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Posts posted by EddeeEddee

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sanfran327 said:

    I understand that, but the conversation was about HK pinch-hitting in the situation against the right handed picture.

    Oh gotcha.  Yeah, I probably would have pinch hit Kjerstad there and then used Urias in the field to end the game.  But maybe Urias was unavailable.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    im happy with the three runs...but Santander keeps coming up small...I wonder whats wrong with him...I know hes streaky but hes just not right...

    Santander has hit lefties really well this year, but doesn't look like he has ever hit Cortes well.

  3. Just now, Philip said:

    So, if Mullins is 1 for 19 against Cortes, why start him instead of someone else, like Heston?

    Is it really that bad to throw a LH hitter against a LH pitcher?

    Well Mullins is left handed too.  I thought they'd go with McKenna today, and go with Heston vs a righty in the bullpen or a starter later in the week.  I'm thinking they didn't like something they saw in Heston when he played last -- either at the plate or in the field.

  4. The way Santander is batting against right handers you have to think Kjerstad will get some chances soon. 

    I'm a big Santander fan, so I can understand Hyde's reluctance to sit him, but he's got to start hitting right handers better soon to justify starting him most of the time.  

    But also obviously O'Hearn is blocking Kjerstad, which is understandable the way O'Hearn is hitting.

    If they want to try Kjerstad against lefties one thing they could do is sit Mullins (who has not hit lefties well this year yet), move Cowser to CF and put Kjerstad in LF against lefties (at least until Hays gets back).  Or sit Cowser occasionally against lefties too and play Hays/McKenna in CF and Kjerstad in LF.  Thing is I doubt Kjerstad hits lefties better than Cowser, at least not yet.  But maybe he hits them better than Mullins and hits better period than Hays.  

    We just have to be patient and let these things play out.  I think Hays is the only position player to go down with injury so far this year, otherwise there would have been more opportunities.  

    Not moving O'Hearn I think is the big blocker, but if Santander keeps struggling against righties then Kjerstad has to get some chances soon.

  5. 1 minute ago, Roy Firestone said:

    I think either Mayo or Norby should be better than Urias at the plate...

    And I thought Jackson Holliday should have been on the team on opening day. 

    The fact that neither Mayo nor Norby has been promoted yet tells you something about their current fielding.  They'll get their chance.

  6. 1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

    You can disagree all you want, that's your right. At the end of the day EVERYONE knew the Orioles were short in the pen going into this season and that was before Perez went down.

    Hyde is no help to a bullpen either since he uses 5 or 6 relievers every game and was using his 36-year old closer like Sea bisket down the stretch!

    Reliever are volaitile, but the quality or arms were lacking. Look at that A's pen just dominate the Orioles hitters. One guy after another coming out there throwing gas. 

    Orioles running at Webb and Tate with their 92 mph fastballs and thinking Coulombe would repeat his miracle year was just not smart. 

    Elias has proven he can build a winner, but he hasn't proven he knows how to build a sustained winner or a team that can win in the postseason. No one looked at this bullpen and thought it was set up for success this year. No one.

    To clarify I agree with you about that the bullpen was a problem waiting to happen.  I did not like the offseason approach to the pen at all either.

    But I disagree that losing this game or Friday's game is Hyde's fault.  He's dealing with the pitching staff he has.  Kimbrel pitched well coming into the weekend.  Then suddenly he doesn't. 

    Compared to other teams, by innings pitched, the O's have not used relievers as much as most of the rest of the league.  Overuse doesn't feel like an issue here, though I'm not sure about specific pitchers. 

    Yeah I agree this pen was risky the way it was constructed, but I can't fault Hyde for Kimbrel melting down based on what we currently know.

  7. 1 minute ago, baltfan said:

    Starters are pitching well but part of that is Hyde goes to the bullpen early.  

    In terms of innings pitched, O's relievers have not been heavily used compared to other teams.  The O's are in the bottom third of the league. 

    But I agree with Tony the O's approach to relief pitching in the offseason was far too lax.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Oh well, this series loss is on Elias.

    He went to war with this blow pen. Hoards offensive prospects and then wonders why his team loses leafs like it's their job.

    Totally disagree.  If Kimbrel does his job no one is talking about Hyde or anyone else.  Now if the team suspected Kimbrel might be hurt, that changes things a bit, though I doubt that's the case.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    They were the better/more talented team all those years. Now we have the talent advantage.

    I wouldn't say we have the talent advantage pitching wise.  And their lineup is always dangerous.  It will be tough series.  But I do have to take issue with the idea that they put fear into everyone.  

  10. 1 minute ago, oriolediehard said:

    The Rays are not like the good Yankees, Yankees put fear in their opponents.  I want to be WRONG!!!!!

    They didn't put any fear into anyone last season.  No reason to fear the Yankees more than anyone else these days.

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  11. 28 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    why cant Hjerstad DH today?


    Hjerstad should get some chances soon.  Santander has hit better lately but overall has been more impressive against left handed pitching than right handed.  

  12. 1 hour ago, RZNJ said:

    Someone’s gotta go.   Ramirez is a definite.  There are Yohan Ramirez types on waivers each week.  That’s how we got him.

    Sure, I agree about Ramirez.  It's the juggling of the others that becomes more difficult if two or more of Bradish, Means, Perez and Wells struggle or get hurt again.  Not to mention Kimbrel who was terrible last time out.  

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