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Everything posted by Jammer7

  1. It could be several things. The article in the link below talks about some of the mental issues he may have had earlier this season. The biggest thing for young guys is confidence, and realizing who they are and how they can fit in MLB. The PCL creates false expectations, and confidence can wane quickly if the player can’t replicate those results. I would doubt they are looking to move him at just 23 years of age. Maybe in the right deal that makes sense for both teams, but I think he just needs time and a redefined expectation of success from himself. https://www.mlb.com/news/jarred-kelenic-a-key-part-to-mariners-offense
  2. We just don’t know why they do things sometimes. Every team makes moves that the fans don’t understand. With what they have accomplished in Baltimore so far, some of us are inclined to wait and see. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt. Criticizing the GM/manager or whatever, of course that’s fair game. It’s part of being a fan, and it goes with being the GM. Three journeymen catchers added is absolutely puzzling. But why is it a crazy idea to take a look at low cost options for a possible AAA depth or back up job with the big club? They can still jettison them in a month if it isn’t a good fit. They know all about Bemboom, so that one is the oddest for me. But for the other two, get them to Sarasota and some informal workouts. Talk with them about analytics and pitch selections and sequencing. When they are on your roster, you can do that. Garcia is supposed to be an excellent framer, and that would be a tremendous upgrade to Chirinos. Is Cave a better bench player than Stowers? IDK, but maybe they want Stowers to play everyday if he doesn’t make the opening day roster in a meaningful role. Can Cave buy some time and provide some limited value in a limited role? Maybe. Perhaps I’m way off on my speculation. I’m just trying to figure it out like the rest of you, minus the Elias bashing. Trying to find a legitimate reason. I know, that’s crazy talk. Maybe he just does silly things to entertain us message board types in the offseason.
  3. An interesting story from February 2021 from an A’s site on Garcia. https://www.athleticsnation.com/2021/2/19/22288426/aramis-garcia-scouting-report-oakland-as-prospect
  4. This is where I am. I do not know why these moves were made. There has to be some reason, and I don’t know it. I do think Aramis Garcia and Jake Cave have some limited upside. Yes, they will both be 30 soon. Maybe this gives the team’s coaches an opportunity to meet with them, evaluate in person, perhaps send them to a Driveline type environment to see what they can improve on. They have a little over a month to evaluate them fully. We’ll see if any of these moves stick, and I doubt it. Elias is no fool. He saw an opportunity to look at some guys they might like to play a limited role. So be it.
  5. Aramis Garcia was once a highly rated prospect in the Giants system. A second round pick out of FIU. He has had some injuries, including a hip labrum that required surgery, and missed significant time. There is some power there, and a lot of swing and miss. Reportedly has worked hard to become an above average defender.
  6. 51/58 Travis Lakins Sr Marcos Diplan Denyi Reyes Alex Wells Logan Allen Chris Ellis Cody Sedlock I got hung up on Spenser Watkins for some reason. Kept thinking he had a C, not an S. I remember the Aussie LHP Wells, could not remember his first name. Chris Owings came to me just before the end, along with Rico Garcia and Louis Head. Thanks, those are always fun.
  7. His athleticism brings back memories of Sal Fasano. Yeah, his rep was a solid defender, maybe even above average. I wonder where the disconnect was. I know he was banged up a lot this season, but it wasn’t good.
  8. I’m not a fan of the lottery system they adopted, but so be it. It will be interesting how it shakes out. If we end up in the middle picks, we can see what the “scouting apparatus” does with that pick. See how their philosophy changes, if at all. If Elias gets a top 6 pick, Buster Olney will lose his mind. lol
  9. Very interesting that with a big improvement, the Orioles are still at such a deficit. With a balanced schedule next season, it will be interesting to see what impact that has in this discussion. Will there be a wider disparity between the AL East teams (and Houston) and the rest of the league?
