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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. It’s more like $150k under the owner’s proposal. So, only a $400K haircut on a $550k deal. And when they test positive for Covid, do they get paid at all? I don’t know. I know that in the NFL proposal, they wouldn’t.
  2. Shouldn’t the owners have known that it would be a possibility though when the NBA shut down? Why wouldn’t they have built that scenario into their agreement when they said they would pay the players 100% of the prorated games? The owners made a bad deal for themselves and they want a do-over. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/dr-anthony-fauci-says-mlb-should-try-to-play-in-the-core-summer-months-and-avoid-october/amp/ The owners don’t want a season. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2896415-report-at-least-6-8-mlb-owners-dont-want-2020-season-to-be-played.amp.html
  3. Spending so much time with my wife and kids make me miss baseball more. Haha. It’s honestly going to be difficult to get excited if they manage to do anything this year. But if they can start the 2021 season on schedule, I’m fully in despite the labor disputes.
  4. Not sure why or how the Nationals are scheduled to contract two teams, but then add a new team. Why not just contract one team?
  5. I doubt it. These NFL guys are getting tested now because the facilities are opening up. The ones like Von Miller and the Rams center disclosed their diagnosis themselves. Anthony Gandy-Golden tested positive during the draft process and waited until after the draft to disclose his positive test. MLB players may have it and know they have it, but don’t have any obligation to disclose it.
  6. Aside from the compensation aspect, have the owners and MLBPA determined how to handle positive cases? Or is that up in the air? Saw that “multiple” Cowboys (Elliott being one) and Texans have it. If you test positive, but aren’t feeling sick, do you go an “injured” list of some kind, or do you get to play? https://www.google.com/amp/s/boston.cbslocal.com/2020/06/15/cowboys-texans-players-test-positive-covid-19/amp/
  7. Most successful staffs bring in outside pitching, but it’s not all that uncommon to win with a homegrown staff. The Mets won the NLCS not that long ago with de Grom, Niese, Syndergaard, and Harvey. (I know that Thor was drafted by Toronto, but not counting him as homegrown would be like the Orioles not counting Tillman) The 2014 Giants had Bumgarner, Vogelsong, Cain, and Lincecum make 113 starts. Not sure if you’d count 2016 Indians as only Tomlin of Kluber, Tomlin, Bauer, Carasco, and Salazar was drafted by Cleveland. But that staff combined for one MLB season outside of Cleveland.
  8. Many guys who get selected as SS end up playing all over the diamond. Chipper Jones, Gary Sheffield, Tony Womack, Preston Wilson, Michael Tucker, Manny Machado were all drafted are all examples of guys drafted as SS who primarily played elsewhere.
  9. The Indians drafted Logan Allen. Yet, they already had Logan Allen.
  10. I think this tangent would be good separate thread. I find this interesting. Also, I think we used to have a prominent poster who works for Perfect Game.
  11. Meet Coby. Going to root a little harder for this guy. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.local10.com/sports/2020/06/11/stoneman-douglas-coby-mayo-brings-unique-perspective-to-mlb-draft/%3foutputType=amp
  12. The ESPN broadcast made it sound like he wouldn’t stick at short. More likely a 2B or utility guy who can play a little OF.
  13. Second guy they’ve drafted where an analyst has brought up flaws in their swing. Is this something they’ve identified and believe they can fix?
  14. Yet the sixth most wins in the past quarter century for this organization.
  15. How long does this go tonight? Just to 29 or the competitive balance picks too?
  16. I’d like to hear in an interview what they’ve identified in his swing and what they will work on mechanically.
  17. He can. But he also works for the owners. The owners may not want a season under those terms. At least that’s what Verducci hinted at in a radio interview I heard this week.
  18. You want me to read AND do math? This is not the thread for me. A better man may be embarrassed, but not this guy.
  19. I did, but didn’t read carefully. Lol. I see that he was born in ‘58. His 2011-2013 pictures make him look older, so I didn’t the Vietnam reference was all that off. He looked about mid 60s when he was with the O’s. But, yeah, not him.
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