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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Dunk and Roy gave up when they got up this morning on the Orioles!
  2. If you get the force at the plate no runs score. Then the next was a flyout to center which would have been the third out. No earned runs.
  3. This is probably Kjerstad’s last game before he is sent down for Austin Hayes tomorrow. Maybe if he has some success he can save his roster spot.
  4. I was going to tell you I thought the voicemail’s would be there because they are on whatever carrier service you have not the phone itself but I didn’t wouldn’t to get your hopes up. Glad that was correct. Set up the auto backup.
  5. That is a little beyond his capability. Normal cable companies like Verizon and Comcast don’t broadcast in 1080P on most channels. There are a few but most are not.
  6. I know I am the minority opinion here but the Apple TV picture is worth figuring this all out. It is all broadcasted in stunning 1080P.
  7. As I predicted!!!
  8. I think Tyler Wells is going to end up getting the job. Suarez for now.
  9. What is he going to say? No I am done with him. He can say he will stick with him, but lets see who he puts in next save situation.
  10. Orioles are going to win this!!
  11. That was a nice at bat by Cowser and just a better pitch by Finnegan.
  12. Well that isn’t going to happen.
  13. This is where I really like the ghost runner rule.
  14. I do think if he can get healthy Tyler Wells will end up closing games this year.
  15. That first pitch was brilliant strategy!!
  16. I believed that too until we changed ownership. I am very optimistic he will be an Oriole for a long time. They will have to pay him and we are talking about a $400 million plus contract but I think this will happen. We won’t have many of these kind of contracts but this is the guy to do it with.
  17. Gunnar is going to be the best Oriole since Cal Ripken Jr.
  18. Yes the same manager that won 101 games last year and is on pace to win 109 this year.
  19. He is slumping. It is May 8th.
  20. Thank God people here don’t run this club. That is a ridiculous statement.
  21. You are not going to pinch hit for your best defensive center fielder in the 7th inning with a 3-1 lead. NEVER.
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