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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. For sure but from the time they started the GWRBI stat, Eddie owned it. I think they stopped it just because nobody could touch him. I MIGHT be a little bit biased. lol
  2. EDDIE, always Eddie, that glare of his when he locked in, just awesome. Mr. GWRBI.
  3. Oh, I absolutely agree but the way he was used the first half of last year I think is the key. IMO he needs semi regular 1-2 inning stints to stay sharp. Hyde likes to use his 1-inning guys. I would rather use a long guy for 3-4 innings to backup a 5 inning start.
  4. Agree with this, but IMO Akin needs regular work to be sharp like the first half of last year going 1-2 inn. I didn't want to broach Wells to BP because the board would explode and the point would be lost. I too think that's where he is best for the team but we would need Irvin to step up and take his place in the rotation. I didn't think of the Baumann - Baker shuttle, that might work. We still need a long man other that Voth, Wells - Irvin switch could be the key.
  5. Agree with this and everything Frobby said in his response. I think WC said we have too many 1-inning, back end guys. I don't think Givens is going to fix that. We are limited to 8, Bautista, Baker, Cano, Perez, Coulombe, Givens is probably 1 too many. The "long" guys are Akin, Voth, Baumann and other than Voth they probably would be challenged to go more than 2 inn. We need the Norfolk shuttle to be the bridge but I don't feel all that comfortable with Zimmerman or Rom filling that role. Is Watkins still around? Even if yes, same lack of trust. Hall is an enigma but could maybe be another 1-inning guy. The mix isn't right and Hyde burns thru relievers too often. Perez and Voth don't have options so they won't ride the shuttle. Maybe Irvin is finding is control/command after his last start. Does Coulombe have options to go down for Givens? It seems like we have "enough" options but our option limitations will hamper best usage. To my mind, FWIW, Hyde needs to get the long men regular 2-3 inning work to keep Aki, Voth, Baumann, Zimmerman, and maybe Irvin or Watkins sharp. That would relieve the load on the 1 inning guys
  6. Oh, I know, but the point is that he has shown the ability to adjust and he needs ABs to do that. The next wave of COFs are not far behind and we need to find out what he can or can't do now before that happens. Otherwise we risk moving on from a prospect that could come back to bite us. I think ME wants to know what he's got.
  7. Yes but I keep thinking of Tony's comments about him looking like crap for multiple ABs and then he adjusts and crushes one
  8. I agree with this but would be OK for him to go down, not for more development, but to relax and get hot again, gain some swagger. Just a short stint and Urias can get regular starts. Ortiz can come up as Util IF.
  9. And isn't advocating for becoming a jerk because of his bad luck
  10. OR a player of Adley's stature as there is little hope JA will open his checkbook for a 25 year old catcher after watching Wieters, at least in my mind. ME will use Adley to stuff the pipeline in a few years.
  11. OK, I'll bite. I have been on the ERod bandwagon since the offseason. Why? I look for idiosyncrasies, and with his opt out, his troubles last summer, and 3/$49M remaining I expect him to opt out. That means he is a short term rental which DET has little leverage over therefore cheaper to acquire. The oddity with him is he declined the QO from Boston and I am not sure of the rules allowing or preventing a second QO. That's an unknown. Then usually the team has 5 days after the WS to place the QO but the player can have a different timeline in their contract. I think ARod had a 10-day window back in the day. As well negotiated as ERod's contract is, it wouldn't surprise me if he did something like that to reduce DET's options if he didn't opt within 5 days. Another unknown. Then there is his Oriole lineage and I was pissed when he was traded. But DET isn't failing, except against the East. They are 2-14 against the East but they are 15-18 overall, in 3rd place. They don't play the East again until 3 w/ TOR just before the ASB and then 13 in Aug-Sept. They won't decide to fish or cut bait until July but we still need to answer the QO questions before making any offer. Too much time, too many variables. Another choice is Trever Rogers in MIA just coming off the 15-day IL with forearm tightness but he says no pain. He is 25, lefty, 6'-5" drafted in 2017 out of HS, They are short SPs right now without him and are starting a 33 year old as SP5. They have guys hurt and prospects coming but nothing ready now. They are in the hunt now with PHI and NYM, can they hang there? Are they tired of waiting for him to become say Wheeler? Too much time, wait and see. Pablo was the guy this offseason.