  10. Well, the other teams in the AL East are pretty good, probably a little better/more talented than we are just yet. I think it made me appreciate just what they accomplished as an under-talented or less-experienced bunch. Overall, it has been a season of great progress. We’ve seen a lot of young players and pitchers take major steps forward. The pen has been incredible, but they are running on fumes. The starters have been very good in stretches, but they have been inconsistent of late, at a critical time. The hitters have been transitional. Very good at times, and completely lost at others. Is it the humidors? is it the ball? Is it the new hitting coaches’ philosophies and practices? IDK, maybe all three. When the calendar changed to August, the intensity turned up. These guys learned a few valuable lessons, but they weren’t ready to compete at the top level yet. They are tired and pretty beat up at this point. Many have never played a full 162 game season. Several pitchers, since COVID, really needed to stretch out more. Not making excuses, but there is a learning curve. I’m proud of these guys. This group has over-achieved and come a long way. Young talent has come up, a lot more on the way. We are starting to make the other teams nervous. They know the Orioles are on the road to being legitimate now. Now, they can prepare in the off season for 162 games. Elias and staff can add spend for some FA’s and make some trades. We are finally ready to compete. Perhaps we take these series in 2023.
  11. I think Santander is not a “core” player, but a solid 2nd tier guy for a good team. I think the swing decisions have helped him tremendously this season. I don’t think he improves greatly from here because of the following: 1. He has gotten bulkier, more muscular, before 2022. His swing is not one of bat speed, but strength. He has never been an elite bat speed guy. Hit the link and see that he only has two of the top 50 HR exit velocities since 2015 for the Orioles. We can point to a very difficult offensive environment this past season, and say that the exit velos are affected by the humidor, or whatever else, but this is not his first year. To me, it points to his lack of bat speed and length of swing. That matches my personal observations that his swing is long and slower than ideal for a core sort of guy. https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast_search?hfPT=&hfAB=home\.\.run|&hfGT=R|PO|F|&hfPR=&hfZ=&hfStadium=&hfBBL=&hfNewZones=&hfPull=&hfC=&hfSea=2022|2021|2020|2019|2018|2017|2016|2015|&hfSit=&player_type=batter&hfOuts=&hfOpponent=&pitcher_throws=&batter_stands=&hfSA=&game_date_gt=&game_date_lt=&hfMo=&hfTeam=BAL|&home_road=&hfRO=&position=&hfInfield=&hfOutfield=&hfInn=&hfBBT=&hfFlag=&metric_1=api_h_distance_projected&metric_1_gt=110&metric_1_lt=&group_by=name-event&min_pitches=0&min_results=0&min_pas=0&sort_col=pitches&player_event_sort=api_h_launch_speed&sort_order=desc&chk_event_launch_speed=on&chk_event_hit_distance_sc=on#results 2. Unless he goes the PED route, as some others have obviously done, his bat speed and quickness are not elite. Ortiz’ bat speed increased significantly at 39 years of age, but that’s for another discussion. His OF play has suffered because of it. He is more of a lumbering corner guy these days. Personally, I do not want a full time DH, since I would rather have that spot open to rest Adley and others, while maintaining their bat in the lineup. 3. For me, he’s a great guy that I route for, but I can see him being traded. As much as I want him to stay as a switch-hitting force in the middle of the lineup, I just do not see him fitting in the grand scheme more than one more year. By then, Stowers, Cowser and whomever else, Mayo and Norby maybe, can be ready to man a corner OF slot. There is no disputing his excellent improvement. It isn’t a small sample size anymore. I just think this is about as good as he gets, short of some huge boost in bat speed. His exit velocity isn’t poor, per se, but it isn’t elite among MLB standards.
  12. Yes, he was very…giving. A generous, amorous fellow.
  13. Bourbon, cigars and poor decisions in the early morning hours.
  14. Well deserved. MLB Pipeline doesn’t like him quite as much as BA. Callis and Mayo talk about the Reds SS Elly De La Cruz, Arizona OF Corbin Carrol, the Mets C Francisco Alvarez and the Brewers OF Jackson Chourio in the same breath as Gunnar. All are fine players, but BA loves Gunnar.
  15. It’s one way to go, for sure an interesting one. Henderson has acclimated quickly. To assume that Ortiz and Westburg can adjust quickly is certainly a gamble. I believe they both should become everyday players, but I think easing them in at first to be a better strategy if we want to make a playoff run in 2023. If Henderson is the everyday SS, I believe he’ll wear down some at SS and hurt his production. Less wear and tear at 3B, which will keep his bat in the lineup more. A great athlete, and he’ll get bigger, I wonder if he’ll slow down some as he fills out. Maybe a concern when it comes and he plays SS until then. I had read of concern about his consistency at SS, but I don’t see much of an issue so far. The two errors at 2B notwithstanding. He’s a stud. If you want to put him at SS and trade Mateo, fine, assuming there’s a suitor with a good return. It has to be a very good return. I am good with then having Ortiz at 2B over Urias, who is much better at 3B. We’ll see how committed to winning Elias is in 2023, and which prospects he prefers to stay and play which positions.
