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Posts posted by EddeeEddee

  1. 1 minute ago, Dunk35 said:

    We need to know if he's tipping his pitches. He's been middle of the plate a lot but they have been on his stuff all night like they know what is coming. And their team is garbage. 

    Angels do not have a garbage lineup -- especially with Rendon out of it.  Doubt he's tipping pitches.  Why would he need to be if the ball is mid 90s down the middle of the plate?  

  2. 6 hours ago, Bemorewins said:

    I don’t see Wells coming back to the rotation. That was never the plan to begin with. Also, I’m not sure it’s a given that Means can make effective starts at the Bug League level right now. He’s been legit terrible against AAA hitters on a pretty consistent basis so far this season. Now Bradish on the other hand, if he can return, he will probably bump one of Suarez or Irvin to the pen (the one who is pitching the worse). 

    If Suarez keeps performing (I don’t think his current level is realistic to expect) but at a good level for a back end starter, he stays.

    I agree it feels like Wells will not go back to the rotation unless someone becomes ineffective or gets hurt.  This could be true for Means too, though there are many question marks right now with Means.

    The only way I think Bradish goes to the pen rather than the rotation is if he's on a strict innings limit.  I think that's unlikely but possible.

    By the way you got a couple of laugh emojis on your comment above.  I couldn't figure out why except you referred the majors as the "Bug League", which is actually is pretty funny.

  3. 34 minutes ago, eddie83 said:

    Have to sit someone who usually plays  vs RHP to play Kjerstad. Perhaps Adley will pretty much catch all games vs RHP. Still have to sit one of O’Hearn, Mountcastle, Mullins, Santander to play Kjerstad. 

    It just doesn't make sense to sit any of those guys the way they are currently playing, unless Mounty or someone else is banged up for awhile.  Even Santander is hitting pretty well now, and I doubt Kjerstad's defense is better than Santander's.  Maybe they'll give each of those guys an extra day off here and there to get Kjerstad's bat in the lineup.  

  4. 7 minutes ago, Satyr3206 said:

    Be funny if Mateo gets 3 or 4 hits tonight.

    Mateo is 2 for 9 against Detmers.  Not great, not bad, small sample size.  I think his start over Jackson Holliday can be justified.

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