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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Why do you think it's a false equivalency? Not trying to fight but I think the two situations reflect rather profoundly upon each other.
  2. I know the writer wrote something that was not true. I know the writer should not have written that untruth if they practiced the basic ethics of their profession. Were they lying intentionally? Absolutely imo. Did they fail the basic ethics of their profession? Absolutely, undoubtedly, a matter of fact.
  3. As someone defending Bauer in this thread, I'll repeat for the 4th time: I have no interest in him being a Baltimore Oriole.
  4. It reminds me of the meme floating around this week. It's a short clip of Joe Rogan bemoaning that you can find a book to tell you how to fix a transmission, or plant a vegetable garden, but there's no book that has written rules for life and the best way to live your life. And it's captioned: "What wants to tell him?" Because that's exactly what the Bible is: A guide to life. And frankly, yeah, you should practice the sexual morality as taught in the Bible. Even if you don't believe in a God, or an afterlife, a judgement, etc. It's just good living. It will keep you out of a lot of pickles, or a lot of pickles out of you, depending on your gender.
  5. Not to get political but I'm about to get political. LOL. The Dodgers are so averse to offending their fans that they immediately had to drop Bauer, despite him not being convicted of anything, so as to avoid major backlash from their fans. The Dodgers also had a night this year at the ballpark celebrating a drag queen troupe, that is rife with convicted sex criminals, and has a long history of blasphemous and sacrilegious "performances." Makes perfect sense. This is not about "offending" anyone, or "protecting their brand." This is about specific agendas being astroturfed on the general public and the media being the driving force.
  6. I remember that charge specifically being reported, and I remember being pretty shocked by it. I've always felt this is what it is turning out to be: A set-up and a money-grab. But feeling something isn't the same as knowing it. And when that was reported it made me question my assumptions, because a fractured skull isn't something that can be explained away by kink imo. And of course that's exactly why the writer chose to lie about it.
  7. But the exact charge is that the media knowingly lied about the victim's condition. And it rests on a couple of simple premises. 1) Did they report that she had sustained a fractured skull? Yes, the media did, specifically the Atheltic. 2) Did she indeed have a fractured skull? No, she did not. 3) Did the media, specifically the Athletic, have her medical records? That's the exact claim in the suit. Should be fairly easy to prove one way or another. So, we can say that the media published false information without a doubt. The only contention is whether it was intentional or not. Sorry but I give them no benefit of the doubt.
  8. I thought you were trying to say "conservative" media isn't "media." I think there are some bipartisan things we should all agree on: And the media being lying dogs of the intelligence agencies should be one of them. LOL. I'm just trying to keep politics out of this before the conversation gets shut down. That's all. It's not a matter of the media being liberal or conservative; the issue is they lie, all the time, about everything.
  9. Because it's accurate information. You object to accurate information? What are you? The lying female writer from the Athletic?
  10. So the judge is under the impression that you're guilty until proven innocent? Yeah, seems to be a lot of that going around lately. I don't have a law degree or anything, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. So went ahead and broke out the vpn because it seems nobody has seen this video. Watch this and then tell me about "smoke" and "fire." P.S. As I said from the get go, I don't want Bauer here for multiple reasons. That doesn't mean he wasn't done dirty, and is owed a lot of compensation.
  11. Bauer released text messages from his accuser where she was texting her plan to have sex with him, and accuse him of rape, in order to extort money from him. In her words. In black and white. In this case, he clearly did nothing wrong.
  12. Saw it on twitter this morning but I'm currently at work so can't use it, but the Athletic had a female writer write that Bauer had fractured his accuser's skull, despite the fact that they were in possession of her medical report which clearly stated that her skull was not fractured.
  13. Lawsuits incoming for sure. A lot of people are going to get sued.
  14. It's looking increasingly likely that Bauer did nothing wrong in this case, and it was a set-up and money-grab. The only Bauer did was have consensual sex and then be slandered by his accusers and a complicit media. You know when you denounce "conspiracy theorists" they exist for a reason: Because the media is lying about everything all the time. Like they were just caught redhanded doing in this case.
  15. As long as the starter is RH, then I think Frazier and Henderson start. That would leave Westburg and Urias to split the other starting position. Westburg won't start every game, but he will start.
  16. I don't think the plan is to start Mateo but he could get a spot start against a lefty if they play long enough.
  17. So does the media, which knowingly slandered Bauer.
  18. It's not even reactionary. They are literally publishing FALSE information, knowing it is false, in order to advance a narrative. The public lynching and depersoning of Trevor Bauer is the LEAST of their crimes.
  19. So, I'm assuming that this thread was started in response to the revelations that the media, in particular The Athletic, knowingly published FALSE information, which painted Bauer in a negative light. I don't want this guy in the O's clubhouse for a bunch of reasons, but he's been maligned and treated very unfairly and honestly, it sucks. As much as you may think you hate the media in this country, you don't hate them nearly enough.
  20. The Marlins as well. So he'd start for two PLAYOFF teams. Now go look at the rest of the league. For God's sake, the Yankees were giving Willie Calhoun DH at bats this year,
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