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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. Of all the players in this org, Baumann seems to have benefited from Elias and his crew as much or more than anyone. Well, maybe others have too, but their upside doesn't have the ceiling that Baumann's does. Hearing reports like the one from Luke about his #3/4 pitches makes me think we're still in the middle of a real growth curve for Baumann, not at the end. We can only hope.
  2. Really interesting to me that you have Kremer behind Lowther, Zimmerman and Rom. I assume that's the case with him as a SU and the others as starters.
  3. Correct. He was an elite talent. Probably a notch or two above Diaz in just about every phase.
  4. I actually think Flores went after Bleier because of how Bleier acted on the mound and when being taken out. I think Flores was basically defending Hyde, but was very aggressive in doing so which caused other players to push back in Bleier's defense. I suspect they also track the deviation between hitter spray charts and pitcher spray charts. With that information, and enough data, you can try to fit the individual on the mound to the individual hitter. I'm sure they have statisticians who build such model that are far more sophisticated than data that I could track, like spray charts.
  5. Not disagreeing with anything in this post, but I think there's a difference between "need" and "could use." By pretty much all accounts, Mountcastle's bat would play at the major league level today, and probably would have months ago. On the other hand, I think pretty much anyone could use developmental space to focus on particular areas of his game without worrying about hurting the team, and that's even true for Mountcastle as a hitter. I only say this because I can see a rationale put forth by the O's that they don't want to promote him for a developmental purpose. It would likely be cover for delaying his service clock, but it could at least give them some plausible deniability.
  6. Those Britton descriptions of Diaz remind me of Jason Heyward, with perhaps not the same arm strength.
  7. I think this has everything to do with it. It's not just that the ball flies farther, it's that the ball apparently has less grip. Pitching is about feel in many ways. If you aren't accustomed to the feel of a baseball, you won't execute as well.
  8. I think the splitter is average. He did get 1 k with it.
  9. Only threw 2 so far. They were bad. Needs something slower than a 91 mph change maybe?
  10. Heres a list, but it doesn’t include age. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_League_Most_Valuable_Player_Award
  11. Looks like his mechanics change when he throws the slider. Has to be a tell.
  12. I honestly don't know what to make out of Bowie stats this year. All I can generally say is that the pitchers probably aren't as good as they seem and the hitters probably aren't as bad. I've never seen Bowie with a hitting environment like the one this year. Norfolk flipped too. All that really says to me is Yusniel Diaz's year in Bowie (.795) is actually much more impressive to me in the context of his injuries, age and the league hitting environment.
  13. I read this thread and feel terrible for all of the guys drafted by the Orioles over the last 20-30 years. It seems like we're doing real player development for the first time I can recall.
  14. People laugh about the walks, but walking at this rate is a really nice development, IMO.
  15. I hear you guys. I just think the profile is not the same as the typical young, A- player. On paper, the two-pitch mix plays. He's just behind because of injury. I'm not saying you're wrong. You two probably know a lot more than me. I just think his arm is worth protecting.
  16. Hmmm. I think they add him. Actually, I have no idea what they'd do, but I'd certainly consider adding him. If I'm the Tigers, for example, I stash him on the ML roster in the bullpen and see if the arm plays. The cost is virtually nothing if you have to cut him and I'm sure they have some space (or several other teams).
  17. And that would destroy college baseball. There's isn't a good, simple, fair system. The current service time system is their attempt to thread the needle.
  18. Wish they put him in Delmarva when Grayson was pitching to AR.
  19. If these deliveries can predictably result in injuries, and the O's picked up Wojo this year, than either Mike and Sig don't know about it, they don't have the data, or they're trying to get a short term payoff on a medium term risk.
  20. I love what @Sessh and @tntoriole have done with this thread.
  21. That's fine. Taking walks it taking walks. Even if you're pitched around it shows you're being a little more selective.
  22. I should know this, but does he have an injury history? I'm guessing so just because of his age/level and innings limitations.
  23. Ha. I was looking through to see who was closest.
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