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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. There's probably something you can do with the bulletin board software, like every time someone types "Davis" it automatically changes to "ol'whatshisface" or something.
  2. I can see both sides to the argument. I mean, no one really cares if the Orioles are this bad outside of the casual Orioles fans that are out there. The diehards like us, will always remain. But say you're a Seattle Mariners fan. Do you really care if the Orioles are tanking?
  3. Sure. Your Tate obsession is pretty weird.
  4. Agreed. Just when you think he's turning into a pumpkin, he turns it around. One of the few reasons to keep watching in September. Would also be awesome if he could lead the league in hits, too.
  5. Meche seems to be the exception to the rule. Maybe there are guys who walked away with a year or two left on a deal but I can't think of anyone who'd leave that amount of years and that amount of dollars on the table if Davis retired after the 2019 season for example. I think a lot of us (me included) would like to think they would have handled things differently. But a few things: None of us (I'm assuming) have been in a position to make that amount of money. Or turn down that amount of money. I don't pretend to know what Davis's living expenses are but I'm assuming not cheap. Even if they're relatively modest for a professional athlete, he's in a unique position to ensure that his kids, his kids kids and his kids kids kids would never have to work again if they invest everything right and set everything up right. It's one thing to be able to say you'd like to do the "honorable thing" and walk away and leave money on the table. It's quite another thing to be able to say your family is set for generations and to try and get every dollar you can from a guaranteed contract. Sure, what's 10 or 15 million had he walked away early? It's more money for his family. At the end of the day, I can't get too mad at anyone who's looking out for their family first. As frustrated as all of us have been with Davis, it's not his fault the Orioles were stupid enough to bid against themselves and give him that deal. We can banter back and forth on if he worked hard or not, what he did or didn't do in the offseasons, etc. But I will say the telling thing is that none of his teammates seemed to have a problem with him. There were never any "un-named sources" in the media who were talking smack about him. There never seemed to be any clubhouse disputes. If his teammates didn't seem to care, I'm not sure why I should have cared so much in the first place. He also did a lot for the community of Baltimore and that shouldn't be overlooked. We forget that these professional athletes understand that this is a business, first and foremost. It's why NFL players don't mind it when their teammates are holding out for a contract during training camp. They know that their teammates are handling their business first and that's what needs to be done. As much as we as fans would like to believe that "team first" chest beating stuff, it just doesn't work that way anymore. Lastly, I also wouldn't be surprised if the Players Association was in his ear and urging him not to retire. While they certainly couldn't do anything if he decided to walk away early and leave money on the table, the MLBPA doesn't like to give anything away. As I said, they couldn't do anything to recoup money for Davis if he decided to retire early but I'm sure they don't want any of their players leaving money on the table no matter what the situation is. Now...this is all said in hindsight. Davis is gone, he's not a threat to return to the roster. Had there been reports of him training, rehabbing and planning to be at Spring Training next year, I'd probably be a bit irate.
  6. Would liked to have seen more swings/misses/strikeouts but he didn't **** the bed. If you're an Orioles prospect in 2021 and you make your debut, it's a very low bar to clear.
  7. Just because we don't have a consensus guy now doesn't mean we'll have one at draft time.
  8. I really would like us to have the first overall pick. As far as I can tell, though, there’s not a consensus #1 headed into next years draft. A lot of people like Green and so do I, but he’s not a lock. if the Orioles do botch this and wind up with #2, it won’t be the end of the world. I’m more amazed that there’s a team out there worse than us.
  9. Damn, I dunno how I'd forget about Trey. We can amend it to that Davis was the last recognizable face from the playoff teams.
  10. Quite frankly, I don't care anymore. First, it's not my money. And while I do gripe from time to time on how the Orioles spend theirs, it's exactly that...just griping. It doesn't do anything to fix how they spend it. Second, he's gone. And that's probably the most important thing. While Davis seemed like a good dude who was liked by his teammates, the roster isn't as clogged as it once was. Mountcastle and Mancini can play every day and we don't have to worry about Davis and his .115 batting average making automatic outs and killing whatever feeble attempt they can make at a rally. Third, I view Davis being released as the final nail in the coffin of the 2018 season and the playoff teams before it. IIRC, there's no left on the roster from 2018 team, aside from Austin Wynns and Santander. (EDIT, @SteveA has informed me that I'm WAY wrong about this). Time to focus on the future. And while it's always been time to focus on the future since the trading deadline of 2018 having Davis hanging around has been a bad reminder of the past. Upward and onward.
  11. Not so far, no. Flashier, yes. Big time pass on Correa. Amazing talent, but he's always hurt.
  12. Drooling over a 16/8 ratio. I don't mind strikeouts, they're commonplace in today's game...they're accepted. But the walks...awesome.
  13. You're a weird dude if you don't appreciate listening to an Eddie Murray interview.
  14. "There were certain things you just didn't do to me." Eddie Murray is a pimp.
  15. Matt Harvey is a has-been. Josh Rogers is a never-been. Elias is smarter than us. As far as I know, none of us have worked in the front office of an ML franchise.
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