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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. The data isn't perfectly stable, but for HR rate, Camden Yards typically ranks pretty high. Here are a few seasons. 2019 - 5th 2018 - 8th 2017 - 3rd 2016 - 18th 2015 - 2nd 2014 - 20th 2013 - 4th 2012 - 5th 2011 - 8th 2010 - 5th 2009 - 5th 2008 - 1st 2007 - 3rd 2006 - 8th 2005 - 15th http://www.espn.com/mlb/stats/parkfactor/_/sort/HRFactor
  2. The eyeball test tells me that HR% is significantly skewed by park factors. Baltimore, Cincinnati, Arizona and Colorado comprise the top 10. It's hard to keep the ball in those parks.
  3. We can only hope. I like the athleticism though.
  4. I have a hard time guessing what would be an acceptable return for Villar. He's a good, but not that good, middle infielder. What is that going to be worth at the deadline? Hopefully something useful.
  5. I think the interesting questions are how do the O's view Means, how do other teams view him, do we think he's part of our future or is he better used to gain pieces that are part of our future? For the last couple of decades, we would have kept Means and elevated him beyond what should reasonably be expected. During those times, I don't think we were particularly good about understanding what could reasonably be expected in the future; certainly not as sophisticated as Sig and Elias. I'm on the fence about what we actually should do this time around, because I do see value in a young, controllable #3-5 starting pitcher. However, I do think it's worthy of gauging other teams' interest just in case we could flip him for a high level prospect or two that could be much more valuable to a rebuild. I'm not sure what other teams think just yet, but I'd bet that if he's pitching this well by mid-July, we'll get calls.
  6. Yeah. I don't know how it'll all churn, but the churn has already started and it isn't stopping anytime soon.
  7. The sell off is what it is. They don't usually go well and I'm not assuming that this one will net out all that good either. However, Diaz and Kremer alone could make it "ok" if they develop. Dumping on either is uninformed.
  8. Optimally, I don't think our future CF is in the org yet. However, the numbers say that Hays might have to be a CF, at least in the short run, if we want to keep Stewart, Diaz, Mountcastle, Smith and Mancini. That's 5 guys for CoF/1b/DH and it doesn't include Hays or other guys like Nunez if his bat sticks (and certainly not Davis/Trumbo). So if Hays forces his way up, it might have to be as a CF for the time being.
  9. It's ridiculous because of everything you pointed out, but it's also ridiculous because he didn't get "shelled." He gave up 3 in the first and 1 in the 5th. Nobody had any reports on what happened in the first, but getting hit in the first is common. Having it happen to a guy who's just back from rehab can't be surprising. Rather than hyperventilating over every start, I say we give the kid 5 minutes to get his legs under him and start his thing again. Tony/Luke listed him as our #3 prospect last year. That's high praise and they know much more than the aforementioned poster.
  10. I have a feeling this Broxton guy will be given a ton of opportunity in CF this year.
  11. If Diaz is who *they* thought he was and Hays is who *we* thought he was, they'll be very exciting over the next several years. I'm not going to over react to SSS. They just need to play. *they* is the national press at last year's deadline *we* is the OH when Hays has a healthy stretch
  12. Of course. The question is about how strong the offer is.
  13. https://www.pressboxonline.com/2019/05/28/the-ross-grimsley-show-may-28-2019 Decent article. One angle I just thought of that's not raised by most is Elias betting on Mancini. By that, I mean that Elias believes the bat is under rated and holds out for a very strong offer. I don't know if that's likely, but it could mean that Mancini is both not part of our rebuild plans and around until this off season or next trade deadline.
  14. Continuing this discussion from the Gray Rod thread. Here's an interesting quote from the article: I think this is generally true. However, I also think that Lowther and Wells are taking the path that you have to take as this kind of pitcher. They're dominating without dominant stuff. That might even be misleading. Their stuff might be dominant, albeit without dominant velocity. They're not going to get promoted on potential alone. A guy like Harvey will probably make the majors either with the O's or as someone else's Rule V pick some day just because of his stuff. Wells and Lowther will have to carve out their spots by screwing with the timing of batters and something close to pinpoint control.
  15. I'm not in a rush on Wells and Lowther, but I think I agree. Every new level will be harder, of course, and their performances seem to belie their profiles. They're doing something right, but I will have doubts at every level just because they're not bringing it mid-90's. It's unfortunate, but true.
  16. Can't find a scouting report on him online. Guess we'll have to wait.
  17. Is A+ considered low minors? Guessing Gray Rod goes up there in the second half. I haven't thought that through, but it seems likely.
  18. If Mountcastle could play outfield, we could have our outfield of the future all at AA or above right now. That's not even including Smith and Stewart. It would be nice to have a true CF in the mix, but I'm not bullish on that at the moment.
  19. I interpret this post as advocating a trade of Mountcastle. I kid, sort of. It's hard to have too many one-dimensional guys on the team. Maybe Mountcastle does move to left and is effective. That would be the best case scenario.
  20. I'd say that's a legitimate criticism. If it (regularly) takes 95 pitches to go 5 IP in AAA, I'm not sure he's ready for the show quite yet. By that, I mean ready to be dropped into our starting rotation.
  21. LookinUp

    Alex Wells 2019

    I don’t understand these two. Not at all.
  22. LookinUp

    Adam Hall 2019

    I suspect he’s moving up more than most realize right now. Maybe our most under the radar guy. Would have to hit for more power to be a top guy, but the defense, hit tool and speed makes for a nice profile. I don’t know where he’ll slot in. Probably somewhere in the #8-12ish range, which is pretty impressive given the O’s emerging list. Will be curious to see how Luke and Tony compare Hall to a guy like Knight or Rom, for example. My guess is he’s in their section of the list.
  23. I think Akin still has upside too. Could end up being a really nice piece, or a 4/5/reliever. I like Bannon, but am not sold that he'll be quite good enough to stick in the majors. No clue what will become of JCE, but he seems like a good prospect to watch.
  24. Using Orioles prospect equivalents, here's a wild, totally unsupported, guess. 1. Keegan Akin 2. Rylan Bannon 3. Jean Carlos Encarnacion The first looks like a sure fire ML roster guy. A decent pitcher to have on a roster. The second could be an solid/average starter if things work out. The third is a long way away but could develop. I don't think a big headliner is in the cards.
  25. In this video, he throws about 50 pitches. All are 4S fastballs. One resulted in the player making contact. I remembered him having a big arm. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2017/09/18/baseball/japanese-baseball/sarfate-thrives-perfect-situation-fukuoka/
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