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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I'm not saying you should die on a hill. And I'm not saying Mancini is THE GUY to build around. But you think Mancini is Trumbo at 27, we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on. If you look at what Trumbo did in his age 27 season vs what Mancini is doing this year, you'll see that it's not a valid comp.
  2. lol, it's like we want to trade the one guy that we bitch and whine about never being able to have. Either you keep a guy who's young, good, cheap and cost controlled because they are that way....or you trade them because they're young, cheap, cost controlled. At some point you gotta make a decision to keep em. And if anyone says "OMFG MOUNTCASTLE!!!! WHAT ABOUT MOUNTCASTLE AT FIRST!??!?!?!?!" Please, save it. Just save it. This board has long suffered from backup QB syndrome....the guys we have are never good enough and there's always someone waiting in the wings that COULD BE better.
  3. I don't understand why you'd want to get rid of Trumbo/Davis and then trade the most logical person to take their place.
  4. So you're saying it's all related to roster management, essentially.
  5. I don't think DFAing Davis is as easy as we all think it is. I think we'd like to think that it's that easy. But it hasn't been done yet.
  6. ...it's troubling because they're on the team and could play a factor in trading Mancini. Especially Davis. Trumbo, not as much cause his contract is up at the end of the season.
  7. How so? I think he's absolutely correct.
  8. Glad to see you've got superior taste to all of them.
  9. Never was huge into the Simpsons. My dad has had Sports on in his car since 1985 until about two years ago. That, Dire Straits "Money for Nothing" and ZZ Top "Eliminator". Can't pick your family.
  10. Yeah, count me out of being able to pick up on Simpsons references.
  11. Glad you can take a good natured ribbing. Onions? Are you sure? Thought it was garlic.
  12. Baseball didn't count back then. Didn't they have 4 bases before home base and run them clockwise?
  13. Not sure where you're finding your data as yours looks more precise than where I'm searching. But the 1926 St. Louis Browns (yep, Orioles of course) gave up .6 when the AL average was .3 Way different times though, obviously.
  14. I've been looking for a few minutes, haven't been able to find one. Thought some expansion teams like the '77 Blue Jays and the '62 Mets would be in that range but nope. It's an interesting challenge.
  15. I'm cool with taking a chance on a Broxton type but I don't think we should get our hopes up. He certainly does have a ton of talent but he's not been able to refine it. Strikes out way, way too much. If he becomes a 2 WAR player, that'd be quite a steal. Maybe Elias and Sig have identified something in him that makes them believe they can coax more out of him. Maybe Don Long has some insight into his swing.
  16. Velo is everything! Ain't that right, @Can_of_corn?
  17. Yup, don't miss Gausman. Actually, 8 earned runs for him tonight.
  18. Gausman gave up 4 runs in the first inning tonight to the Nationals. ERA sitting at 4.91.
  19. @atomic when you're a hammer, everything's a nail.
  20. Curious to see where he's going to be ranked after the season is over if he keeps this up. I'm wondering if he'd be in the #50 range.
  21. I can't remember the last time I had so much anticipation for something.
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