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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. As far as the numbers plateauing, there were over 50K confirmed US cases yesterday. The highest single day total.
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sun-sentinel.com/coronavirus/fl-ne-coronavirus-florida-deaths-higher-20200403-3lv7oydemnfudfg5e35och2dpy-story.html%3foutputType=amp
  3. You do know that there is a flu A and a flu B, right? I also had a flu shot and got the other flu this year. I was down for about four days. My doctor said that if I didn’t have a flu shot, I’d likely have been in the hospital.
  4. You don’t care care hat 60k+ Americans will die this month! Sad! If
  5. Many health officials say you can’t get pregnant if you do it in the shower.
  6. Things have inevitably been shut down. Perhaps the word you’re looking for is indefinitely? I haven’t seen anyone on here call for that.
  7. To the first quote above about deaths plateauing in many states: There were less deaths from yesterday to today than Monday to Tuesday for only two states in the top 20 reported cases. This concept of deaths plateauing is a little premature, IMO, when there have been 14k+ deaths this past week. *All figures from JHU.
  8. For those with children, what programs has your school system used for distance learning?
  9. Where do you live? My wife is from Long Island. The number of people we know who have it is in the double digits. The number of people are pretty sure they have it, but can’t/won’t get tested is approaching double digits.
  10. What do we mean by this? Why are you speaking about COVId-19 in the past tense?
  11. Do you have a link to this? The first I had heard of Dr. Fauci was early March and he was being criticized for taking it seriously.
  12. That’s not exactly true. This thread started Feb 27 about two weeks before Gobert started touching the mics.
  13. Hank Steinbrenner passed away today at age 63.
  14. They will. I saw an article about that exact thing over the weekend. I also read that they cannibalize other rats when food sources are scarce.
  15. We’ve talked about reported cases and have made guesses about the amount of testing. JHU is now reporting number tested and hospitalized. I wish they had been doing this all along, but am glad to see they are doing it now.
  16. Speaking of Cabrera, I’ll add in Adam Loewen. Injuries derailed him. Drafted two spots ahead of Greinke.
  17. The total number of recorded U.S. deaths from April 2 to April 9 is less than the mid-range projections that IHME released on 4/2.
  18. Cal Ripken Statue game. I was there. One of the loudest regular season games I’ve been to.
  19. Arizona had the slowest growth of reported cases among the states this week according to JHU.
  20. Reynolds, Zimmerman, and Doolittle all played in the same IF at UVA. He also played with the Upton brothers and David Wright in AAU. Now somebody post the sunflower gif.
  21. Look at those complete games! 17 combined. Only two AL guys had as many as three in 2019.
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