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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. Uggh. Sorry to hear that. My wife is from LI so we are starting to hear about extended family and family of friends with it.
  2. Saw a headline that the NFL plans to host a telethon during its draft later this month.
  3. Interesting. Prior to their update, the fatalities were higher on 4/2 and 4/4, about the midpoint for 4/3 and near the high point of the range on 4/5.
  4. The Valley League, played in VA’s Shenandoah Valley, a wooden bat summer league for college players, has cancelled their season.
  5. Just starting to get familiar with this site. The 93.5k estimate is the midpoint of their range (40k to 178k). This is with total social distancing which is obviously not happening now. It does drive into state by state detail too.
  6. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluations (IHME) has put out a tool that estimates hospital resources - beds, ICU beds, invasive ventilators per day through the summer. It shows peak use on April 15 with a more gradual decline through mid June. It also shows estimated deaths per day. They loaded it on April 1 and will update on April 4. Based on JHU data, the number of deaths yesterday were slightly less than IHME’s low end estimate. This assumes full social distancing through May.
  7. I read today that Jim Edmunds and Tony Boselli both had COVID-19, but fortunately are on the mend. Boselli spent two days in ICU.
  8. The two times I’ve been to the store the fresh produce has been well stocked. Frozen vegetables have been wiped out. I think your seeing a trend of people purchasing more things they can stock to reduce the amount of trips needed. Frozen vegetables, canned goods, soups, and pasta are hard to find. My plan with produce is to buy berries, bananas, and oranges and eat them in that order more or less. I guess eggs are hard to find because people are cooking at home more (dunno). I can do without them.
  9. We got the order to start working from home on 3/16. It is a huge cultural change for the organization I support. Since 3/13 I’ve been to the grocery store twice, ordered from Amazon once, picked up Chipotle once, and ordered pizza once. I’m used to eating lunch out everyday, so this has been a big change. Silver lining, I gave up soda cold turkey. Wrapping up three weeks tomorrow. I can notice some weight dropping, but don’t want to go out and replace the batteries in my scale!
  10. It took Italy 30 days to get to 100k after the first 500 were confirmed. It took the U.S. 18 days to get to 150k+.
  11. Mad Max agrees. https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/nationals/max-scherzer-says-it-would-be-naive-think-mlb-player-doesnt-have-coronavirus
  12. Best player I played against was Jimmy Rollins. He’s the only one I know of that played in the MLB. Played against a couple of other guys who played in the NFL. One guy hit a homerun off me in American Legion, he had been drafted by the Twins the week before.
  13. Mexico, with experience from the Swine Flu, is taking a similar approach. They have tested 65/million compared to 2250/million in the United States. Pretty good article in the Washington Post about it with explanations from its Coronavirus czar.
  14. From 3/23 to 3/30, only four states didn’t triple their reported cases: Washington, Arkansas, Maine, and Nebraska. Twelve states had a 400% or more increase in reported cases. There were 2021 deaths reported last week compared to 492 total previous deaths. Hawaii and South Dakota are the only states that haven’t reported a COVID-19 death.
  15. Well I plan to return to being a sovereign citizen after I get my stimulus. ?
  16. They may be able to reregister to become eligible. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2923114001
  17. After tracking JHU’s tool each morning this week, their data tells us this: States with most deaths: NY, NJ LA, MI, WA, and CA (278, 54, 48, 43, 39, and 39). Confirmed cases tripled in 13 states. Doubled in 41 states. (Including DC here as a “state”, so 51 total). Nine states have 2000+ cases. 15 states have 1000+. Idaho, Nebraska, and Missouri climbed the highest in state ranking of confirmed cases. Virginia and Maine fell the most.
  18. No they don’t have any assignments. They’ve given many links to worksheets and such, but they are not required to do them or turn anything in. They are basically treating these days as snow days. My daughter has special needs and she has a reading program that she’s on. Last week, Monday through Wednesday, her teacher face-timed her and worked with her 1 on 1. It was awesome! Then she told us that she couldn’t continue or she’d get in trouble. Not having structure for her is not ideal. We’re doing things on our own to plan and guide her day which means my wife can’t get her hours in at work because she’s focusing on caring for the children.
  19. I’m in Fairfax. VA has closed schools for the year, but I believe the school districts can implement distance learning. I know FCPS is trying to figure that out. Two hurdles are availability of tablets/laptops for those who don’t have them and special needs students where remote learning is not realistic. It’s a strong system. I believe they’ll rise to the occasion, but the uncertainty is difficult.
  20. I’m not sure if I like this approach better than VA’s approach to close for the year or not. It was a real gut punch to hear about the cancellation Monday afternoon. We have unused snow days that can run to Spring Break. I would have liked to see a plan put into place for distance learning. Then, possibly, in May or June classes could meet in person.
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