigger issue than the surgery.
  21. I suspect that the point at which a major league ballplayer complains of a little soreness is the point when most of us would be in the ER for unbearable pain.
  22. There's also an opening for a starting pitcher. I think they posted that one on Craigslist.
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