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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. I don't believe the Orioles have a prototypical CF of the future in our system unless McKenna or Mullins learn to hit much better. Hays is probably the best suited CF coming from our list of hitters, but that's far from ideal.
  2. If losing Yefry is Elias' worst move, he will become the best GM in the history of baseball.
  3. Speaking for myself, Hall's walk rate does look like a problem, but one I see a lot of pitching prospects go through. However, if it persists over time, he looks more like a Chris Tillman type than a lock down #1/2 starter. So it's definitely a concern to some degree, and that's why it's even plausible that Mountcastle is a better prospect. After all, if Hall's BB rate and ERA were like last year's, we'd be looking at a top 20 guy. That's what we're all hoping for, but it hasn't panned out yet this year. Those concerns are largely independent of Mountcastle's walk rate issues. They should no doubt dampen our projections. I don't point it out to be negative. I point it out to try to put the proper expectation on a player as best as I can from an internet message board.
  4. Good for him. Hopefully everyone is happy and healthy, and Yusniel comes back and has a big 2nd half.
  5. I never said anything to the contrary. He has earned his prospect status. I'm not knocking that. I'm particularly impressed he's done this at the age he has and think he still has more upside. I like Mountcastle. I absolutely think he can be a good player on a good team. I value that for sure. I do also question whether he's a profile we want to build around, because I think we can find comparable players relatively easily. I feel like his arm strength will make him a liability at any position other than 1B, and his lack of walks puts a ceiling on his overall hitting potential. He's a good asset. I don't think it does us any good to over state that.
  6. A little surprised he got full slot. Happy to have him in the system though.
  7. Wow. Watching that you really get reminded of how young these guys are.
  8. Looks like he's promoted. I'd note that while he hasn't taken a walk, he also hasn't struck out that often. Only 30 times in 227 PA in A+ ball. This article was about Sedlock, but also had a section on Yahn. https://www.masnsports.com/orioles-buzz/2019/06/sedlock-will-start-thursday-for-keys-after-being-backed-off-to-limit-innings.html
  9. By being a good hitter despite failing at positions with defensive value.
  10. I think the biggest mover (up) is Baumann unless they decide Rom moves above Lowther, which I doubt. I'm guessing Rom will be rated higher than Baumann, but am not sure and, if so, don't think it'll be more than a few spots unless they really love Rom. Just reading the posts here, I think Luke really loves Baumann and Rom. Encouraging for both, for sure.
  11. The only reason Mountcastle is higher is he's 5 minutes away from being a good hitter in the show. The other two are years away from hopefully being better than good in the pro's. It's about probability, not profile. Personally, there's no way I'm placing Mountcastle higher than Hall or Grayson at this point. We already have two comparable bats (one better, one a little worse) at his position in the majors.
  12. He has performed for sure, but I still don't understand. Is there anything bad about sending him to AAA? What is gained by promoting him to the majors ASAP?
  13. I swear I've only seen him on good days. Always looks tough to hit to me.
  14. I imagine he'd have a heart attack if he was passionate about wins and losses this year. That can't be healthy.
  15. Your description of his defense doesn't lend confidence that he'd handle any position that requires anything resembling "slick" fielding. Seems like a Corner Outfield, if that, profile. This is mentioned in other draft threads many times, but it really is refreshing that we're apparently drafting guys who can hold their own on defense. As much as I like Mancini, Mountcastle, Sisco and Stewart, there are only so many places to stash guys who can hit but not really provide positive value in the field. I'd be willing to trade any/all of them if another team overvalued their bats.
  16. I do think we have the luxury to do this. The Norfolk shuttle is fully revved up. I'd hope we'd just use it strategically if guys need a break.
  17. I'd wager that, or something very similar like never even reporting, is relatively common.
  18. Fangraphs described him as the most unhittable arm in the minors last year. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/the-most-unhittable-arm-in-the-minors/
  19. ...for one week. Now, let's see him sustain this.
  20. Womp womp. Hoping Tony and/or Luke get some reports on guys that warrants that level of ranking.
  21. You crack me up. Won't give an inch in the "baseball is the hardest sport" discussion. Every professional sport is comprised of amazingly talented specialists. That's the point. They're great athletes who spent so much time and effort specializing in a single sport that they don't even have the time to develop those skills at a professional (elite) level in another sport. Hockey requires amazing skating ability, toughness and hand/eye coordination. Basketball requires tremendous size and athleticism, and only the most supreme athletes can excel without size. They probably can't hit a 88 MPH curveball, but most baseball players aren't able to get a jumper off even against a "small" player with elite quicks like the 6'3" Steph Curry. Oh, and they run, often sprinting, miles every game, play on a surface as hard as concrete, run off picks every possession and get hit every time they take it to the lane. To me, a basketball player's knees are akin to a baseball player's arm. The only position on a baseball field where you can argue the arm isn't under tremendous stress is 2B. Everyone else is throwing 100+ feet and/or with extreme stress, many times every single day, counting warmups and game action. That will wear anyone down over 6 months.
  22. This weekend was a perfect example of why the O's are strong favorites to be the #1 overall pick again next year. Even if we play well and promote some better players, we still have a crazy hard AL East schedule. Our best can be beaten down by 3 of the 4 other teams. They've got Minnesota, who looks legit, and Cleveland who's been hovering just above .500 most of the year.
  23. Screams like an opportunity to negotiate a little with the #1 pick next year if it pans out with multiple guys very worthy of that pick.
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