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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. I listened to Nick Sundberg on a podcast.  He is the player rep for the Redskins.  He shared a detail of the negotiations for the NFL.  He said that the owners proposed that if a player tests positive for COVID-19 they would go on a non football related injury list for a minimum of 14 days.  The problem is that, unlike injured reserve, the player doesn’t get paid when on the non football related injury list.  I’m curious as to how the MLB proposal handles this.

  2. On 5/22/2020 at 5:31 PM, Can_of_corn said:

    Found a drop box for Golden Feelings, the casette that Beck used to sell at his shows before he made it.

    Man it's a rough excursion into anti-folk.

    You heard The Banjo Story?


    • Upvote 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    This is not the time to play let's make a deal. If they want to make it easy, prorate the salaries to the number of games they will play during the season, but they are too worried about a "salary cap". Which at the end of the day is the only way baseball will be able to survive long term.

    The players, according to Clark, agreed to that back in March.  The owners came back and said they wanted them to take less.  


    • Upvote 1
  4. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    I don't recall hearing any players complain about prorated salaries.  It seems to me like the blowback started when prorated was no longer good enough for owners.


    That’s what I thought.  Yet, the players are framed as the greedy ones.  Have GMs salaries been halved for this season?

  5. 16 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    It is a two way street.  I don't doubt for a second that if given the chance the owners will screw the players out of as much money as they can get away with.  If I'm a player I'm deeply suspicious of any plan the owners come out with.

    I hope they can get some experts involved and come up with a plan both sides can live with in which they both accept that they are going to be making less money this season.

    Were the players vocal about not agreeing to the prorated salaries on games played when things were first delayed in March?.  Or did they (led by the Tampa pitcher) start publicly complaining when the owners said they should get a prorated salary minus a share of lost revenue?  I honestly don’t remember people complaining in March, but I admit I wasn’t paying too much attention to that.

  6. 4 hours ago, George Zuverink said:

    I shared this scholarly, but accessible, article in support of one of Corn's posts in a different thread. It's non-political and worthwhile reading as an objective description of the relative transmission risk of various activities and situations:


    I think I came across that link in another forum last week.  Yes, it’s quite informative and gives the reader good guidance.  I’m glad I read it.

  7. 19 minutes ago, atomic said:

    I did that to a girl in intra mural softball in college. It wasn’t appreciated much by the other team. 

    Did she go out with you afterwards?

    I broke a 2nd base girls arm in intramurals in college.  I hit left handed and smoked a one hopper of her harm.  She puked.  She did not go out with me afterwards.


  8. 31 minutes ago, weams said:

    So they want the players to haver their salaries cut in half, I can see that.  But then cut it again to split revenue, so you are then cut another 30-40%.  Sign a $10M contract and get paid $3M.  That’s tough.  But then on top of that, you are telling them they can’t have groupies at the hotel?????  And they can’t spit?  Rough times.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, PaulFolk said:

    To get back to baseball...Ken Rosenthal has the latest on MLB's preferred plan for 2020 (though nothing is official yet). The highlights:

    • A season starting in early July of somewhere from 78-82 games.
    • Games in as many home parks as possible (with no fans, obviously). Teams that aren't able to open in their own cities would relocate either to their spring training ballparks or to other cities.
    • A regionalized schedule where each division plays only its division and the same division in the other league (so the O's would play only the AL East and NL East).
    • Possible expanded playoffs to seven teams in each league (top overall seed gets a first-round bye; two other division winners and top wild card play against three wild cards).

    Does this talk about Toronto in particular?  I’ve read that traveling across the border could be an issue.  And when I say “read”, I mean I saw a headline. lol.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Big Mac said:

    To be fair about the masks, people were told by public officials in prominent positions for a long time not to wear them because they weren't effective.  That has to be a significant factor in the resistance by some to wear masks. 

    A cloth mask doesn’t really help protect you as  an N95 mask, but it does a good job of preventing you from spreading it.  For example, if I don’t have it and wear a cloth mask and you have it and don’t wear a mask, I’m not really that safe.  Safer than not wearing anything, but not really safe.  However, if you are wearing a cloth mask, and I’m wearing a cloth mask, we have a significantly less chance of passing it to each other. 

    The messaging about masks has been pretty poor from the beginning.  I believe this stems from a fear of a run on N95 masks which should be prioritized for hospital staff and first responders.  You and I don’t need wear them.  But if we each wear a cloth mask when we are around each other then we can protect both of us.

    Unlike the flu, this virus can be and is passed prior to showing symptoms.  Wearing masks is a simple way to decrease/slow the spread.

    There’s a pretty good diagram that shows how effective wearing masks is, but I can’t find it.  This article explains it better than I have.


  11. 1 hour ago, atomic said:

    But they get another year of eligibility this year. Maybe that is the real reason.  They can’t sign these college seniors underslot and use the money to offer high school kids more money to skip college.

    That’s an interesting point for this year.  I wonder if a strategy this year could be to only target signing three or four guys and use the remaining slot money to give to a more difficult sign more than slot.

  12. 47 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    C'mon man, you can't be serious about number "juking" and then post an article from the NYTimes. haha...

    I can't even fathom the thoughts process that think the COVID19 deaths are under reported. But you know what, I actually can at this point because almost everything we get nowadays from just about every source is tainted in some way. 

    That's why I fall back to our rights. Let people make their own decision on how they want to protect themselves. If you wanna stay home, order your food in, and wear your mask 24 hours a day, feel free. If you wanna wear no mask, go to bars and restaurants or the ball game, feel free. People have to make a decision on whether they want to live their life like a recluse or enjoy freedom. 

    For me, it's not even a question. 

    Besides, how is our freedom making you or anyone else less safe if you are all wearing masks, social distancing and quarantining? This is one of those situations where again, some people are always willing to give up their freedom and rights for a little perceived safety. 

    Benjamin Franklin said it best, ""Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


    I’m sure you didn’t read the NYT article.  Here is another article that explains it.



    You can read them, or not.

    I’m with you on the declining rights.  I long for the days when I could smoke in a crowded elevator.  If people don’t like it, they can take the stairs.

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