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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Yes they have been stupid all away to a 91-52 record. I say let them keep making the decisions on who should be on the team. If they weren’t so stupid to sign Frazier and keep Mateo on the team do you think they would have a better record?
  2. Hey 7-2 road trip mostly on the west coast. Just come home and win 2 out of 3 from St Louis and split with Tampa Bay and we will be just fine.
  3. The Game thread section should be sponsored by the Suicide Hotline.
  4. It is fun watching the players to try to stare in Melanie’s eyes every interview!!
  5. Fuji is growing on me fast. What a great play.
  6. We will see but I see them moving in 2028.
  7. I will tell you the Red Sox are pathetic defensively.
  8. No problem, I am a little sensitive in his regard. One of my sports heroes. No one played a sport harder than he did.
  9. He also played for the Baltimore Banners of World Team Tennis and went out of his way to sign an autograph for this then young man. Playing team tennis screwed him from a Grand Slam in his prime because the French Open banned him because he played for the league.
  10. Jimmy Connors was a Champion!! You may not have liked him but he helped make professional Tennis a major sport.
  11. I was at that Penn State show when he opened with Lion’s Den. Saw they CFG show. That was number 58 for me. The man still does 3 hour balls to the wall energetic shows. He will be back next year to do this one.
  12. Soon to be 74 but he will be back next year. It will be rescheduled.
  13. Well that ruined my weekend. Get well soon Bruce!! See you next year at Camden.
  14. He was just announced to play at the CFG Arena downtown.
  15. When he is healthy he more like the GOAT of baseball. It just depends if he can stay healthy as a two way player. He has done things NO ONE has done in the modern era of baseball. He is good for the sport.
  16. I think someone will still offer him 5 years for about $250 million betting he will come back. He also brings ad opportunities to teams that no other player does. It will depend if he wants to bet on himself to even get more in a year or two or take the guarenteed pretty big payday.
  17. Whoever that team is even if it is for a 1 year deal it will be 30 million plus. That won’t be the Orioles.
  18. What did we learn in the game thread today? Hyde nearly blew another game for waiting too long to pull the starter who had gave up 0 ER. Hyde and Elias are terrible for putting Lopez on this roster and playing him. DL Hall will be DFA’d in the next 3 years. By the way the Orioles WIN! Tony please save this thread and send it straight to Cooperstown!
  19. Fuji is no Mountain but having a guy who throws 100 plus is nice to have in extra innings with the ghost runner. It may not work out but we will see.
  20. Just like they draw it up in a Hollywood Script. Even with the writers on strike!
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