  16. This is what I believe. I’ve seen it a bunch over the years. I saw Shane Baz at 13, and he was all arms and legs, a baby deer. But you could see him growing into a stud. He was protected and handled correctly. He just went down with TJ surgery, but he was developed very well as a young arm. As far as long toss, it has to be done correctly, but I think it is huge in developing arms. It is actually thought to be a stretching routine, but it strengthens the muscles too. Some of these guys take it to an extreme, obviously. I have seen various studs over the years throw from foul pole to foul pole. And do so with ease in MLB spring training stadiums.
  17. Agree with you, Moose. Particularly the part about pitch selection to Tucker. It was likely a call by Adley, bad call there. Tucker has a hole up and in, and a hundo there gets him. Ah well, tough loss to the best team in the AL. The pen was not sharp after three “off days,” basically. The pen is tired overall. I did not like extending Bautista from the 8th, and I think it best to keep him as a one inning guy.
  18. It is too early for Stowers, Mayo, Kjerstad or Westburg to move there. All of the talk of Westburg, and not one good reason to do it has been listed. So, we want to take a guy, who is thought to be at least an average major league SS and move him to 1B? What a waste of his value. Kjerstad is the only one listed who makes even a lick of sense to me, but not yet. Way too soon. Mountcastle is just fine there for a few years. His defense is greatly improved. I don’t expect him to have some kind of epiphany and suddenly have a .380 OBP. The Wall has really affected him, IMO. Give him some time to adjust.
  19. I still want that TOR. I want the the guy that everyone knows gives us a leg up against the TOR in a playoff game. I suppose it depends on whether or not you believe that Kremer and Bradish are who they appear to be the past six weeks or so. And can Lyles continue to compete with his mediocre stuff? None of those three are what I consider potentially TOR kind of guys. Means can be a 2-3 type when he comes back, but Grayson is the only guy I see who can be a legit #1. My problem is not winning games as much in the regulars season. I want to go in and dominate game 1 and 4 of a series in the post season. Set the tone with seven strong innings and keep the pen fresh. A reliable arm like that makes up for other mediocrities and youthful inexperience. Spend the money.
  20. It is peculiar, but not unexpected. Perhaps there is already a group in play to buy. And they agreed with John to build it up and spend within certain parameters. I could see that happening.
  21. Good points. Henderson could be a very good defensive SS, with great athleticism, hands, arm, feet and range. He will be getting bigger over the next few years. Playing SS at an elite level takes a lot out of the player. I would rather have him at 3B for his future growth and ability to be in the lineup more often. Just thinking beyond the next year or two. Mateo is fantastic! I am a huge fan of his defense. Been on that train for a year now, and even I was surprised how good he is. He might start the year for us to further build his value. He should be arb eligible soon, and Ortiz is very good as well for less money. Maybe Ortiz comes up and plays a UT role for 2023. From what little I have seen of Ortiz, he may have a little less range but the gap doesn’t seem to be huge. He gets himself into a better throwing position to his right than Mateo. There will still be shifts, just within the parameters they set. No INF on OF grass, and two INF on each side. But we will see INF standing behind 2B.
  22. For me, based on what limited looks I have had, Gunnar at 3B, Ortiz at SS and Westburg at 2B. That’s if we commit to those three and trade Urias and Mateo. Gunnar and Westburg could handle SS well, but Ortiz is just much better for me at turning outs into outs. As far as Holliday, I worry about that if and when it happens. Injuries, trades and such happen. Connor Norby needs to be in the conversation about overall value, but seems just a bit behind defensively. Prieto, I just cannot get a great read on him yet. Bencosme might need to be in the conversation as well. I’ve been hearing he has a 70 hit tool, but the defense is raw. Probably not a SS long term.
  23. Tony’s prospect write up at the end of 2021 was more complimentary than previous ones, but still noted an “average at best” arm. https://orioleshangout.com/8-jordan-westburg/
  24. I agree. I see plenty of arm, but the knocks from some other outlets have been about his arm being short. Tony has said it, and other reports have come out with concerns.
  25. The knocks on his defense are about his arm being a little short. Everything else is very good. The same was said about Urias’ arm, and that he was only a 2B. IDK. Gunnar clearly has the better arm of all three. Mateo is there too. I think Westburg’s arm would suffice at 3B and SS, but we’ll see.
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