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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Rooting for the Yankees to crater. I'd love to see us finish ahead of them in the standings. I've got a buddy who's a Yankees fan and a big $%*^ talker, if the Orioles finish ahead of them in the standings I'm getting a giant yard sign of the final standings and posting it in his yard.
  2. There's a chance that we look back on the 2020 season as evidence of when you could start seeing things come together.
  3. He did seem to be the primary culprit. I would assume that the rate went up in the playoffs.
  4. I don't think we should be getting carried away just yet. Akin's looked good, Kremer was fantastic. Let's not forget DJ Stewart was 0 for the season before his power outburst this weekend. Mountcastle has looked great. While I'm sure they're getting some good instruction at the Bowie site, this is still a "wildcard small sample size™" of performance in the majors for all of these guys. It's certainly encouraging but I don't think anyone should be jumping to conclusions just yet. Now if these guys are looking like this in early September 2021, yeah, whole different story.
  5. I barely notice it either, but for that reason I'm not in favor of it. Part of the reasoning behind the rule, IIRC, is too make sure that the game moves along at a quicker pace and ending in a shorter game. Games are well over 3 hours now and if MLB wants to make a dent in the time it takes to play a game, pitching changes isn't the hill to die on, IMO. I mean, how many times in a game does a manager make a pitching change when a pitcher hasn't faced 3 batters? I'm sure that data exists somewhere, but I don't believe it occurred in every game. And even then, how many times did it happen in a game? I believe I said it earlier somewhere in this thread, MLB wants to have it's cake and wants to eat it, too. They want high scoring games with lots of runs because that's supposed to generate more excitement, but they want all of that to happen in less than three hours. MLB would love a 2:45 minute game, but they'd abhor the thought of it ending in a 2-1 pitchers duel because the casual fan wouldn't be enthralled by it. The causal fan, MLB thinks, wants to see an 9-8 slugfest with lots of homers and leads being traded back and forth. Unfortunately, with all that scoring, the game will take 3+ hours. Neither scenario I've outlined comes to their pace of play conclusions because a manager wanted to use a lefty in a high leverage situation for one batter.
  6. I'd prefer a Dodgers 14th round pick to our 14th round pick any day of the week.
  7. Sample size is to wildcard as minor league tenure is to CoC.
  8. Is CoC in here whining about prospects not being promoted fast enough?
  9. That's what I'm saying. Don't get mad at the Orioles for playing by the rules.
  10. I was only upset about that because I enjoyed seeing you upset that he continued to get at bats.
  11. Corn just likes to gripe about players not being promoted as quickly as he'd like them to be. I'm with you though, I don't see Diaz knocking down the door of clubhouse at Camden Yards with amazing stats and the ability to stay healthy.
  12. Well some think that it was a bad idea to go the pu pu platter approach on the Manny trade, that we somehow could have gotten like, 1 legit stud prospect instead. Anyway, I think Kremer will turn out to be the best part of that trade.
  13. Well, it's pretty boring right now, not much else to talk about. So I'll blame Dan.
  14. That statement assumes that the opposite of the problem would be that they CAN develop talent. And if they COULD develop talent, they'd be in the top 5 every year and graduating guys to the majors with no problems. @Can_of_cornI have no idea what that picture means you weirdo.
  15. I admit I didn't like it at first but I was happy with the whole enchilada.
  16. It'll be a lot of people crowing about how the team didn't pick the guy they wanted. And griping with Elias' draft strategy.
  17. Anyone want to discuss his defense? I feel like if he's a utility guy next year, he's gotta be a better defender.
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