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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Pat Connaughton playing for the Bucks in the first round of the NBA playoffs.
  2. Was expecting Hunter Harvey news, not even kidding.
  3. Really happy that he busted out against the Sox! Here's hoping that this is the jolt of confidence he needs to play some good ball from here on out. If he could get to a .750+ OPS I'd be happy.
  4. The Sox looked so bad today. They actually looked how we're supposed to look.
  5. Can't stand watching him pitch.
  6. Eh, we're all human. Hard to believe when talking about New Englanders, I know.
  7. They are a grumpy bunch, but I think this story, at a national level, is going to get people rallying behind him. I think he's going to get some cheers from the Sox fans.
  8. I don't think they're the end all, be all, but I do value them. In a day and age where we're constantly measuring how hard batters hit pitches, I'd prefer it if we had guys that didn't provide the opportunity to do so. I do believe there are pitchers that can get by without striking out batters but I question how long that can last and how much margin for error they live on.
  9. Bleier is a guy that outpitched his stuff. Doesn't strike anyone out. I don't know if he's fully healthy or not, but I'm pretty sure he's not as good as he was during that stretch.
  10. You make it sound like you think he's perfectly happy with how he's performing and "stealing" money. You think he is, really?
  11. I agree with the spirit of your post, but I don't think it's in reality that he retires. Maybe he does if this hitless streak gets to something ridiculous like 0-75 or something...and at this point, that could be a possibility. The part I agree with most is the first part, what does a two day reboot do? Nothing. Aside from staving off some more embarrassment at a national level. I couldn't believe that this got the national press that it did. I think sitting him allowed some of the attention to blow over, hopefully the sports news cycle is more distracted with Magic Johnson and the NBA playoffs starting and don't have the bandwidth to report that Davis is still hitless. But if they think that they can make a difference with his performance over a couple of days, they're kidding themselves. I've been on record as saying that if he's as bad as last year (or worse) they'd make a decision on him by the ASB. Unfortunately, I think I'm wrong about that. I think we're in this for the long haul and there's no end in sight.
  12. Very true. The most intriguing thing about Wright is how he's managed to stick around for this long.
  13. Damn, that's terrible. I'm glad Nick and his family weren't there when that happened. Makes me think of Sean Taylor.
  14. CoC can't be wrong, just ask him I'm with you, I am growing increasingly nervous that this extends past this season. Although it shouldn't. The money is the money, it's going to get paid no matter what. I realize that's a simplistic take but keeping a player performing this poorly because he's owed a lot of money isn't a correct answer, either.
  15. I don't think he's wired that way either, but he might surprise us. Although I think you're right. I'd love to see him do it, I know you would, too. If he can maintain a .350 OBP and if the NL adopts the DH I think it increases his chances to stick around and do it.
  16. I think if you've got a chance...albeit a small chance...to do what a handful of major league baseball players have done over the course of 150 years...you do it.
  17. I always thought DD was a guy who wasn't given full autonomy and made the best out of a crappy situation.
  18. AWESOME. Jays are taking it to Chris Sale this afternoon at the Sox home opener in Fenway. Had the ring ceremony and all that, the Jays are doing their best to spoil it. Best part was a straight steal of home on Sale. Jays up 5-2 in the 4th.
  19. This is so over. Anything they're doing now is grasping at straws.
  20. Yeah, as Drungo said, pretty sure it doesn't work that way.
  21. If it's true the Orioles didn't pay the Nats, that's a dick move.
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