  12. I am probably alone on this island but I don't think ME and Sig give Hyde the lineup, just a lot of matchup analyses and suggestions. I agree they seem to be on the same page mostly but I believe Hyde gets to play his hunches. I don't think ME would dictate who to play where for a game. If ME thinks one of his prospect assets is being tarnished (Stowers IMO) he demotes him to get regular PT. When Givens is ready it should show who ME values.
  13. Absolutely agree with this take. That was well struck and right over his head. His route wasn't that bad and the ball likely was hooking away from his glove. Nice last minute twist for the catch. He never took his eye off it which affects his speed. Nice play, certainly NOT 99% for a LH LF. Kyle belongs in RF but Hyde will keep playing Santander.
  14. Damn, I wonder if "the only thing he knows about pitching is that he couldn't it it"? Thank you Cakes!
  15. Agree 1,000,000%. Bemorewins has decided that we ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY MUST acquire a a TRUE #1 TOR ASAP because our mediocre at best rotation CAN'T POSSIBLY PITCH EFFECTIVELY IN THE POSTSEASON, depriving us fans of the WS win we are OWED (Are you listening JA?). It is freaking the 1st week of MAY and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN until much closer to the AS break. EVERYONE is still evaluating their respective chances, even MIA (Luzardo) and DET (ERod). We just went head-to-head with ATL, in their stadium and had realistic chances to win 2/3 or even sweep. We started Kremer, Bradish, Wells, and at least 2 of them would have to be jettisoned or demoted to ensure WS competitiveness. ME isn't listening, no matter how often he is REMINDED of the ABSOLUTE PLETHORA of TOP 100 PROSPECTS we have. We have that cornucopia because we TANKED for 4 years to gain two, bookend 1:1 picks. We are highly unlikely to maintain such excess drafting in the 20-30 range. Rank over, retreating to my cave.
  16. Agree re: Baumann, Why not re: 3rd catcher with MLB salary, poor offense and not great defense??? ME played games all winter with Benboom et al. Isn't that enough depth at AAA? We need a 3rd catcher MAYBE 2 times a year, who's bright idea was this addition to the 40 man??? Was Hyde a Mil catcher by any chance? I honestly don't know and I'm too frustrated to look.
  17. Look, I agree with you, but speaking for ME, IMHO he values the versatility in the minors. I don't believe ME wants Gunnar moved around at the MLB level, I think that is on Hyde amd I think it has caused Gunnar a problem.
  18. Well IMHO Hyde is delusional and Gunnar rewarded that delusion by going 0 for 5.
  19. Why does Hyde try to get another inning out of Baker when he was lucky to get out of the last one? Why not give Coulombe a clean inning?
  20. I'm not sure but maybe the super utility thing is his best fit. Last year he seemed to wear down and his offense suffered. The 403 ABs were the most he has ever had. I am a fan of Urias though so a part of me wants him to get a chance to start but it won't be here.
  21. My point was not about DH vs PH but that he is here for his bat, not his glove. They do want a left handed bat which is why he, Diaz etc were brought in. He isn't an improvement on Mounty defensively. Diaz is but he probably won't hit as well.
  22. Please leave him at the 9 spot focused on getting on base and driving pitchers crazy, not home runs. Don't change his mindset before it is cemented in place. He had a long development period being successful but undisciplined until it didn't work in the show. He worked hard last year and off season to change that. Let him settle in his new style.
  23. The Gibson DPs seems like a piece of the puzzle, was Lyles more a flyball pitcher? Does Mateo start more DPs because of his range and arm? That kinda stuff, pieces of the puzzle.
  24. this part: " O’s second basemen have been involved in 25 double plays, most in the league and about 50% more than the average" Is that because of SSS and more appropriate balls in play to all 3 IF positions or that our SS and 3B are starting more DPs because of GG defense.
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