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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. Well I didn’t realize that. I just read he had options. I would at least say look if he agrees to go down he will at least play. I don’t know what his pay structure is if he chooses to be optioned. If it results in a pay cut then I wouldn’t do it in that case.
  2. I agree. That is why he would be best served being optioned since he can be optioned. Go down and work on getting himself straight.
  3. Santander was their most consistent offensive weapon last year. I think they may have been open to dealing him but they weren’t going to give away someone who hit 28 homeruns last year.
  4. I would think they just stick with a 5 man rotation. If they brought Povich up they might just stick him in the bullpen like they did DL Hall for the season and try to start him next year. This is about winning now.
  5. I do agree it is time for an extended look at an outfield of Cowser, Stowers, and Santander. It is also not a bad defensive outfield either. I, and I know I am in the minority, haven’t given up on Mullins yet. I do think I would make the bold move to option Mullins to Norfolk because he needs to play everyday if he is going to get out of this funk. That is how I would sell it to him as well. Cedric you are going down to play everyday because I can’t justify playing you everyday in the major leagues. You hit down there and you will have a place back here on the big club.
  6. Come on they have lost three in a row. They have played 500 ball the last 10 games. We had the first “I don’t think they will finish 500 post” in the game thread. Who is chicken little?
  7. Whatever happens unless this just a set back of a week or two it most likely will prevent John Means from ever getting any kind of big payday. I do feel sorry for him in that regard. For three years he was a real good pitcher for this team who threw a no hitter. Seems like a even better human being and teammate. I hope he can comeback from this.
  8. Yes there is no doubt being asked about this all the time puts some kind of pressure. The best cure for being swept in a 3 game road trip is getting to play the 2024 Chicago White Sox.
  9. I think Mullins instincts off that batted ball tells him that is at least a base hit. He is thinking about scoring to tie the game. I don’t think it is so terrible as everyone else seems here. If Mullins was hitting 290 I think more people might see it differently. Whether or not they keep giving him chances won’t rely on his choice on that one play.
  10. Hyde just said Means had elbow discomfort. That doesn’t sound good. If it is severe it may be the last time we ever see John Means as an Oriole. I hope not.
  11. Oh come on. This will be the first time they lose 3 in a row all year. This board should be labeled the Over reaction Game Thread.
  12. The Baltimore Orioles franchise was used to form the New York Higlanders and became the New York Yankees.
  13. Yes we have “struggled” to 6-4 in the last 10 games and 29-16 overall record on pace to win 104 games.
  14. Offer Gunnar the highest contract in baseball tomorrow and it will be a bargain in 8-10 years.
  15. Not a No hitter any longer!! Gunnar Henderson MVP!
  16. Colton Cowser shaves the beard and gets his mojo back!!
  17. He might not be a genius but he has been a pretty good manager the last two years. Should they win every game?
  18. if Stanton, Soto, and Judge are healthy 130 games or more the Yankees offensive rivals the 27 Yankees. There is nothing the Orioles can do about it. I am not going to worry if they end up winning 110 games. We will see if that ends up happening or not.
  19. Cash Money! I do love that.
  20. I'm ok with him giving up 3 runs every 25 pitches.
  21. At least until the All Star break.
  22. I have said the same before but apparently the analytics tell them you rather have Gunnar have more at bats than anyone else and he can produce more runs even if they are more solo homeruns. He still is near the top of the league in RBI’s even batting leadoff. I think if we had a hatter that had real speed, hit for a high average you would bat him first. However, there isn’t anyone yet that fits that description. Mullins certainly was during that 30/30 year but not now. I could see Holliday doing that early in his career. I think Holliday’s power will develop as he gets older.
  23. Because if he gets the out at first O’Hearn would have been way out.
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