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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Then you should agree that we shouldn’t be getting shut down by these garbage Jays pitchers.
  2. Hard not to like Burch Smith.
  3. It’s awful. And before someone can point to the runs per game average since the ASB like it means something, these types of game seem to happen far too often…getting shut down by pitchers who just aren’t very good or aren’t having a good season. It’d be one thing if we got shut down by someone’s ace…but Bassitt? He’s been bad this year and terrible lately. Francis??? Cmon.
  4. Of course Adley swings 2-0 and flies out. Of course.
  5. It really is terrible. As far as I know the only penalties are they don’t get chosen for postseason games.
  6. ok Russell Crowe. No internet police here. I just like to see people explain their opinions and cite tangible examples. IMO, the worst kind of debaters are the “it’s my opinion, bro!” types.
  7. Mayo looking like Holliday 1.0.
  8. Then that’s his prerogative, unfortunately. I don’t believe it’s a foolproof situation as currently constructed. I‘m just looking at it being selfish for the Orioles. Like I said, if we’re gonna be good I don’t want us picking in the late part of the rounds in the draft AND an international draft.
  9. Well if you were correct, that’d be one thing. In case you haven’t noticed, no one here is a sportswriter or part of the organization. You’ve gotta be able to back up your opinions with evidence, or else it doesn’t really mean much. No kool aid here bro, just your tears.
  10. Kevin Brown doing exchange rates between US and Canada, y’all.
  11. No fire, no passion! Hyde needs to be ripping heaters in the dugout and yelling at umpires every night and getting thrown out of games all the time so we know his heart is really in this! Why, if every manager was like Earl Weaver and Billy Martin, we could just sit back and easily be able to tell whether or not they had passion and fire! Blaaaaarrrggggh! Passion and fire would make Coby Mayo better at defense!
  12. I don’t either. But now that we have a program and a facility down there, I’m less inclined to agree with an international draft. If we really are going to be good for the next 5-10 years, we’re going to be picking at the back half of each round. I don’t want us picking at the back half of each round in the international draft, too. If there’s a 2 million kid that we want out of the Dominican, I want us to be able to get him. If they want to spend 50k on 20 guys each and maybe one of them turns into the next Acuña, that’s great too. I’m really not interested in what’s considered fair when it comes to the international market when the Orioles refused to deal in it under the Angelos regime. IMO, fair is each team having the freedom to set up whatever facilities they want down there and a cap on how much they can spend yearly. If some dumb team like the Rockies doesn’t have a presence down there, well, too bad. No one’s stopping them and a draft shouldn’t be held to bail out their incompetence.
  13. Are we already turning on Mayo? Looks that way.
  14. Glad to see Rogers helped himself out with the pickoff.
  15. Mayo’s throwing, there it is.
  16. O’Hearn is overdue for a piss missile.
  17. Jump all over this trashcan
  18. Sign whoever you want is fine. As long as there’s a pool of money you can spend, go nuts. It’s fine the way it is, IMO.
  19. This is saying a lot without saying anything.
  20. I don't know where JD Davis fits in, honestly. Mayo is going to be fine, I agree. Looking forward to seeing him get his first hit out of the way so he can hopefully relax and be a productive player for the rest of the season. So far, I've liked his approach at the plate, he seems fairly patient.
  21. It is my hope that he has a key hit to screw the Yankees at a really great time later this year.
  22. yes, no, yes 100% absolutely yes. There's no good reason for them. No.
  23. Getting Bautista back for the playoffs would be awesome. That said, I'm not sure we've learned our lesson from getting guys back quickly from TJ surgery and treatments, it seems.
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