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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. If Rutschman were drafted by a contender, he'd be an established MLer by now. It's only because of the slow rebuild that he's still in the minors.
  2. Not trying to be a jerk, but this has been in the minors forum for a few hours now.
  3. I agree with that, both in terms of the fact we did get some things out of our minors and also in terms of not being sustainable. You could argue that if we keep Rodriguez and Davies our future looks a lot different. Keep Cruz, don't sign Davis, sign Manny and you start to have a team with a lot fewer holes to fill.
  4. Hopefully Grayson is not on that list next year. That would be terrible news, IMO. A top overall pick would certainly be very highly rated.
  5. Yep. That 2012-2016 house was built on sand though. We need a solid foundation so we're not stuck in this spot again.
  6. Yeah. Fangraphs had them #1 the other day. It's clear that Adley and Grayson are skewing the grade by a lot. They'll graduate next year and we'll take a step back by necessity even if we add some really nice talent. We need a perpetually good system. This is a good start. Hopefully after next season we'll have a couple of guys replacing Adley/Grayson on top 100 lists, even though there's no way they can be THAT highly ranked.
  7. Really doubt guys who played a full season end up going. That takes Adley, Westburg and Gunnar out of the conversation. Likewise, any pitchers who threw a lot of innings or otherwise were active for most of the season. As others have said, that rule might not extend to lesser prospects though. So I'd expect Vavra. The one guy I'd be curious to see them send though is Mayo. Played short season. Just getting promoted. I wonder how he'd fit in.
  8. Baseball swings are like golf swings, but even harder. The feel changes all of the time. He has to work through this. I think he will, but he's clearly not done developing, we hope.
  9. I can only speak for myself. I avoid the home page because it opens a new tab to go to the message board. So, I'm just always in the message board. Similarly, in the summaries, I generally avoid going to a new page. Again, just speaking for myself. Not sure if others use the site similarly. Just thought that feedback might be useful to you. Also, I'd like to know how it helps. Not being facetious. If there are simple things I can do to increase your revenue beyond paying (which I still do, I think), I'd be happy to do so.
  10. After reading the article and this thread, I have a two thoughts. 1. Ideas like Drungo's are radical for MLB, but would give additional reason to root and compete in-season. That should be a win-win. 2. One idea I think would make sense is a combination of toying with the draft order based on finish and tying revenue sharing to spending. For the latter, imagine the Orioles would typically get $25 million/year in revenue sharing. In a new system, they'd only be guaranteed say $10 million and the other $15 million would only be paid out if they met some goal of resigning players or signing free agents. That goal would have to be designed. For example, it could be a $ threshold, like $40 million, at which they get $3 million, at $50 million they get another $3 million, and so on. That would be a way to support a salary floor without making it a hard floor. Basically the opposite of a soft cap. When pared with other incentives (e.g., changes to the draft or more innovative things like Drungo's saying), you might align incentives toward more winning and less tanking.
  11. Yeah, that's awesome. Good night for a few guys, actually. Weird night for Baumann. As an aside, I love the quick summaries, but kind of wish they were embedded in the opening post. I'm sure I'd view them more often if they weren't an extra click away. Just my 2 cents.
  12. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    I'm actually shocked at this thread. I figured if Sports Guy wanted to trade his place of living, it would be a 2 or 3 for one. Maybe trade his big house now for a ski chalet, a 10th floor Gulf Coast condo and a 18' Boston Whaler. That's the SG we all know and love. This one for one stuff is boring.
  13. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    But isn't this true with every single org possibly excepting the very richest or those who gain a now advantage in a playoff race? Even Witt Jr.'s aggressive promotions won't result in him up prior to the cutoff next season, I'd wager.
  14. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    I want Gray Rod to work with the AAA ball this season. I definitely don't want him waiting until next year for that.
  15. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    I don't think this is true for you specifically (maybe it is?), but I think that our terrible major league team might bias some opinions on player development. If we won like the Dodgers, I think we'd be more comfortable, and maybe comforted, by letting our guys really prove their abilities at every stage. By the time they forced their way into our lineup, we'd feel better knowing they're actually prepared. This all stinks to wait for during a rebuild, but I sure wish we had this approach with Gausman and Cabrera way back when.
  16. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    But we already knew that before he had a single AB. That's my only point. He's here essentially for orientation. These silly small sample size conclusions are meaningless.
  17. I am not an expert, but my recollection was that because of tax reasons, it's expensive to sell now and it'll be expensive to keep the team after he passes. Again, I'm not the expert by far on this. Just my recollection.
  18. Not to derail the thread about money in general, but I tend to agree with you that they have enough cash to operate. That said, between Covid, poor performance and a drastically different financial forecast for MASN, the Angelos' bottom line can't be anything near what they were hoping. My best guess is they're preparing to sell when PA passes away. If that's the case, we could be looking at very cheap ownership this offseason (at least) as well. We'll see I guess.
  19. LookinUp

    FCL happenings

    I don't know, likely because to know that would be meaningless. Don't get me wrong. I like it and it's fun, but the chances that we have Ted Williams on our hands are pretty small, and this little hot streak wouldn't indicate that one way or the other anyhow.
  20. Just more B.S. associated with Davis. Good on Elias for getting ownership to get rid of him. The 40 man roster spot and the cash flow are more important than continuing this ridiculous saga on any longer. I actually think this is a great day for Elias.
  21. So why did he "stop being a major league player" then? I may be oversimplifying things, but to me it's some combination of 1) he stopped doing steroids and/or 2) he stopped putting in the work. I agree that 1 is speculation, though seeing his transformation similar to that of Bonds and McGwire post retirement gives some reason to believe that. However, 2 isn't really speculation. He's turned into a prick who openly disliked any suggestions for improvement. He finally paid lip service to it this year, but I don't believe that was real at all. He wasn't the same guy who signed that contract almost immediately after he signed it. That's false pretenses, IMO. He gets no pass from me.
  22. I never said he shouldn't have taken the contract. I'm saying his actions before and after taking the contract were different, so I believe he took the contract under false pretenses.
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