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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. I think I came across that link in another forum last week. Yes, it’s quite informative and gives the reader good guidance. I’m glad I read it.
  2. Instead of being a hitting coach, perhaps he could be private tutor. That way you avoid the 162 game grind with the travel. He could give back to the game that way. Jomboy Media is putting out great content.
  3. Did she go out with you afterwards? I broke a 2nd base girls arm in intramurals in college. I hit left handed and smoked a one hopper of her harm. She puked. She did not go out with me afterwards.
  4. I posted it in the former O’s thread on the MLB page.
  5. So they want the players to haver their salaries cut in half, I can see that. But then cut it again to split revenue, so you are then cut another 30-40%. Sign a $10M contract and get paid $3M. That’s tough. But then on top of that, you are telling them they can’t have groupies at the hotel????? And they can’t spit? Rough times.
  6. Just as long as Bobby Bonilla gets his $1M, then I’m good. Chen might be one of the highest paid players this season along with Prince Fielder and Jacoby Ellsbury. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.si.com/.amp/extra-mustard/2020/05/14/rangers-prince-fielder-contract-2020-salary
  7. If there aren’t going to be fans, what’s the motivation to play in a home park? Why not just have it at the Spring Training facilities and cut down on travel? I know there won’t be the East coast to LA to Sea to Bal type travel in this arrangement, but why bother playing games in late September in Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, etc?
  8. Former O Andrew Miller representing the MLBPA https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2890959-andrew-miller-says-mlb-players-up-for-anything-thats-safe-in-covid-19-return.amp.html
  9. Does this talk about Toronto in particular? I’ve read that traveling across the border could be an issue. And when I say “read”, I mean I saw a headline. lol.
  10. A cloth mask doesn’t really help protect you as an N95 mask, but it does a good job of preventing you from spreading it. For example, if I don’t have it and wear a cloth mask and you have it and don’t wear a mask, I’m not really that safe. Safer than not wearing anything, but not really safe. However, if you are wearing a cloth mask, and I’m wearing a cloth mask, we have a significantly less chance of passing it to each other. The messaging about masks has been pretty poor from the beginning. I believe this stems from a fear of a run on N95 masks which should be prioritized for hospital staff and first responders. You and I don’t need wear them. But if we each wear a cloth mask when we are around each other then we can protect both of us. Unlike the flu, this virus can be and is passed prior to showing symptoms. Wearing masks is a simple way to decrease/slow the spread. There’s a pretty good diagram that shows how effective wearing masks is, but I can’t find it. This article explains it better than I have. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/article/covid-19-face-masks-help-stop-spread/amp
  11. That’s an interesting point for this year. I wonder if a strategy this year could be to only target signing three or four guys and use the remaining slot money to give to a more difficult sign more than slot.
  12. I’m sure you didn’t read the NYT article. Here is another article that explains it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article242049731.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.propublica.org/article/theres-been-a-spike-in-people-dying-at-home-in-several-cities-that-suggests-coronavirus-deaths-are-higher-than-reported/amp You can read them, or not. I’m with you on the declining rights. I long for the days when I could smoke in a crowded elevator. If people don’t like it, they can take the stairs.
  13. Oh, that’s for damn sure! Hopefully we see good things from France and the Netherlands as they are opening their schools up.
  14. Are elective surgeries still not allowed where you live? The ban here in VA was lifted on May 1. My father in law had shoulder surgery right before the ban. He was still allowed to go in for therapy sessions in April. He had the option to use telehealth. (Would love to see this method grow. It would be a silver lining in all of this). But he chose to go in. In my job, we were never allowed to work from home unless the government shut down from snow. Now, I wonder if I’ll ever go back. This forced adoption of telework is going to have a significant impact on commercial real estate and the automotive/automotive-related industries.
  15. Shouldn’t the reported mortality rate go down then as more cases go up? The reported US mortality rate was 4% less than a month ago. Why are there more deaths this year than a normal year plus COVID deaths if the hospitals are juking the stats as you claim? Is there a significant reduction in deaths by other causes? I’d counter that the reported 75k deaths is less than actual. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/04/29/florida-medical-examiners-were-releasing-coronavirus-death-data-the-state-made-them-stop/%3foutputType=amp https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/21/world/coronavirus-missing-deaths.html
  16. I appreciate the discussion. The 6% rate is reported deaths over reported cases. I agree that the reported number of cases is way less than actual. But by how much? Do 7M+ Americans have it currently? I don’t know. As far as the death count being overinflated, why are there more deaths than normal plus documented COVID-19 cases? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/21/world/coronavirus-missing-deaths.html The economy is going to go through hell. I thoroughly understand how scary it is to be out of work. I was out of work for 4.5 months last year. I believe the administration put out a sensible plan to open the economy back up. But we have states like Georgia that are not following those guidelines. Opening things too quickly without being able to test and trace is going waste the past two months, IMO. The curve has been flattened when you look at the country as a whole. But for most of this period, NY lead with the cases. Non NY cases and deaths are continuing to rise. More than doubling in many states over the past few weeks.
  17. Walk me through how opening up the economy safely and herd immunity work together. From what I understand, to get to herd immunity, 70-90% of the population needs to be infected. Currently the mortality rate is 6%. Now, I definitely believe the amount of cases is underreported due to lack of testing and those not showing symptoms. So let’s say instead of the 1.25M reported cases, there are actually 2.5M people with it and the mortality rate is 3%. We’re talking 6-9M deaths.
  18. I’m willing to sacrifice everything for school to start in the fall. If I had to choose between 2020 baseball and school starting in the fall, I’m choosing the latter all day, everyday.
  19. That’s tough. Does the entire MLB depend on the Orioles turnout? If yes, then I would pay. If no, then I wouldn’t for this year’s team. If this was 2012-2016, then I would pay.
  20. I don’t believe you were intending to mislead anyone. I believe you were taking information from a good source and misreading/misinterpreting it. I felt the need to correct it. The world mortality rate is 7%, while the US is 6%. The world rate will move as the US moves because the US has 1M+ more reported cases than the next highest country. Or, put another way, more reported cases than the next six countries combined. And as I showed before, the US mortality rate has been trending up. Australia has done a good job of preventing the spread. If they were a state in the US, they would be in the bottom half of reported cases.
  21. Which is a small subset of countries. You said lowest rate of any nation besides Germany. Pakistan, Israel, Australia, Portugal, Malaysia, Denmark, Norway, Austria, all have lower rates.
  22. Turkey? Japan? India? The US is at 6% (this is reported deaths over reported cases) today. April 22, it was 5.5%, April 17, it was 5%, April 13, it was 4%.
  23. I didn’t think Ploufe made up that scenario out of thin air. Law’s sources most likely denied it because they weren’t ready to make the proposal public.
  24. Both Mike Wright and Aaron Brooks pitched last night in the KBO. Wright gave up 2ER in 5 IP with 7 K’s. Brooks gave up 1 run in 5.2 IP and 6 k’s.
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