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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. I don’t know. I think Ryu did pretty well for himself at 4/80. Keuchel did well too.
  2. It doesn’t appear so. But I may record some and play later. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/29132165/espn-televise-korea-baseball-organization-games%3fplatform=amp
  3. KBO starts tomorrow morning (1:00 AM EST)! Got my DraftKings lineup in. Straily and Kim, baby!
  4. They won’t make a firm decision until things get clearer, but I believe the plan is no minor league games, but possibly expanded rosters.
  5. Has he closed the door on the ‘19/20 season? I haven’t been paying attention to the NHL. If the NBA/NHL are trying to continue their seasons and have playoffs, and they don’t finish until late July/August, then postponing the following season makes sense.
  6. Report: NBA expects to need about 15,000 coronavirus tests to restart season amid pandemic (Can’t figure out why I can’t copy article from Yahoo! App) Silver says they won’t bid on 15k tests if there continues to be a shortage nationwide. But if enough tests are produced for the country, then there could be a path to the playoffs in Vegas or Orlando.
  7. Pretty wild story in the Post today about Andre Dawson. The HOFer owns and operates a funeral home in Miami. He talks about providing comfort while social distancing and the expectation of increased volume due to COVID-19.
  8. Taking Vitamin D is a good idea even when not in this COVID-19 environment. I read the same, but then I read about what is going on in Ecuador, I pause to make the connection. There is so much about this virus that we don’t know, and won’t know, until we get more data. For example, when this broke out, there was a great fear for asthmatics (I’m one). Then the NYT reports (mid April) that only 5% of NY’s COVID’s fatal cases had asthma.
  9. Jomboy. So maybe some language here. Anyway, enjoy.
  10. Right, which is what? Eight months? The number of non-NY/NJ deaths has tripled in the past two weeks. This isn’t just a NYC problem.
  11. No, we don’t have these concerns over the flu. But, unfortunately, this isn’t the flu. Can you point out a time in the last 50 years when we lost 50k Americans in one month from the flu?
  12. There were 2 hour time limits growing up in Little League and Babe Ruth. You would be amazed at the number of untied shoes, untucked shirts, missed signs that need a conference with the 3rd base coach for the winning team after an hour and forty-five minutes.
  13. Aggregately, for the U.S, IHME has been spot on this month. Their midpoint estimates for 4/2- 4/19 that they made on April 1 was 38217. High end, 53755 and low end 22679. Total deaths from 4/2 through 4/19 was 34275.
  14. Maybe Carl got some of that Kevin Durant plasma and he’ll start dunking. Great news. Thanks for sharing.
  15. There could soon be a disruption to US production of beer and soda. Producers need CO2 for carbonation. 34 of 45 ethanol plants that sell CO2 have lowered production.
  16. It sounds like if you can get one, it really is a lifeline. My friend described it as about 80% would be forgiven if you prove it was used for payroll, rent, that kind of thing. And the remaining 20% had favorable terms of a low interest rate and a long payback period. **the 80/20 split is from math in my head after a few beers in the night. So it’s not exactly this, but pretty close.
  17. Once there is a handle on this pandemic and people start assessing this act, there are going to be so many stories of fraud, waste, and abuse. I don’t have a small business, so I haven’t really paid attention, but I have a friend who runs a nonprofit who couldn’t get his application processed. He said that there were no safeguards in place to prevent forgery of payroll records. The banks pretty much said, if you want us to get the money out quickly, then we can’t perform due diligence on the recipients.
  18. Where in rural Va are you, foxfield? Any top 100 without Sal Fasano is worthless to me!
  19. As far as the numbers plateauing, there were over 50K confirmed US cases yesterday. The highest single day total.
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