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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. It would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall today in the warehouse listing to the phones ring off the hook. I am sure they sold a few more season ticket packages than a normal Friday.
  2. That is just not true. Angelos made that wrong assumption and didn’t return his agents calls for months. That is not hearsay but something I know for a fact. By the time they got back to his agent the Orioles had been dismantled and Mike felt it was better to go try to chase a ring. He never wanted to leave but Angelos thought he could get him cheap the second contract in a row.
  3. You bet he has been vetted for quite a while now. Deals like this don’t happen with out much due dilegence from both sides. I suspect by opening day he will be in full control.
  4. Rubenstein is a Duke graduate so not shocking Grant Hill would be involved. Grant is one of the real good guys.
  5. Seems to me there is something else going on with MASN because why would Roch stop writing. To me if this was the same deal all he would say is he couldn’t comment on this and continue to write his daily articles.
  6. He can try but he would have ZERO chance. You think MLB wants anything to do with anyone named Angelos any longer?
  7. The big key is he has plenty of income streams besides the Orioles. Unlike Angelos. He is buying an asset who’s foundation in their farm system has not been stronger than the 1970’s. Are they going to spend like the Dodgers? No, but they don’t have to. I just want them to retain their developed good players and throw in a good free agent for a place of need. They are probably not going to buy the top free agent like a Ohtani but again they don’t need to. The Orioles haven’t really had a decent owner since Hoffberger when the game was very different. Edward Bennett Williams by the end of his tenure facing his mortallity and was making decisions against a clock. Jacobs buys the club based on his Real Estate fortune that collapsed soon after he took over because of the real estate market evaporating. Angelos buys them out of bankruptcy and he does spend some money but makes decisions like he knew something about running a baseball team. He never let baseball people run or build an organization. Then for the last 5 years he has been incapacitated and his outside source of income dried up. His son runs it like a $1 store. This may become the best of times ahead for this franchise.
  8. I was at the Caravan today in Laurel with Cedric Mullins, Brandon Hyde, Chase McDermott, and Coby Mayo. All were very personable and pleasant to speak with. Everyone involved was very friendly.
  9. I read this today and like you said not much new there. I was intrigued when I saw Peter Angelos picture on the front page of the WSJ. John may want to maintain control when Peter passes but I doubt he has much control on that. The fact that nothing like a sale will happen before Peter’s passing is really a no brainer. The Rubinstein information to me has to be more than just he wants to buy it and there is nothing else to it. Where there is smoke there is fire and there seems to be a lot of smoke.
  10. This $600 million into this stadium should make some pretty exciting updates. Kind of like having a new stadium with all the charm of the great footprint of this existing building.
  11. It depends how the Orioles are owned. If they are in Peter and his wife jointly she can get half the stepped up basis.
  12. Yes you can’t avoid the capital gains taxes if Peter Angelos sells or transfers his ownership while he is still alive.
  13. Mike Elias could have reached out and said “Scott, how much would your client Gunnar be looking for to sign a long term deal?” Boras replies, .”Mike about $500 million over 8 years.” Thanks Scott I will inform ownership. Next phone call from Boras to Elias, “Mike any feedback from ownership,” Ownership is still considering the matter. Etc.
  14. If he does I could care less. If he runs the team by offering competitive contracts to the home grown stars and adds a player or two in free agency that fills in needs that is all I care about. It is the owner’s right to maximize his profits.
  15. He said he receives daily calls about his clients. Which was a joking answer to the question. He doesn’t say he has received contract offers. Gunnar says he isn’t aware of one. I believe Gunnar. JA isn’t offering any long term deals. Hopefully there will be new ownership sooner than later and this situation will change.
  16. I think it is very safe to say under the current owner situation no long term deals will be offered to Gunnar or anyone else. Signs are pointing the possibility of the ownership part of this could be changing but until it does don’t expect any multiple year free agents or extensions. I am optimistic though, things do seem to be being resolved like the MASN suit, and the lease that have been stuck for so long. There seems to be substance to the ownership possibly changing. Should be interesting times ahead.
  17. Governor is confident a deal will be reached by the end of the year he said today. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/politics-power/state-government/moore-confident-orioles-lease-K7CALM3BGZE6BFOWS33IR5MMYQ/?schk=<< Test Subscribed >>&rchk=<< Test Registered >>&utm_source=The+Baltimore+Banner&utm_campaign=40da1b509d-NL_ALRT_20231213_1200&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-40da1b509d-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&mc_cid=40da1b509d&mc_eid=c989887d3a
  18. I am more excited about watching Gunnar’s career progress than I have been in a long time. I would guess Mike Mussina would be the last player I saw the greatness coming. I have tried to temper it a little of it because under the current ownership I know there is no way we would keep Gunnar past his arbitration years. Now I see a light at the end of that tunnel. Yes, Scott Boras his agent but I believe he will want to stay if he offered market money. A new owner will want to pay a generational player like Gunnar.
  19. I guess it could be just a coincidence that news breaks from credible news sources that there could be a sale of the Orioles and then the next day a new lease is agreed on, but I don’t know. Interesting times to say the least.
  20. They can’t waive the Federal Capital Gains tax which is 20% of give or take a Billion dollars. The Orioles are not going to be sold until Peter Angelos passes away.
  21. Major League Baseball is not going to approve an owner who doesn’t have the cash to buy this or any franchise. This won’t be an episode on HGTV called “Flip this baseball team.” I am pretty positive MLB isn’t happy about the current ownership situation of the Orioles. The person running the team has zero or next to zero source of income besides the ball club itself. Most people who inherit an asset like this also inherit his daddy’s other source of income along with it. In this unusual case the other source of income of Peter Angelos (his law practice) dried up to nothing because of him becoming incapacitated. When the Orioles or any other team is sold it will be to someone who has the money to run the franchise. This is being widely reported now so I have to believe there is something to it. I suspect soon we will be hearing an update on the health of Peter Angelos.
  22. I love this. Most fans that go to the game live within 45 minutes of the ballpark I would suspect. The good thing is you can get home by 10:00 most evenings.
  23. It appears they Orioles and the State of MD may separate out the development rights portion of the memorandum they signed in order to possibly get a new lease signed by the end of the year. https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-orioles-lease-development-rights-20231127-wdvni7x6cvanje7yblm6rp4m5y-story.html As I suspected this development rights would have to be approved by the full legislature which can’t happen by the time this lease expires. It would be nice to get this done by the New year.
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