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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. We already know they acted on lies. What's the confusion?
  2. I just wrote a 500 word response to this and deleted it. I need to be concise. First, you're a top 5 poster. I love you. Second, people are innocent until proven guilty. Always. Everywhere. For everything. Without that, the whole system collapses. And you are opening Pandora's Box. Be wary of what you unleash. When's that game get here again?
  3. PS What part of innocent until proven guilty is difficult? You know, that's a thing for a reason.
  4. Great. You got any evidence? Besides people we've already proven lie a lot?
  5. You're the one convicting him, bro. Based on nothing. But muh feelings.
  6. Well, again: Why does he have to prove his innocence? They clearly robbed him of a lot of money. Why shouldn't they have to prove he was guilty to justify it?
  7. Why does Trevor Bauer have to prove his innocence?
  8. I apologize if you feel like I wasn't allowing you to have an opinion. I've always appreciated your opinion. What I object to you is your rather, imo, cavalier attitude that yeah, sure the dude was completely screwed, railroaded, slandered, defamed, in essence, robbed and exiled, but he was a jerk- so what does it matter? That's a bad take imo. Edit: And I repeat for the 5th time, if we're just talking about having him on the Orioles, then yeah I get that. Wanting him on the team is different than ruining a man's life with no evidence.
  9. It's not just the Dodgers though. It's MLB in general. And corporate America at large with the "media" as their bullhorn and cudgel. But this drifts dangerously into politics, though as Moose said it's hard nowadays to separate the political from the social, if it ever was. So I'm content to keep this as narrowly focused on Trevor Bauer as possible: Man got screwed by a dirty, dirty system.
  10. I'm not trying to put you down or call you out, man, but all I will say is the media is lying just as much about that group as they lied about this Bauer case.
  11. I'm trying not to though in good faith. And your point is completely correct. That is exactly the point. And the reason the Dodgers cut Bauer and MLB screwed him, was because they knew the media would make a firestorm out of it otherwise. And the reason they platformed the other group is because they knew the media would applaud them for it. The media does not report the news; they shape/create an agenda. And in this case, a man, who may or not be an ass, had his life utterly destroyed because of it. I guess I just don't think that's cool. Seems like I grew up in a different country.
  12. If he was ranting and raving and calling her names then that would be "proof" too; he can't win under those standards. There is something called Due Process in this country. It didn't just disappear in 2017. You can have all the gut feelings you want, you can't smear and deperson a man based on your gut feelings. We're not arguing if he's a bad dude. That's irrelevant.
  13. I think it's funny that you think it proves your point, and not completely mine, when you had to go to those "uSuAl" sites to find any accurate reporting of the sex crimes committed by members of the group the Dodgers were celebrating. Yeah, the media is totally telling it straight. Weird, cause I thought you were all ZERO tolerance when it came to sex crimes.
  14. So that means he can be smeared, slandered, and robbed? Gross.
  15. Oh not a "full member." That makes it cool then.
  16. Greatest Orioles moment of at least 25 years. Let's hope we get a couple to top it this postseason.
  17. Several members of that group had criminal records for sex crimes.
  18. We do know that. They've admitted as much. Only you are pretending there's some magical medical documentation to show the women had a fractured skull. They reported she had a fractured skull. She didn't have a fractured skull. Now you can pretend there is so phantastic medical report out there somewhere, but there isn't.
  19. Well, we'll have something to talk about tomorrow at least.
  20. As pointed out before, losing a defamation lawsuit is virtually impossible in this country. That's one of the reasons we have the media environment we have. We already know they at least "got out over their skis" and frankly, that's the most charitable way it can be put.
  21. It's a conversation that is inappropriate for this board, unfortunately. I concede your perspective, though I think it's wrong. I think if Bauer was guilty of what he was accused of everyone should be repulsed by it. I too think everyone should be offended by the satanic celebration of sex criminals and the mocking of an entire religion and its associated symbols, at least in such a public forum as a baseball game. Regardless of what cute name you want to dress it up under. When's that game get here again? LOL. This is going to be a long week on this board.
  22. I didn't say they were crimes. I said a business that was worried about "offending" their customers or "protecting their brand" wouldn't celebrate such a group. But they did because this has nothing to do with not "offending" customers or "protecting a brand."
  23. You're far more generous than I when it comes to giving the benefit of the doubt to reporters.
  24. Nobody brought up the Catholic Church, but even with all its problems, the sex criminal ratio is still far higher among the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence than it is among priests.
  25. Sure would be nice to go through that "reporter's" text message and emails though.
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