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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. 5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    The Patriots harken back to the revolutionary war, some of them were slave owners, same with the 76's.

    Warriors are a term describing Native Americans.  If Braves goes why not Warriors?

    Wizard is a derogatory term, has to go.

    I've already said Fighting Irish needs to go.

    As an atheist can I claim I find references to Angles, Saints and Devils offensive?

    Kings promotes the type of feudal government that led to thousands of years or repression, so I think it should go.

    Why Angles?  As a failed mathematician, I think that name should stay.

    If Kings go, so do the Royals and the 2014 ALCS.

  2. 5 hours ago, Satyr3206 said:

    I hate the word Racist now. Thrown around like it has no meaning anymore.

    How does anything in the Country have anything to do with the Redskins name? I'm sure some woke person will tell me.

    He caved in because of the money. The 1 ounce of respect I had for him is gone like the wind.

    Of course it was about the money.  His wealth is more tied to the value of the football team than most owners.  He was losing his stadium naming rights money (btw, the CEO of FedEx is no champion of civil rights), big stores like Target and Wal-Mart stopped selling merchandise.  Nike stopped making official merchandise. EDIT:  But, more importantly to Snyder IMO, he was not getting a new stadium in DC if he kept the Redskins name.

    I dislike the change.  I’m 41.

    He’s losing the future generation of season ticket holders that don’t relate to the Redskins brand.  People 30 and under have only seen a losing organization.  Not only have they been one of the poorest performing franchise over his 20 year tenure, fans have to constantly defend the name.  At least Lions fans can lose in peace.  He’s using the climate of the country as cover to make the change and improve the value of his main asset.

  3. I didn’t realize how relatively close James is to the all time scoring mark.  Currently he is 4,300 points behind.  He is in his age 35 season. 

    He has scored 1954, 2251, 1505, and 1544 points over the past four seasons.

    Do you think he’ll hang on to play three/four more seasons to get it?

  4. 9 hours ago, SteveA said:

    When it's raining out the clatter on that tin roof will be terrible.

    I went to a Texans game when there was a big storm.  They have these huge windows.  It was a little wild sitting in the upper deck.

  5. Texas has less total deaths at the moment than Maryland.  But MD took an early hit.  Texas has had 60% more deaths since June 1.  Do you see TX having less deaths than MD when we look at this a month or six weeks from now?

  6. 14 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

    How many more tests have been done? Some places don’t even show all the tests, only positive ones. Deaths don’t trail forever. Younger people testing postive.


    Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I have never been more frustrated in my life.  

    There is no context in the majority of reporting. None. It’s click bait nonsense. 

    I would believe there has been more testing in Wisconsin over the past month than months prior.  They are catching more cases that way, sure. Doesn’t mean there isn’t an increase in cases.  Again, Wisconsin isn’t as bad off as many other states right now, but to compare it to its neighbor Michigan, they’ve had 23% more cases over the past two weeks than them even though Michigan had 40k+ more cases going into that period.

    I try to stay away from a lot of the commentary around this and focus on the reported numbers and look at trends that way.

    As far as young people driving the increased cases, that makes a lot of sense when you look at expected behavior.  But when I read that a quarter of hospitalizations in Arizona are people 44 and under, that is concerning.

    I agree with you, this is extremely frustrating.

  7. 1 hour ago, eddie83 said:

    Then explain Wisconsin. 

    Although Wisconsin is not nearly in as bad as shape as many southern states, they’ve had 77% more cases these past two weeks than the previous two weeks 6/11-6/25.  Deaths are down there.  But as we know deaths trail the cases.  For the country, the 7 day moving average is starting to go back up after it fell for most of June and the beginning of July.  (Primarily driven by five or six states).  Hopefully the increased cases in Wisconsin are mostly of the asymptomatic variety and deaths continue to go down.  I have relatives there that live on both sides of the state.  The further you get from Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, the access to hospital care gets a little more dicey.

  8. 57 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    They started with 4 (Hays, Stewart, Santander, Smith) but two are not in camp yet.  That's why they added the 2 yesterday.

    Interesting, when the spring training roster was published in February Wilkerson was listed among the OFs but when the 60 man list came out last week he was listed as an infielder.

    Hays, Stewart, Santander, Smith, and Wilkerson.  Who are the two new guys?

  9. 8 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

    Here again the Mahomes deal is unlikely to effect that number in the years in which you would be franchising Jackson because all the reports are its backloaded.  But if Dak and Watson sign big deals with big numbers 3 years out then yeah I think you are looking at something in the mid $30's.

    Doesn’t it have to go up a minimum of 5% each year?

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