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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. What’s preventing companies to do this on their own besides money? Musk has said it would be simple to repurpose his lines to create them. Is there a regulation component that comes into play with the DPA?
  2. I hope so. Not going to get full cooperation, but the closing of schools and large crowds helps. Easy for me to say because these closures hasn’t impacted my income. One thing I worry about is NYers, seeing the tsunami coming, have relocated but are carrying the virus with dormant symptoms. Outside NY/NJ the biggest jumps from Friday to Monday include Michigan, Arizona, and Tennessee.
  3. Hmmm, I would track NY for another week before I’d jump to that conclusion. There were 7102 reported cases at one point on Friday. When I checked Monday morning there were 16916. Now this morning there are 23230.
  4. Why have 28k individuals tested negatively in the state if they are focusing on the very ill? https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus
  5. But they are testing people though. And focusing on people who would likely test positive. And only had 600 new cases. I would have expected to see a few thousand new cases. I can’t see how many they tested this weekend, but see that they have tested over 30k people in the past two months.
  6. One slightly encouraging sign is that Washington state had one of the lowest increases in new cases over the weekend (45%). It may be a sign of distancing measures working. Most states more than doubled their cases including four states more than tripled.
  7. I think that’s tough to do at this point (with the exception of China) as the number of new cases rise exponentially and the recovery time period can last up to a month. You can die within days of being diagnosed, so wouldn’t that skew the ratio in the current sense? In hindsight you can compare death rate to recovery rate. Kind of related, I read an article about there are roughly around 100k Iranians still around who survived Saddam’s gassing and are at a high risk of death from Corona.
  8. The JHU tracking tool is the only thing I’ve seen that provides good data to track it. Obviously, the case load figures are underreported whereas the death numbers reported are closer to reality. What I find interesting is the mortality rate (deaths/reported cases) for a country like Germany is only 0.3%, but for Japan it’s 3.4%. The U.S is 1.4% The highest is Italy at 8.3%, and I believe one of the main reasons is that overtaxed hospitals. Which is why there is a call for social distancing. I’d like to get a better understanding of what Germany is doing compared to other European countries like Spain, France, and the U.K. These countries’ mortality rate currently ranges from 3.4-4.6%.
  9. Haha. Thought you were referring to Verlander’s injury at first. Groin. Kate Upton.
  10. Funny you guys are talking about this this morning. Since this exchange, Treasury has announced that the filing date has moved back to 7/15.
  11. I would put the cancellation of the NCAA tournament, suspensions of all other sports seasons, closing of schools, malls, restaurants, etc, and the corresponding increase in unemployment applications in the “massive impact” bucket.
  12. What has he been wrong about? He does present the high end of outcomes, but he hasn’t been wrong about the exponential nature of cases. We had less than 4000 cases reported on Monday, but this morning we have woken up to 14,250.
  13. Pretty good read. https://apple.news/AcMEfUzPSRaOzwVmkE5JRJQ
  14. Increasing unemployment insurance to 80% would put many individuals at ease, but I’m not sure how the math will work as unemployment applications will continue to grow. I was temporarily on unemployment last year. It covered less than 20% of my income. After tax, I was able to cover my COBRA payment and had about $200 left over. I would imagine that with an increasing amount of unemployment, it would be difficult to increase the benefit that much. From what I read, there will be an income limit of 75k/100k, single/married to receive the benefit. I’ve seen where Italy is pausing mortgage payments by six months. I think something like that should be explored here in addition to cash assistance.
  15. If so, I’d like to know who they are going to trade turn into Trea Turner and Joe Ross. And which of their international signings turn out to be Soto/Robles. And which FA pitchers they sign for 9 figures that end up a bargain.
  16. Where are you getting the test counts by states from? I’ve been following the Hopkins’ tool for confirmed cases and deaths, but it doesn’t show tests conducted.
  17. Right. There are only 5000 confirmed cases (as of earlier today). There is a significant under reporting because a) lack of testing for people with symptoms and b) lack of testing for people without symptoms.
  18. A little thought exercise. Seven NBA players have tested positive. There are, let’s say, 450 NBA players. That’s 1.5%. Now apply that to the entire population. 5000ish positive cases. Yeah right. Also three guys were asymptomatic. They were able to get tests?
  19. I believe you. Do you have a link that shows this? In other words, are you seeing a breakdown of the reported 85 U.S. deaths among age, gender, smoking history, other conditions, etc.
  20. My neighbor deals cards at MGM. Yesterday she said that they were letting parents off for two weeks. Less than a day later, they totally shut down.
  21. Speaking from ignorance, could something have shown up in his physical that would help them discover this?
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